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DayZ people... do you play ARMA?

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I've noticed that DayZ has gotten very mainstream lately, so I'm wondering, do you guys play ARMA as well? Which one do you play more often?

I personally find ARMA funner because once you get to a certain point where you are loaded with stuff, the only thing people have left to do is player kill, which I find in ARMA is a lot more satisfying.

Are you guys going to get ARMA 3 as well as DayZ, since it's a standalone now?

Personal thought:

I also find a lot of people hating on WarZ. I would really recommend watching SideStrafe's video "Head for the hills", because like he said, having competition means an overall better experience for the players, so please, open minds.

Edited by ruhtraeel

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If ArmA 2 had a more diverse multiplayer I'd play it more, but DOM agaisnt easy AI gets boring quick, especially with public players. Some TDM or A&D games would be fun. Rarely, if ever, do I find them. I do play ArmA 2 with the Walking Militia guys though. We sometimes play TDM for practice, it's fun.

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Hi Lee Arthur =)

Yep mucked about with some of the other mods ARMA2 has to offer and they are fun as well, the Alien one is lots of fun. Good to get on and not worry about dying :).

Not sure on ARMA3, though it does look nice it will depend on the modding community again.

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i tried but it wont let me play on any of the servers. not sure why

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I do missions in ACE from time to time, often something involving me destroying stuff with the Ka52 or the Mini Bird.

I would like to try out ACE more seriously though but it feels as if it's a bit harder to get a group in that.

In DayZ i just need one friend, rather than a full squad of friends. And i only have like 3 friends that own a copy of Arma.

I will pick up Arma 3 as well when it's relased, just so i can continue to destroy stuff with my beloved helicopters.

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I play a bit, good game but my first experience was in Operation arrowhead.. first mission my team kept jumping out of the helicopter as it left, killing my whole team (as they smashed into the ground) and ending the mission. Once I got it working I really liked it though.

Side note: I played dayz for a bit before I went and started playing arma. Instant reaction to my team dropping from the sky and killing themselves was to loot the bodies for supplies. LoL

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It makes me happy that people haven't forgotten about the origins. I mean, to each their own preference, but still, it's nice that people don't immediately jump on the bandwagon, although I am sure they are out there...

Yeah... I hope in ARMA 3 they can have good multiplayer, but it will IMO be up to the community to make/mod the simpler drop-in-and-play type gamemodes of a smaller portion of the map for elimination, TDM, CTF, etc.

Also very glad that it looks like most of you will be picking up ARMA 3 as well

Edited by ruhtraeel

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Yes I play loads of Arma2,Dayz was soo much better when it was only Arma vets playing

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I've noticed that DayZ has gotten very mainstream lately, so I'm wondering, do you guys play ARMA as well? Which one do you play more often?

I personally find ARMA funner because once you get to a certain point where you are loaded with stuff, the only thing people have left to do is player kill, which I find in ARMA is a lot more satisfying.

Are you guys going to get ARMA 3 as well as DayZ, since it's a standalone now?

Personal thought:

I also find a lot of people hating on WarZ. I would really recommend watching SideStrafe's video "Head for the hills", because like he said, having competition means an overall better experience for the players, so please, open minds.

Sure I play other ArmA II mods, but I prefer vanilla Combined Ops. I'm looking forward to trying out the new DLC, Army of the Czech Republic. That should be pretty interesting :)

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Back in old times,I've played Operation Flashpoint.

Next two Armas kinda went by me, bought Arma 2 CO + DLC's for DayZ.

After playing DayZ a lot a decided to give Arma 2 MP a go. Downloaded ACE + ACRE and I love it (Domination and Insurgency).

It's not so good on public servers since people there seldom cooperate, but on some clan servers,that are open for public, it can be really fun (hello to Wrecking Crew lads).

So yea, I've played Arma 2 and I will most likely buy Arma 3 as well, this time right after release.

Btw I've talked 5 other people into buying Arma X, some for DayZ, some for playing Arma2 campaing in coop.

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I've had and played ArmA 1 & 2, but most DayZ players don't have much ArmA experience. That explains why there are so many nooks and also why you can rarely find or see helicopters, most inexperienced aircraft pilots crash them.

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I finished Operation Flashpoint and the expansion and the other one where the enemy was the Chinese.

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I play arma 2 and OA. mostly I have fun making missions in the editor. I am always hunting for a community to play MP with. Maybe I should get ACE and ACRE. I just downloaded lingor Island and I might download/play DayZ Lingor.

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Arma 2 hipster here. I had Arma 2 before it was cool. I only heard of dayz because the multiplayer list was getting spammed with them over and over. There are tons of mods I have downloaded over the years and the map editor is very nice (once you figure it out).

I did enjoy showing off my chopper skills since I understood the controls before DayZ.

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Arma 2 hipster here. I had Arma 2 before it was cool. I only heard of dayz because the multiplayer list was getting spammed with them over and over. There are tons of mods I have downloaded over the years and the map editor is very nice (once you figure it out).

I did enjoy showing off my chopper skills since I understood the controls before DayZ.


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Have played Arma2 since the day it was released, and i will never stop... (maybe when Arma3 is out, assuming it lives up to 2 )

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Arma 2 hipster here. I had Arma 2 before it was cool. I only heard of dayz because the multiplayer list was getting spammed with them over and over. There are tons of mods I have downloaded over the years and the map editor is very nice (once you figure it out).

I did enjoy showing off my chopper skills since I understood the controls before DayZ.

Same* I used to have ArmA: Armed Assault (ArmA 1) and I had a bunch of mods on there, my favorite ones were the Alien invasion mod, and 28 Days later mod.

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I have as well, ArmA 2 was my favorite video game before DayZ was even out. But now I won't lie and I play DayZ more cause it's slightly more addicting. I will never forget the origins however.

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I play armory with my buddies quite often, it's fun to fly around in jets trying to dogfight and such; the operations are also alot of fun. Not a fan of the campaign, freaking AI team always gets lost and needs co-ords or somehow falls off a cliff. Havn't looked at the multiplayer stuff yet because everytime i do i'm tempted by DayZ.

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Mainly I'm trying out the armory because the AI in the campains just sucks. AI in Pacman is better.

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I played Arma 2 long before Day Z was even around, used to play around with the mission editor and make missions or download mods and play the campaign, lots of fun was had.

I wish people would try it and give it a go for what it is, a military simulator, not go OH THIS IS SHIT, THIS ISN'T AN AAA MODERN SHOOTER.

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I got amra 2 for dayz but have certainly been playing arma 2. Playing arma 2 taught a lot about maps, tactics and helped me perfect my fighting with various weapons.

in dayz you hardly ever fight players, once every so often and it is over very quickly. arma 2 gives you plenty of fighting.

i dont like PvE so much, arma 2 AI is ok, but I prefer Project Reality, PvP.

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