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Professional N00b

Zombies should be removed from DayZ

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Troll, troll, troll the boat.... or just stupid?

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Thanks Professional Noob. After 3 pages of idiocy from failures that cant detect sarcasm. I personally hold these players and others like them responsable for the dumbed down games of the present and why there is nothing worth playing this summer.

These are the people that will buy WAR Z.

Honestly I wasn't expecting such sad results. I don't know whether to be entertained or depressed.

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I almost wet myself at how gullible some people are on here ><

You cant troll a troller people, you just end up rather embarrassed.

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Go back to call of duty, please. We dont. Eed kids like this playing this game. This has to be the most retarded post ive ssen...

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So many poor examples of people who don't read past topic titles here

And more still who don't understand satire

how do you even get through the day?

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Go back to call of duty, please. We dont. Eed kids like this playing this game. This has to be the most retarded post ive ssen...

Agreed. That's the first thing I thought when I read the Noobs post along with "U MAD BRO?!" Ridiculous. He's probably already run out of patience and is playing COD as we speak.

What do you think about my idea of removing the other players though?

Edited by Fraggle
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Go back to call of duty, please. We dont. Eed kids like this playing this game. This has to be the most retarded post ive ssen...

Go back and play Call of Dootie?


(This is hilarious.)

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Go back to call of duty, please. We dont. Eed kids like this playing this game. This has to be the most retarded post ive ssen...

Journal Entry - Its been a week now since the outbreak began. Upon returning to Kenyan Long Distance Runner Simulation Land, no sign of intelligent life has been observed...We remain hopeful.

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So does this mean you want to change the name to Day PvP then?

It should be advertised as a PVP survival game with zombies anyways. LOL

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ahahaha you're an idiot if you think this is legit.

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I would have never guessed when I read the title but some how, some way, professional Noob won the internet. :thumbsup:

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I think players should be removed from the game. So the infected can roam around in peace.

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I think we need to be able to swim fast and indefinitely, hold our breath for 5min, and catch and eat fish in the ocean. Why should I be punished for my play style to live like a dolphin.

If you disagree with me then you are just selfish and only want people to play the game the way you want to.

Joking aside...

It should be advertised as a PVP survival game with zombies anyways. LOL

Sadly this is what I feel like the game currently is. Once you get a piece of military hardware the zombies become rather trivial. Then you kill every player you see (whereas before you were avoiding them) unless you are talking to them in Skype/ Vent/ ect. because the one you let live is the one that stabs you in the back. This in turn further encourages this free-for-all behavior, the person you killed died because another player simply saw him and now feels like he has to kill everyone on sight or the same will happen to him (and it just did). The only thing you lose from this behavior is a few rounds of ammo, where if you don't you risk being killed and losing everything.

Or we can just lower the PvP and increase the actual survival aspect.


This is what I would really like to see. There are a lot of shooters out there and there are a lot of games with zombies (there is even exists a Trains Vs Zombies) but what isn't really out there is a true zombie survival game. This game is the closest thing to that I have seen. Don't get me wrong bandits should be a part of the game and really add a sense of danger to it. However I don't really like is that the only survivors of the zombie apocalypse seem to be a bunch of scopophobic (fear of being seen) antisocial psycopaths.
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