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An Apology

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A day or so ago I befriended a survivor who saved me, patched me up (blood transfusion) and gave me advice and tips on how to play.

He then recommended that we head off to another part of town to find a weapon. When he turned his back I hacked into him with

an axe, killing him. His last words were "Dude what the fu*k". I then proceeded to take his weapons and gear.

I just wanted to say sorry, the 'game' guilt is killing me. So if this was you please lets meet up and you can have all your gear back.

I have two excuses: one, my previous life I was lead into a cruel trap by a group of 2-3 players and two, the videos on youtube have not painted a good picture of players in this game. But I think I was wrong on this occasion

Is this game an accurate picture of human behaviour during a zombie apocalypse? How people would act? I'm I reading to much into it? God knows but it's a 'kin sweet game :)



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You will go in jail for this. You are a horrible person.

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Keep it coming, i deserve it. Wish i could take it back. I will now dedicate the rest of my playing days to helping others.

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Keep it coming, i deserve it. Wish i could take it back. I will now dedicate the rest of my playing days to helping others.

:beans: from me...

I was scavenging around a barn, and this dude comes in with a crowbar, just as I was running out, sweet time to unload some stuff and help him out.

So he comes running towards me and starts swinging his crowbar....lol I take off and he follows with about 4 or zombies, I kill them all still sparing this dudes life.

He come back at me swinging I run up the hill a little he stops, turns around and heads back down the hill. Pop goes my Lee Enfield right in the back of his head. J.R was his nameo :P

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Is it ok that I think its funny that you killed somebody who was relatively geared-up with just a hatchet before they could even turn around? Cause it kinda is.

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Survival is so trivial in this mod that, unfortunately, player vs player is the only thing to provide a challenge. It gets easier the more of them you kill. Remember, everyone you kill is liable to murder someone in the future. Just because the method you chose was underhanded and dirty doesn't mean that you didn't ultimately save someone else's life. If you don't murder the innocent players, you allow them to become monsters. If someone had murdered you before this whole debacle they might have gotten a murder, but you wouldn't have killed this seemingly helpful guy.

Plus, players make for some of the best loot piles in the game :D

Edited by Obsolescence

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Surely this just perpetuates the pvp problem, every guy who gets killed in cold blood is more likely to then think @#&£ it and kill the next person he sees.?

Edited by DazTroyer

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I go around with a bag full of meds helping out anyone in need. Now that the bandit skin is back, it makes my job so much easier. I'm careful enough to not get killed, but if I do, all I need is a trip to the hospital and I'm set again.

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Someone did that to me.

I spawned not far from them, found an ak74 and ran back. Down direct comms I called him some nasty words.

He came running at me with an axe. It didn't end well for him that time....

Or the countless times he came back pleading for mercy and my help after that.

I have one thing to say to you. You ever, EVER fuck me about, I will DESTROY YOU AND YOUR BEANS!!!!!!!

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Someone did that to me.

I spawned not far from them, found an ak74 and ran back. Down direct comms I called him some nasty words.

He came running at me with an axe. It didn't end well for him that time....

Or the countless times he came back pleading for mercy and my help after that.

I have one thing to say to you. You ever, EVER fuck me about, I will DESTROY YOU AND YOUR BEANS!!!!!!!

You helped some guy who killed you, and then you killed him back, and then he can back pleading for your help countless times? Did he just keep spawning in the same spot each time while you never moved elsewhere? I mean, it seems somewhat far fetched to imagine he sought you out amongst the whole island of Chenarus just to be killed countless times. But whoa, who am I to argue with such a tough guy. Love your sig, by the way. Hilarious.

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This is going to hurt me more than it hurts you.

*Raises axe*

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This is going to hurt me more than it hurts you.

*Raises axe*

Victory is yours sir.

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You helped some guy who killed you, and then you killed him back, and then he can back pleading for your help countless times? Did he just keep spawning in the same spot each time while you never moved elsewhere? I mean, it seems somewhat far fetched to imagine he sought you out amongst the whole island of Chenarus just to be killed countless times. But whoa, who am I to argue with such a tough guy. Love your sig, by the way. Hilarious.

Oh no, I waited lol!

I just wanted to point out that if someone kills me that I was trying to help, I'll be mightily pissed off! Once someone messes you about once, you can't trust them!

Yeah, I'm no hardman, I just wanted to wind him up as he had me :P

Thanks, I saw someones sig saying about how scary green mountain was, so I nicked it and changed it :P

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This is going to hurt me more than it hurts you.

*Raises axe*

Shit! He got me back :(

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OP, i think it's a good sign if you feel guilt. people who kill others who help them and think it's funny are scum, but someone who regrets stuff like this is most likely a good person, the type i'd stick with. that is the kind of thing a good person does.

maybe this community has some hope, after all.

but don't worry about this too much. this stuff happens, people panic and often do things they regret later.

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Bit harsh lol but in the end it survival of the fittest...he was at fault for letting you walk behind him... I always make people with weapons walk in front, and only with voice coms....and make them aim weapon down, if they raise it while looking at me I blow there head off...

You was in need of stuff, you saw your chance and took it...not very pretty but that's DayZ for you...and you will do it in the future :)


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If you want to redeem yourself, spend the night at Green Mountain..

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Have some beans. If you mean what you say, that makes you a normal guy who doesn't always do what he knows he should but it's also brave - and unusual - to be so honest.

If you express regret for what you did, while people will still be cautious, the least we can do is recognise what you've done, mate. :thumbsup: + :beans:

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Kudos to you for having a conscience. I thought endgame was sitting on sniper hill between Cherno and Elektro, murdering folks. Turns out endgame is playing hide and seek with vehicles in the wilderness. I have given up murdering and regained my humanity. Currently trying to become proficient with the crossbow. Please Rocket, can you put a reflex sight on it?!

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Reminds me of someone in my game a few nights back... met up with him in the store in Cherno, I was flat on my belly and looting a pile with canned goods in it, armed only with an axe but I had a decent pack since the store had some Czeck packs in it. He was wearing a ghillie suit and had an assault rifle. "Gum, are you friendly?" he asked and I replied I was.

He followed me for a little bit (I never got up out of prone, fully expecting to get a shot in the back any minute) but to my surprise he said, "Look in your bag and don't you dare use it on me!" He'd given me an assault rifle (I don't know which kind.)

I thanked him but didn't equip it... didn't want him to think I was going to shoot him, you know? And I kept on my search of the store.

Then he says, "Come with me and help me kill these guys." I soon found out by "guys" he meant players, not zombies.

"Oh I don't PvP," I told him. "Thank you anyway, but it's not my style." and I dropped the gun he gave me so he could have it back, saluted him, and turned to go back into the store.

He shot me. :(

Edited by cindyanne1

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And to answer your question about is this how people would act in a similar real-life situation... I was thinking about that the other day and I think it is.

See, eventually... with time, people would start to come together. We'd stop being so paranoid and thinking about the survival of number one. We'd realize that to build a society back we'd have to join up, help each other, etc.

We're just... not there yet in this game. It would come later. But right now, in game, it's still too soon for most people to be thinking about rebuilding a society and I think a lot of people would be out just for number one at this point.

I think it's good you're feeling apologetic. :)

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Is this game an accurate picture of human behaviour during a zombie apocalypse?


i don't think in a real apocalypse everyone will instant turn into selfish, mental serialkillers.

people will first attempt to rebuild civilisation, we are way to used to this concept.

but if that fails and things get out of hand, things are eventually bound to end up pretty much like how it is in dayz.

now its funny to see that we will now attempt to rebuild civilisation in dayz, while we are midst within this stage,

kind of a reversed apocalypse. mind boggling :S

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