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About TrajanP

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. on second reply.. i misread what you said when you said black ops. You officially have the right to shut the fuck up and fuck off. If you think Black Ops is a good game... go kill yourself.
  2. WOAH WOAH WOAH. stop right fuckin there. if UO pvp was BAD in your opinion.. then you don't have an opinion. UO pvp was amazing. You discredit everythign you said in this post by posting that. I'd love to hear what you think is "good pvp." and dont fuckin say WoW. Cause if so you're an idiot.
  3. You're a misinformed idiot. Stop trying to send people there TO DIE!!
  4. Do NOT listen to this man. HE is the one being the retard troll. He probably just wants to take comfort knowing another soul was lost to the ages in ...*shudders* THAT place. No one knows anything about green mountain......save that you SHOULD NOT GO THERE.
  5. TrajanP

    Modding DayZ

    holy fuck this MOD is still in fucking alpha. jumping ahead some????
  6. TrajanP

    Confused and Annoyed Newb

    I love how everyone has their own fucking solution that isn't correct to any of these problems. You just need to re-install.. or install Battle-eye. That's it. That should fix it.
  7. TrajanP

    I'm a shoot on site murderer. AMA.

    I've been shooting anyone I see that isn't my friend in TS and killing them for quite some time. In fact, I hunt players. So... I don't think you're a rarity. Why do I do it? Because it's alpha. Because it's not a real game yet and things change constantly and are always being fixed. Because that gun you have now you can lose to bugs/hackers/anything. That's why. Do I want to work with others in a survivor situation? Hell yeah it's far more fun. The game isn't ready yet or balanced enough to make it mean anything at this point though. So I get gear... and at this point I've had vehicles... any gear I can think of for the most part. and I simply just kill other players for fun. That's about it. Everyone else will do the same when you realize you've gotten what you need.. and the next step is... well.. hunting players for sport.
  8. TrajanP

    A hunt gone bad

  9. i wouldnt think u should get banned. this is alpha.. its a time to find bugs/experiment
  10. im curious.. its been a while since i've been on.haven't played recently if you get a zombie on you.. can you outrun them.. or will they still follow you til the end of time. how do you hide from them/get away? ill have to get on and see but i was wondering how it is with the updates. my friend played the other day.. got a zed on him.. ran out in the woods and the thing still followed him til the end of time. besides shooting them I mean.. obviously
  11. TrajanP

    Thank you Rocket!

    Stylin'? Profilin'? No offence but what the hell is that supposta mean? i think hes getting at the fact that you said "I'm going back to Stary." I could be wrong, but what popped into my head was I'm going back to Cali by Notorious BIG.. I read it as I'm going ...going... back...back to Stary... Stary.. I'm guessing that's what popped into his head.
  12. TrajanP

    Thirsty/Hungry logged out

    .....You're an idiot. I think you missed my point because you're a dipshit but I'll reiterate. I don't mind needing food in the game. I don't mind this at all. Logging back in the game in DIRE need to eat before I die though.. it's unnecessary. Needing to eat int he game to survive makes sense.. needing to eat while logged out.... makes no sense... considering I'm not playing the fucking game at the time. Does your little brain comprehend this?
  13. TrajanP

    My first experience of DayZ

    You want boring??? Go pay 60 fucking dollars for Diablo 3. That game is a goddamn travesty. At least DayZ was 15$ for Arma II and a free mod. Diablo 3 is a professional game from a top studio.. and it's god awful. I've gotten to act 2's end hoping it'd get better. Now all I want is my money back...
  14. I'm ALL into realism and immersion but the thing is... when I want to play I always have to think... Shit... did I log off with food/drink on me? Every time I log back on I have to be ready to be in a frenzy to collect food/drink immediately as I'm about to die. I dunno, but sometimes it's a turn-off that makes me not want to play unless I have a bud who is nearby to deliver me some water/food. Now if I am playing I also have to remember to log out with food/drink which isn't as much of a hassle really... it's just on the off-chance that I have to do that spree to find it right when I log on. Just recently.. somehow my two canteens were deleted and turned into Stanag rounds.. I dunno how that happened but I know I logged out with two canteens. Not a big deal... just when I log in dying of thirst... kinda sucks. Shouldn't be something that inhibits people from playing the game