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This is why rocket is my hero

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I've been playing sandbox titles since ultima online, and if there is one thing that kills immersion in a sandbox, its a vocal minority of forum whiners. The devs get ideas from this vocal minority and decide to change a game mechanic, that ends up breaking immersion, and losing a very loyal fanbase.

Rocket responded to one whiner with,

"1. Get a fucking plan.

2. Stop assuming everyone wants to survive.

3. Stop assuming everyone wants to cooperate.

4. Find the people (offline if needed) that want to do these things.

5. Trust those people and nobody else.

6. Don't be part of the fucking problem (avoid' date=' rather than kill)."

This IS stupid. So do something about it. Posting "aw everyone kills everyone" on the forums is what people have been doing for ages. Has it worked? NO. So try something else. I see a few groups are doing different stuff, and they're keeping quiet about it. It's obvious from the database those people who are adjusting to the "anti-game" environment and those who aren't.

I don't have the resources or the inclination to balance the game, or develop some kind of punishment system. So that just ain't going to happen, even if it was within the scope of the project (and its not).


This is what ive been waiting 15 years for a game developer to say to these whiners. Do something about it, its a sandbox, your have the glorious freedom to solve your own problems.

Back in ultima online, when people were player killing noobs in the starter zones, you know what happened? Vets banded together, and camped those fuckers so long, that they eventually gave up and stopped going to the starter zones outside Britannia.

Same situation in dayz, if your being killed by bandits, quit being socially awkward , group up with some friends, and help each other stay alive. Maybe form a bandit killing squad. Ive convinced 4 friends to buy Arma 2 :CO for this mod alone, and they fell in love, and have NO complaints.

So quit trying to punish someones decision in a sandbox, quit trying to kill the immersion only a sandbox can provide. This game is not 'CoD', in CoD, the best story you can come up with is, "Hey me and this dude shot and killed each other at the same time lolol". Stories in days and other sandboxes, can be some of the most incredible things you will ever hear. Why? Because fucking anything can happen. And when you turn this game in to a linear PvE experience, the stories you can create are incredibly limited.

Rocket, you are my hero. From your posts, I can tell DayZ is in good hands.

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You completely summed up my feelings over the people complaining on the forums, I completely agree with everything in your post.

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Rocket has the advantage. We didn't pay a dime for DayZ, so he can do whatever he wants, say whatever he wants, be as politically incorrect as he wants.. Its his mod, we're blessed with the ability to play it.

95,000 players enjoy it, yet still there are 5,000 holdouts (for the record, they STILL play it as if we're forcing them at gunpoint,) who sign up on the forum, and bitch the whole time. They are unlikely to find a soft spot in Rocket's heart.

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Hey thats why Rocket is my hero too!

I remember the vets putting a stop to spawn camping in Ultima, man that was great.

For instance I taugh a ARMA virgin how to zero a rifle and then we went out and practiced on Zeds. Now we practice on Cherno and Elektro bandits.

Now theres 4 of us that people call on to provide cover. We dont expect Rocket to fix any of these bandit problems for us.

Thanks for laying it on the line Rocket.

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So, what's this thread about? Sucking up to rocket and making fun of people whose opinions you disagree with?

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I LOVE THIS POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Especially because you name dropped fucking Ultima.

Man UO was amazing.

What people did back then was hire more powerful players to escort them to where they wanted to go. It created a great system.

Also the wanted boards for known murderers? all of this made it so there was a whole new... immersion and....world of the game you could enter and play.

not this stupid ass guided... predetermined drive-thru WoW bullshit

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So' date=' what's this thread about? Sucking up to rocket and making fun of people whose opinions you disagree with?


Yeah its a 2 for 1 type of deal.

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Fuck. I remember hunting down murderers on the Bounty Boards. So much fun. Hiring a tracker... getting a group together.. ending up at some bad areas like Fire Isle.

Thing is, in UO.. most of the time you were only in danger if you were in KNOWN BAD AREAS. Much like real life... certain places are BAD AND YOU COULD DIE. It's the exact same in DayZ... some areas are more dangerous than others...

I loved being hired to wipe out PKers in UO.. and band together to stop them from hurting the noobs. At one point, I was a PKer myself just to get a feel of it... then I was a strict Pker of Pkers...

Rocket, don't cater to the whiners. They just can't cut it. I've personally banded with a group myself... and rarely run anywhere without at least 1 other person with me. You can play as a loner sure, but you MUST BE A TOTAL BAD ASS. And I feel like I'm damn good but not even close to that level yet. Anyone else... should have at least 1 buddy with them. And they MUST BE CAREFUL AS FUCK in Cherno or Electro.. or NW Airfield.

So' date=' what's this thread about? Sucking up to rocket and making fun of people whose opinions you disagree with?


No, it's nout about that.

I just HATE seeing games completely ruined and fucked over because of a group of whiners.

This happened to my beloved UO... Star Wars Galaxies... you get these little whiners who ruin everything.

Can something be done about the "CoD" players on here. Maybe? Maybe a system could be created that would help at least... make it more of a decision to be thought of rather than acted upon immediately.

Do I think it's a big deal that must be considered? No. Plenty of other things to work on in DayZ... it's not really necessary to implement something for this.

if there was an easy fix that didnt change the game much... sure.. do it. But if it's too difficult or changes DayZ from how it is now too much it's not worth it.

This game is amazing. Go play WoW.

Try to find groups offline. That's a big one. Find a good trustworthy friend to stick with. You can def be a loner and play this but you need to stay away from the shitty areas if you plan on doing that.. and only go into them at night... ..even then it's not worth it.

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Everyone is entitled to their opinion whether you like it or not. If people like to whine, let them whine, if people like to complain, let them complain, how is OP any better than forum whiners? I mean its certaintly your opinion that rocket is your hero is it not? this entire thread in itself is big pile of opnions (including mine as well).

Ugh!... I just hate when people just put down everyone elses opinion just because they didn't like it. Their opinion is just as valid as yours.

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+1 OP

+1 UO

[H]ow is OP any better than forum whiners?

Ugh!... I just hate when people just put down everyone elses opinion just because they didn't like it. Their opinion is just as valid as yours.

Because it is a substantiated argument which understands the premise of the mod(which is not opinion, it is a definable thing which Rocket has defined)

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So' date=' what's this thread about? Sucking up to rocket and making fun of people whose opinions you disagree with?


you're probably a carebear

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You are totally right sir.

We should put that rocket post on sticky (or just this thread).

That's what I've been saying since I discovered this forum: Don't let the game do something you could do.

All these years we developed a more and more "passive" attitude to gaming, where game mechanics helped the player all the time they could (quest log, auto aim, rollercoaster dungeons etc).

We are sick of it. I don't want to sit there and make the game play itself... I want to interact with it, test its limits.

Don't whine if you die for being a "lone wolf", the more we are the better chance of survival. Don't whine if you get betrayed. Don't whine if you can't find a group, just move your ass and ask around, you'll find someone either in-game or on forums. Don't whine if, when looting, someone else kills you because you're cleaning the whole house.

Got killed? Shit happens, it's DayZ. You don't like it? Go play this one: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=3619.

It is nice and more suitable to your taste.

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