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Becoming a zombie/dying

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getting hit by a zombie give's you a chance to become a zombie/dying

10-25% chance to get the infection?

After you get It there Is a set time like 30 min - 1 hour till you become a zombie

Then there will be antidote/Injections off multiple type's like

1. Stall time antidote/Zombrex : This will widen the time from when you get the infection by like 1-2 more hours

2. Full heal antidote: This will heal you Fully no more infection/becoming a zombie

3.trade off antidote: This will hide the Infection by putting another one In It's place and if this infection get's healed the zombie Infection will be back

Also the chance off finding these antidotes are..

1. 30%

2. 5-15% maybe lower?

3. 35%

Edit: When you become a zombie you Instantly Die You won't become a Zombie you just die Instantly "Makes shooting a gun/seeing/fighting zombies that much more terrifying In hope you don't get infected"

PS: If this was talked before sorry and If this IS!! going to be In the game need to know?

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I'd be ok with it.

Could even try to sneak up on other players and attack them.

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Way I see It people would rather die quickly as a zombie so they can be human again?

With how big the map Is This Idea could be a string being stretched to the point where people will break... In the mind/rage.

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Don't forget the game Is In alpha And rockets famed words are anti game/experiment = could happen In future >.>

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While arma II engine doesn't even support Hand to Hand combat? It seems unlikely to me I will ever see this feature even taken into consideration.

Also: Ok you became a zombie... Where's the survival? Don't even try to tell me you have to "survive playing a zombie" because that's just mirror climbing.

What are you gonna scavenge? Meat? (again, no mirror climbing).

Last but not the least: I haven't used the search engine but I'm PRETTY sure there are tons of thread like this.

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How about if you get infected by a zombie, you carry around the virus with some penalty to your blood. If you die by any means while infected, you reanimate.

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I added that If you become a zombie you die after the time ticks to zero No hand to hand crap or just scurrying around In hopes you can die when the time reaches zero that's that >.>

Makes zombie's that much harder to be close to and will make people say we need less zombies not more... maybe?:angel:

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you should be severely gimped, your character should be basically 50% player control and 50% running at sounds/lights/players

so a glorified spectator mode.. if you 'respawn' a zombie copy should spawn in place of the character npc, with all the shit you had on you, still alive but ai

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Zombies aren't dead, aren't dead come back to life either and survivors are immune to the infection.

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so the whole off the country has immunity!?

Pffff hahahaha "clears eye's"

That was funny...

Also "aren't dead come back to life either" <<< This what Is this supposed to say?

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Unless I see a back story by rocket himself saying all the country has immunity to the zombie infection my foot will be firmly placed On the right side of my desk drinking my coffee and yelling at the kids... OUTSIDE OFF MY WINDOW!! :@

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I like the idea but zombies in their current state would make the system a little bit too hard atm. It's extremely hard to not attract any zombies whatsoever but it is possible. I do think it would stave off new players who are still learning. The system would have to be well thought out but it might happen.

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I'm not delusional that It's a mechanic that can be done right away...

but I am at-least hopeful It has a chance of not being on life support ~.~

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"delusional" in case you honestly dont know the word.. assuming thats what you meant?

i like the idea, its not new - alot of people would like to play this

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My new Idea though Is that instead of turning into a zombie after the timer hits 0...

you just die... >.> simple right

At-least with this Idea the people who say that arma 2 engine can't do melee attacks can be calm... also turning Into a zombie on this huge a map would be boring as hell.


I know the word... Just not how to spell apparently >.>

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how about when you turn to zombie, it just counts as death, you dont actually play as a zombie. but the infection is there.

I think infection is imporatnt and must make its way to DayZ, infection is a major part of zombie lore.

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how about when you turn to zombie' date=' it just counts as death, you dont actually play as a zombie. but the infection is there.

I think infection is imporatnt and must make its way to DayZ, infection is a major part of zombie lore.


... Please read more of the first post please/thank you


It's also Important as a whole seeing as rocket has made a infection system of sorts "Weather/rain/cold" >.>

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I had a similar idea yesterday and adding the possibility if infection made me think it may make decisions a lot harder.

Should I shoot first and ask later risking an infection?


Should I try to team up with this person and avoid death by infection?

I know rocket may have said survivors are immune but the mod is in Alpha, if every game stayed the same all the way from Alpha to release there would be no point in testing and experimenting with mechanics.

If anything I think this idea is worth a try.

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I think it's great but if you get actually knockedout by zombies.

I Mean you must be unconscious while Z's chewing on you. That's a sure way of getting infection.

Bumping into one or getting slapped by one probably not enough.

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i would suggest a system simulating the viruses adaptation with chances of contracting it increasing with every day your character lives... but considering the average life span is hovering around 27 minutes, it would probably never make a difference - assuming this idea was picked up

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I would rather have the chance's Increase with how bad you're character Is...

Like how the weather Is, Is It raining are you soaking wet?

Did you jump In a pool of water !?

Weak character = higher chance to be infected

Also could work with panic...

The higher panic you have the more weak minded you will be = a weak body >.>

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