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IGN: ShigZ

Age: 32

Location: Tokyo, Japan

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IGN: AlexPlayz

Age: 15

Location: Trondheim, Norway

Edited by Soymilk

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IGN: Kombin3

Age: 21

Location: Toledo, OH.

I'd prefer to talk to someone over TS / Vent / Skype.

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IGN: Spliffeye

Age: 19

Location:The Netherlands

Quite new to dayz . Bought it a week ago. I can always collect enough stuff for myself to survive for a week... and then usually I ask myself : then what?

Edited by Spliffeye

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IGN: Kraft Singles

AGE: 19


Been playing DayZ since it came out and have logged about 200 hours of Game play.

Edited by Kraft Singles

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