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Sir Diealot

Should people stop complaining?


60 members have voted

  1. 1. Should people stop crying, raging, complaining and ranting about bugs, issues, hackers, duping, snipers and whatthefucknot?

    • Yes. And instead, make rational bug/issue-reports to the correct thread and/or stop 'playing'.
    • No. Let them all just fill the forums with 'I'm an impatient douche'-reports.
    • Umm. Zero fucks given.
    • Pff. What a dumbass poll..

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Agrees with nicebasi.

Rocket has said multiple times that both sides are needed.

While I'm not a fan of completely useless complaining for complaining's sake, I think constructive "complaining" feedback on "why" a person isn't pleased with an issue is great for the game.

Edited by kentk94

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Yes and learn to use the friggin search tool!

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Voted both 1) and 4)....without realising, you are part of the problem, op...

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Voted both 1) and 4)....without realising, you are part of the problem, op...

Admittedly, I could be. I currently fail too see how and what you mean by that. Care to explain?

Also, I did intend this as a semi-humorous thing not to be taken TOO seriously. In the end this is just another really useless poll. :D

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Yes and learn to use the friggin search tool!

Thinking they ever will or read the read before you post thread, oh you.

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Some complaints are good. Lots of complaints helps tell the dev team that the issue is probably high priority.

But those who complain about "OMG I got shot and killed while in the middle of the street in Electro just because I was running around with a road flare stuck up my ass! So unfair!"

Those complainers should just be shot again, for good meassure.

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Admittedly, I could be. I currently fail too see how and what you mean by that. Care to explain?

Also, I did intend this as a semi-humorous thing not to be taken TOO seriously. In the end this is just another really useless poll. :D

Ofc I care, otherwise I would fall in line as well, wouldn't I? :D

As you may or may not know, the best course of action against the omnipresence of retards is to ignore the constant noise of their qq/rage/flamebaiting/trolling, instead of feeding it.

Postsl ike yours are kinda like a mirror image of these, but tend to result in the same - ragefilled, useless forum clatter. Unfortunately it's not like that we're gonna change anything about these people's behavior by calling it out. It rather gets fueled.

I am posting this fully knowing, I am breaking the very principle I am preaching at the same time...xD

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I seriusly just hate how people just keep telling people to stop complaining about hackers and instead report. Yes true, it is good to report hackers.

But when you realize you have wasted several hours of your life just because of the hacker. The last thing you wanna do is waste even more time trying to report the fucker.

Its even far from sure the guy would get caught, not to mention many times i don't even know what server im playing on and then can't report it.

Either way THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL just reporting hackers will be enough to stop the mass hacking infestation.

Just hope a solution arrives so i can start playing again.

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Yo dawg, I wish to register a complaint about those complaining about all the complainers complaining.

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Ofc I care, otherwise I would fall in line as well, wouldn't I? :D

As you may or may not know, the best course of action against the omnipresence of retards is to ignore the constant noise of their qq/rage/flamebaiting/trolling, instead of feeding it.

Postsl ike yours are kinda like a mirror image of these, but tend to result in the same - ragefilled, useless forum clatter. Unfortunately it's not like that we're gonna change anything about these people's behavior by calling it out. It rather gets fueled.

I am posting this fully knowing, I am breaking the very principle I am preaching at the same time...xD

Yes, it's a vicious cycle to say the least. :)

And while I fully understand and basically agree with what you're saying, I think sometimes you gotta call this behaviour out, so that maybe, just maybe it will alter someones -even if it's just one person- attitude/thinking.

In doing so, you will most likely breed half-a-dozen more turds and 'tards, but hey, hopefully at least that one person has 'grown' a little. :D

I seriusly just hate how people just keep telling people to stop complaining about hackers and instead report. Yes true, it is good to report hackers.

But when you realize you have wasted several hours of your life just because of the hacker. The last thing you wanna do is waste even more time trying to report the fucker.

Its even far from sure the guy would get caught, not to mention many times i don't even know what server im playing on and then can't report it.

Either way THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL just reporting hackers will be enough to stop the mass hacking infestation.

Just hope a solution arrives so i can start playing again.

Yes, I have been killed a few times by these script kiddies too, and usually just after I've gathered the 'necessaries' to survive alone in the world. Sure it pissed me off big time, I ragequit, went for a smoke. But would I call that time 'wasted', no, because I had a helluva fun time until that point. And as to what to do about it and basically about anything thats bugging you;

In my view there's only 3 things:

1. Deal with it. Continue playing and have all the fun that you can.

2. Don't deal with it and stop playing, until the situation is better.

3. Do something about it. This is the reporting-part. It is the only thing we -as 'players', playtesters- can do about it, to provide reports with solid evidence to get these 'fuckers', as you so eloquently put it, banned.

Note that I dont mention 'Complain about it in the forums' as an option. This is because in doing so, not only do you clutter up the ever-so-clean-and-organized forums (/sarcasm) you will only have validated the 'hackers' effort to fuck your day up.



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