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First Kill ... and Murder (and I'm not happy about it)

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I just got my first player kill, and murder.

I didn't want to kill the guy. Dammit there were only 2 of us on the server at this point. I never even thought I'd see another player. I decided to check out the Balota Airfield's control tower on my way out of the area, hoping to find some ammo for my AK mainly. I hear zombies aggro and turn to see a player walk in the door a few meters behind me. He had no weapons. I figured that I'd be nice and let him have anything he found in the airfield, so I just left.

I turn around and scan behind with my binocs at the eastern tree line hoping to see absolutely nothing. There he is halfway through the clearing following me. I play alone, for now. I might play with friends later, but for now I'm alone. I just run away figuring he'll tire out or get the point, but no. I fired a warning shot over his head. He still follows. I shoot him in the gut to make my point. He just stops and bleeds. I even go as far as being nice enough to bandage him before I run away. In retrospect, I should have left him there to bandage himself or bleed out. He followed. I fire more shots in warning. He follows, then drops prone beside me and plays the 80's song "Somebody's Watching Me" in direct coms. I just run off be he keeps taunting, so I fire another couple shots, and he doesn't stop. I fire one more and ... OOPS. Headshot. +1 Murder. Humanity dropped to the 840's. Yay. I can't say that I really feel bad. Other than the fact that I had a brain fart and didn't say anything in chat (text I mean), I did give warnings and did what I thought would make it clear that I didn't want anyone following me or bringing unwanted attention to me. I'm pretty sure that the first shot would've been enough to warn me off. I guess the guy had no gear, so he had nothing to lose.

Oh well.

*edit: added a line that I meant to type but got sidetracked by TV.

Edited by GiggityGump
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The only murders I ever get are on my own group. Why do the best shots always have to be on your own team mates? lol

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Thats a long story dude... mine would have ended just after "turn to see a player walk in door"

Certainly wouldnt be feelin sorry for this cat.

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As soon as you mentioned 80's music ..farrrrk, thats worse than the Jason dude.. Broken legs were needed once that shit starts. Good job on the headshot though..

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Eh, the guy didn't even have a hatchet, so I left him alone at first. I won't next time. Annoying little shits. I'll keep broken legs in mind from now on. ;)

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WHAT!? I Would have loved that guy following me around blasting that song, it's an experience, gotta have fun man. Guys I run into shoot at me INSTANTLY doesn't matter if they even have just an axe they'l chase me until I pop them in the leg and watch them crawl. I've only got 2 murders in this game, ever. I must be lucky, probably something like 12+ bandit kills total, all through I mean.

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I actually stopped once and thought about giving the guy a gun just to give him a hand, but as soon as I stopped he opened my bag without saying anything. That's when I gave the first warning. Shortly after, he was dead.

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