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Rocket, Please don't. (Dayz on Console).

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Hear a lot of QQ in this thread. I would like to see more games made for both and cross play between platforms. Not everyone can afford a pc to play games on, most people own a tv and can drop 200$ on a console to play on but then are left unable to play a lot of good games. Just hope in the future microsoft adds keyboard and mouse capabilities to the xbox.

You're an idiot.

Why can't people understand if something's made to be 'cross platform' the PC side suffers.

What makes this game great will surely be sucked out with a crappy console version, then the WHOLE game will fail, so bye bye both versions.

PC game makers need to stop being seduced by this quick fix model and make something truely great, then they'll really make money.

I hope you are taking note Rocket.. Having fanboys might seem nice, but piss them on and they will turn on you in a heartbeat. It's like your news bit them and now they are all infected and coming after you :)

I fear rocket won't listen to us.

People will be out in a micro second if this goes to consoles.

Yeah, think you'll get those 15 year olds with their pocket money to pay for a hard game like this?

Nah son.

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Rocket have been falling lower and lower on my list of awesome people. With terrible ideas such as this one, he is on the edge of being striked off the list.

He got a brilliant idea, then he expended on it clumsily. After that he expressed the interrest in shit ideas such as underground settlements and dogs, the fuck? Its almost if he was missing the point of his own game, which is about survival and human interaction.

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Well for one, the idea of having 100 - 200 people per server on a console game is laughable.

32 person servers here we come.

Stupid idea.

Unless he waited for the next gen of console.

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I used to have a Nintendo 8-bit, that broke. I had a PlayStation(1) once, that and its about 8 controllers got fucked up. Then I got some money and took a PC in the knee.

Never looked back. PC still in my knee.

(a bit off-topic, but deal with it)



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Rocket have been falling lower and lower on my list of awesome people. With terrible ideas such as this one, he is on the edge of being striked off the list.

He got a brilliant idea, then he expended on it clumsily. After that he expressed the interrest in shit ideas such as underground settlements and dogs, the fuck? Its almost if he was missing the point of his own game, which is about survival and human interaction.

this was off topic. but i have to say that underground structures like tunnels and bunkers are directly linked to survivalism, see bunkers for example. many preppers already have bunkers, in RL. reason is that they are out of sight, thus the hoardes cant find them :) also dogs are very important for defence when you sleep and can be helpful with hunting, so again survival related entirely.

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Look at what happened to minecraft. Millions of new players.

I love DayZ on the PC, but money keeps the ball rolling.

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let's go down the list:

•Wrong, Xbox 360 and PS3 are on DX9. Yes, PC is on DX11, but that's not the point here.

It is relevant as DX11 allows for higher quality graphics not currently possible on a console.

•Wrong, BF3's framerate is 30fps with vertical sync for both consoles, and can be put in 720p if you have an HDTV.

BF3 on console is no comparison to BF3 on pc, more players in multiplayer, why do you think there are less ? (because consoles cannot handle that amount of information)

•I wasn't saying COD is worth discussing. Ignore COD for now.

we shall.

•Wrong, as not all game trailers are filmed on the pc. How would they film console exclusives?

The games for console are developed on PC, they are able to run the games on the PC using the "in house" engine to do so.

•Wrong, PS3 is 6 years old, and both PS3 and Xbox 360 can run every game made nowadays. Proof that they are not outdated. Outdated wold mean that they cannot run it at all. And 100% + stronger doesn't make sense.

The only reason they can run these new games is because the game graphic quality has been lowered to meet their specs, how stupid would it be to release a game for console that requires more power than the consoles have ?

•Wrong, both Crysis 1 and 2 run well on Xbox and PS3, as will Crysis 3.

Again because they have been altered to do so.

•Wrong, toning down some features (which they aren't going to do) when putting DayZ on console has nothing to do with the PC version of DayZ. Useless point you have.

They would have to tone it down, it is not possible to run a game of this size / requirements on a console. Get a clue please. And what is has to do with the PC version is as many have said, devs do not want to work on two games when they can just work on one and port it across. This leaves the PC version somewhat hobbled.

•Wrong, whether they have to build it from the ground up or not is not a matter of fact, it is rocket's decision, not yours.

I think you'll find it's BIS that will make those decisions. If your boss gives you a "project" and has different ideas on it's direction, who wins ?

•Wrong, if DayZ doesn't expand, it will die. PC-only games die out quickly, unless they have a console port. The War Z will suffer a similar fate, because that will be a PC-only game. Name a PC-only game other than an MMORPG that is still popular today. DayZ is not an MMORPG, so do not even try to say that it is.

•Wrong, 2 years =/= <1 year

Yes we can see how quickly good PC games die out, like Counter Strike (till just recently it still had more players daily than any other game). Counter Strike Source, again, still one of the most popular in the world. Total War is still going strong, Age of empires III, Supreme commander 2, the list goes on. And excluding MMO's is silly because they are hugely popular like WoW, DDO, EVE, ect, why should they not be counted simply because consoles cannot run it ? / have not had it developed for them.

Every single one of your points is invalid. Please leave. (likewise)

In red

Edited by Psyl3nt
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If he does commits horrible crime of lowing DayZ so those consoles can run it, the PC master race will rise up upon him.

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Don't fucking buy the console edition. It's like any other game of course it's going to be dumbed down, Just because a game comes out on a console doesn't mean its ruined. Fucking crybabies. And honestly, if I had a game and a bunch of 12 year old kids had console only dying to play a zombie shooter, I'd sell it to console also... i.e Minecraft, more copies sold to console than PC. = More money to build the games on both platforms. It's about marketing, not making all of you PC only fuckers think you rule the world with a $2000 cpu at which in ratio the consoles are a lot more powerful with the pricce you're paying.

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Funny the post calling everyone else "crybabies" has the most "crying" in it out of the lot . . .


And completely incorrect statements aswell.

The point of it all is that the PC playing community have fears that the development of the game may suffer in quality if it is developed for consoles, more to the point that it may end up being a "port" instead of a truly native PC game.

Going by you logic that "a $2000 cpu at which in ratio the consoles are a lot more powerful with the pricce you're paying."

I could lay claim to the P2 (133mhz) being more powerful than a console for the price ratio as those chips are about .50c now.

(BTW my CPU cost me $300 it has 8 threads / 4 cores and runs @ 4.8Ghz) It can handle much more than a console. So again your "ratio" seems way off.

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Okay, you think dayz is going to consoles... You think console kids (not saying they're all kids) will enjoy losing kit when they die, or running for miles to escape the coastal danger? They will see it advertised and think it like another 'left for dead' type game, when they get bored of it because they have to think about things and make decisions, they will move on and it will never take off on consoles, oc will be the main priority, also due to the complex arma 2 engine and the amount of controls needed...

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I wouldn't write the game off simply because a console version is being considered. I don't think that's the problem. The problem is if it is developed for console and then ported back to PC. This seems unlikely as the game specs are simply too high for console, and it is on the PC platform that Rocket developed the idea and the plans I have heard for the game will require a PC, simple as that.

A console version would need to be developed completely separate if DayZ for PC is to continue.

To sum up : Do not port the game. If you want to create a version for both that's fine, but DON'T port the game.

Oh, and did I mention... Don't port the game ! :P

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I wouldn't write the game off simply because a console version is being considered. I don't think that's the problem. The problem is if it is developed for console and then ported back to PC. This seems unlikely as the game specs are simply too high for console, and it is on the PC platform that Rocket developed the idea and the plans I have heard for the game will require a PC, simple as that.

A console version would need to be developed completely separate if DayZ for PC is to continue.

To sum up : Do not port the game. If you want to create a version for both that's fine, but DON'T port the game.

Oh, and did I mention... Don't port the game ! :P

In general you aren't going to get a gaming PC for $300.

You wouldn't be very good in the marketing business.

Obviously console would have a burst in sales just like Minecraft as I stated earlier.

But touche to you my friend. You make arguing here worthwhile. Have my beans.

Edited by SSrT Nick

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If it was ported to console, i would like i do just about every game i buy purchase it for both. Put a lot into my custom pc(not some alienware piece of shit) to play pc games but also enjoy playing the same games on console.

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Did you even read what Rocket said?

He loves the mod, and loves the community, and wants to eventually expand that community. What the f#ck do you care? He doesn't want to change your game in any way. Some time down the road, he just wants to port some of the amazing experience that we pc users have had over to some consoles. Is that really so bad? Is it such a horrible thing that he wants more people to be able to enjoy DayZ?

The games that get "dumbed down" are titles who's developers are simply looking to increase their revenue stream by taking their original product and using resources and development time to make sure that the title is as widely available at release.

So what makes this different from those titles?

You are not going to see:

DayZ - Available October 13th for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii, PSP, Nintendo DS, and Windows Live.


That is what is "dumbing down" your games. Not consoles. Greed.

Please don't freak out, people.

Rocket knows what he's doing.

Edited by xPandaHunterx

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Consoles don't ruin games, money ruins games. Consoles are just the medium by which companies ruin games for profit.

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In red

For fuck's sake, why does nobody understand?!


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For fuck's sake, why does nobody understand?!



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Because it has been done many times before, and it always turns out that the PC version is ported rather than developed separately.

What is it about this that you don't understand ?

And the big red caps just makes you look like a tosser with nothing useful to add.

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Make it on whatever platforms you want, why would anyone care? Just make a good game.

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Because it has been done many times before, and it always turns out that the PC version is ported rather than developed separately.

What is it about this that you don't understand ?

And the big red caps just makes you look like a tosser with nothing useful to add.

I have to put it in big red caps otherwise nobody reads it or derps and doesn't think it's significant. It is. You also seem to not realize that DayZ is not going to be "developed seperately". It's already developed. They just need to put in on console.

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I'll just leave this here for whoever it is that seems to think that consoles are just as powerful / have no trouble running "latest" games that a PC has.

The Xbox 360's Xenos GPU has a less then a tenth of the processing power of a top-end PC GPU.

'We often have at least ten times as much horsepower as an Xbox 360 or a PS3 in a high-end graphics card":

Compare the GeForce GTX 580's count of 512 stream processors with the weedy 48 units found in the Xbox 360's Xenos GPU, not to mention the ageing GeForce 7-series architecture found inside the PS3.

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