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A hatchet... or just some decoration to the rustic farmlandview..?

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So, my very first go at this game behind me earlier today and i really quite enjoyed it. A lot actually, but there's one thing that bothers me.

Spawning at the beach with the starting kit (worth not a penny) i head straight to the woods, my primary mission finding food, drink and a weapon of some sort. I successfully make my way around those few unfortunate enough to be infected with the disease and i end up in an unknown farm.

"Yes! There it is!" A hatchet struck deep to the block and i can hear maybe 1 or 2 zeds growling behind the fence, so i make my way to the block, only to notice i can't interact with the hatchet at all. Needless to say, i was dumbstruck first and dead second...

So my question is, did i just do something wrong back there (with the ArmA engine being quite new to me aswell) or should i prepare to find unfunctioning and merely decorative "weaponry" in Chernarus in the future?

Oh, and also hi to everybody! Looking forward of playing with you guys!

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That is just part of the map and you can't use it. You'll find plenty of hatchets in barns and industrial areas. You'll recognize them by their distinctive red color.

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I don't believe you can access the axe/hatchet that are buried in the wood block. There are however, hatchets that spawn in several locations in the game that you can pickup and use as a weapon and to gather wood. (Get near a tree and right click hatchet in toolbar to access this option.)

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Actually farms are the best place to hit as a new spawn (that or cities) in the sense that buildings there tend to have 2 exits. So you can easily lose the zombies going after you (they just walk indoors).

And you have a fair chance of getting a hatchet and a gun (enfields, winchesters, 2 barreled shotguns and crossbows. Even with a bit of luck a cz550) and other goodies.

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Yeah, that particular axe is just a decoration (I tried to pick it up too lol) but there are lots of hatchets you can use. They will be lying on the floor, usually in corners of buildings generally.

Another thing that made me -_- was the pumpkins. Here I am, hungry... and I come across a garden with lots of ripe pumpkins... but I can't eat them. Noooooo lol.

Perhaps in the standalone game they'll make lootable gardens/trees that spawn fruits/vegetables that our characters can eat. I mean, it appears to be autumn in the game so it's not out of the question we'd find something edible growing somewhere.

Edit: Oh, and fish! We need to be able to fish for food in this game too. All that ocean around and we wouldn't be trying to fish?

Okay someone stop me before I turn this game into WoW. /slinks away

Edited by cindyanne1

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Grrrhm... I should've guessed. Earlier. While i was alive. ;) Thanks anyway for the reply. mate!

Did the same first time I saw em :P

Most of the stuff do make sense in what you can and can't grab tough.

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That is just part of the map and you can't use it. You'll find plenty of hatchets in barns and industrial areas. You'll recognize them by their distinctive red color.

Whilst other players find guns or other important stuff in a barn, all I find are Empty cans, an infinite amount of hatchets and vehicle parts which are utterly useless for me.

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Edit: Oh, and fish! We need to be able to fish for food in this game too. All that ocean around and we wouldn't be trying to fish?

Okay someone stop me before I turn this game into WoW. /slinks away

All games get better with fishing in them :rolleyes:

Would be an nice way to get meat instead of those poor bunnies when you're hungry.

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Wait'll you go into the military tents and find a rack with a half dozen AK's in it that you can't pick up. I said a few bad words when I found that.

Legend has it that whosoever removes the axe from the block of wood shall enable the PvE only server option.

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Legend has it that whosoever removes the axe from the block of wood shall enable the PvE only server option.

Well, as i'm aiming to remain a survivor, i just might give it another shot, once i'm a bit better geared and can stand toe-to-toe against atleast a few of those rotters :)

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Legend has it that whosoever removes the axe from the block of wood shall enable the PvE only server option.

Well, seeing that i'm going to try and remain as a survivor, i just might give that hatchet another shot one day. Once i'm all geared up and ready to survive against atleast two of those rotters.

PvE is, after all, a peace-lovin' survivor's best friend :)

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Damn lousy occupational connection keeps posting and reposting stuff i tried to edit or rephrased. Try not to mind about that, folks!

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