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Dead bodies: Anyone else?

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Yesterday I was killed in a firefight while my friends and myself were around Balota. I respawned at Cherno and quickly made my way back. They dispatched the bandits and I ran up to my body to get my gear back, although many of the tools were missing and my primary was different. I dismissed it as maybe a survivor found it, but I'm sure my teammates would have noticed someone looting bodies.

Then again today, I was sniped while in the North Fire House in Elektro along with a teammate. We had an overwatch stand by and make sure no one entered the building. My ally got back to the building and noticed my body was missing the primary, secondary, and many tools. I brushed it off as maybe a survivor snuck in and looted my body once again.

Is it a survivor looting bodies, my allys close their eyes too often, or is it something buggy with dead bodies going on?

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Or a server hopper hopped into the building your buddies were overwatching

That's a possibility. Although both times I got back to my body within 5-10 minutes.

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Maybe your friends did a sneaky swap?

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Maybe your friends did a sneaky swap?

If they were random people I could see where that is possible. Although it is real life friends I play with daily and neither of them have the guns I lost or already have them. Tools as well.

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