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Logging in unconscious?

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Date/Time:Almost all day today

What happened:Every time I log on, I wake up unconscious and have to wait 5 minutes before I can move

Where you were:NW Airfield, Gorka, Wilderness

What you were doing:Nothing. At no point was I attacked by players/zombies. I just keep spawning in like this...

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the way i fixed this was updating or de-updating the beta patches. also killing your character does work so if you have a friend that can take your stuff this may help. however it is a rather annoying bug which occurs when you disconnect while in shock.

don't disconnect while in shock once you fix this otherwise it'll happen all over again until rocket can work out what is causing this bug.

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the way i fixed this was updating or de-updating the beta patches. also killing your character does work so if you have a friend that can take your stuff this may help. however it is a rather annoying bug which occurs when you disconnect while in shock.

don't disconnect while in shock once you fix this otherwise it'll happen all over again until rocket can work out what is causing this bug.

It doesn't just happen then. I've been perfectly fine. Newly spawned on the coast and had to went AFK. Logged to the player list. Came back 5 minutes later and thud, I was out for 5+ minutes.

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the way i fixed this was updating or de-updating the beta patches. also killing your character does work so if you have a friend that can take your stuff this may help. however it is a rather annoying bug which occurs when you disconnect while in shock.

don't disconnect while in shock once you fix this otherwise it'll happen all over again until rocket can work out what is causing this bug.

It doesn't just happen then. I've been perfectly fine. Newly spawned on the coast and had to went AFK. Logged to the player list. Came back 5 minutes later and thud' date=' I was out for 5+ minutes.


ah right my bad. but still trying waiting for a new beta update or deupating your current beta and joining a server it might fix it.

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Been happening to me all day today.

Started playing this morning after about 2 days of downtime. Spawned in right where I remembered, no issues.

Played a bit (about 20 minutes) then had to log for some RL stuff. Logged back in and I was in shock, had a broken leg, was bleeding...AND all my bandages were gone. I spawned out with about 5 bandages in my bag...all gone. Needless to say, I died.

A little peeved, but this is alpha. So /shrug.

Start over, grab some loot from a few spots, then start the long trek toward the NW airfield. Get most of the way there, then need a break. Logged off for a few hours. Log back in...about 5 seconds later...instant death. No gunshots, no players, no zombies. I was well hidden in a rather out-of-the way random spot.

Hope its fixed soon.

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Same issue. Chenogorsk. Logged off fine an hour or so before, hadnt been in a fight for at least 5-10 minutes before I logged.... so I was full health and all.

Log in now and every time i immediately pass out for 5 min.... VERY annoying. No one wants to stare at a screen for 5 minutes with no control.

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It happens to me anywhere i just spawn knocked out all the time it really pisses me off please fix it!

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the unconsciousness upon logging in the 'punishment' for aborting too many times in a short period of time, more than likely to avoid deaths and/or zombies?

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This happens to me too :( I had a shock, logged out and was unconscious. Then i wait and a friend gave me a bloodpack. After a while we went to stary sobor and i logged out. When i came back i was unconscious ! I didn't had a shock or something?

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Correct me if I'm wrong' date=' but isn't the unconsciousness upon logging in the 'punishment' for aborting too many times in a short period of time, more than likely to avoid deaths and/or zombies?


I go 3-4 hour sessions quite a bit before getting off for the night, then when I get on the next day I'll be on the ground unconscious. Luckily since I know this happens a hell of a lot, I only log out in dense woodland.

It is a glitch with the game, I've looked up every bit of data available on the forums or wiki's or elsewhere and I know that I am not doing anything to put my character in this state.

So unless this post turns up information that isn't anywhere I can access with 2-3 hours of searching, I doubt you'll be able to pull the reason why this is happening out of thin air

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Got this today, except it was far stranger.

My buddy in our camp thought I was a raider, and capped me in a panic (I didn't declare myself in TS as I was distracted). I got the You Are Dead screen, did the whole deal with getting abck in the game as when I usually die. No biggie, he could just take my gear, store it and pick me up or I could run. But I just logged in, same character, but KO'd. My dead body was lootable and all the old items were essentially duped.

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I haven't experienced this bug/glitch or maybe a Punishment for Logging out too many times in short period of time, who knows?

Anyway, usually I play alone but yesterday one of my IRL Friend just bhought the game and the first thing he found was a bike, he was riding around a bit till he fell to the ground, and got stucked, he logged out and logged back in again and was unconscious, why? :s

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I haven't experienced this bug/glitch or maybe a Punishment for Logging out too many times in short period of time' date=' who knows?

Anyway, usually I play alone but yesterday one of my IRL Friend just bhought the game and the first thing he found was a bike, he was riding around a bit till he fell to the ground, and got stucked, he logged out and logged back in again and was unconscious, why? :s


Most likely crashed the bike and got shock from it. When you log out with shock you get knocked out for 5 minutes on return.

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This happened to me today. I was in the top floor of a barn, and forgot to toggle walk, so I ran down the stairs to a catastrophic outcome. Broken legs, trembling, bleeding, and knocked out. Luckily, no zed heard me, though, so I waited to "wake up" and cured myself. Lost a morphine auto-injector, a bandage, a box of painkillers and was left at less than 8000 blood, just because of a clumsy move (both my character's and mine).

Then I noticed that the sound was off, like I was still KO (I think this always happens to me), so I logged out and in back again, in the same server. I was then left unconscious and it lasted... well, a lot of time. I guess it's 5 minutes like you guys said. The sound was ok when I got up, though, so I went out of the barn and into a house. I was still nervous, so I didn't see a zombie behind the house, so it heard me and went inside after me. I was about to shoot it in the head when it went all flash-and-hulk-lovechild on me, dashing 3 meters towards me and knocking me unconscious and making me bleed again. It did not kill me and when I woke up I killed it and had the same no sound issue, so I logged out and in again. Surprise: unconscious again for an eternity.

I haven't logged in again since my last logout, but after reading this thread I guess I'll be having this issue from now on, won't I?

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Got this today' date=' except it was far stranger.

My buddy in our camp thought I was a raider, and capped me in a panic (I didn't declare myself in TS as I was distracted). I got the You Are Dead screen, did the whole deal with getting abck in the game as when I usually die. No biggie, he could just take my gear, store it and pick me up or I could run. But I just logged in, same character, but KO'd. My dead body was lootable and all the old items were essentially duped.


Same thing happened to me twice today.

Killed twice, by other players. Have seen a message "%myusername% was killed", then I spawned my character as usual but instead of Male/Female menu I spawned in KO state with all my stuff.

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Can't beat this, I was in Electro and found the church barbwired. I try vaulting it and hit the wall and go into shock. I log out to enter the church via another server and I was unconscious and would be whenever I logged in just like everyone else here says.

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Most likely crashed the bike and got shock from it. When you log out with shock you get knocked out for 5 minutes on return.

Yea, I noticed that, thank you.

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happening to me too everytime i connect, on any server, i posted a bug thread.

Edited by waflebot

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