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Instanced building will ruin Dayz...

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I love Dayz because it's 100% seamless and you all share the same world. As soon as you start instancing people will be taken out of the world and it'll become harder to find people as they stay in there building for ages. It isn't a good idea, instancing has ruined the MMO genre for me and now it looks set to do the same to Dayz.

Why can't you just have building in the current world but just ban it from a set area around current towns? It would be so much better if people could built their own forts and fight over them, instead of dumb instancing. It's not like it would be hard to add to the current game world for more space to do this in.

If instancing comes to Dayz then it's killed why I like it and I'm out.

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Aw Miffy, don't let it get you down.

The main advantage in using instancing is it removes the possibility of people server hopping to get round defences - which has so far been the death knell of all attempts to create player-controlled bases.

I don't think it will kill DayZ. We do need some form of social hub, and unless you want to create safe zones where friendly fire is disabled - and how realistic would that be? - instancing is the best suggestion yet.

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The main advantage in using instancing is it removes the possibility of people server hopping to get round defences - which has so far been the death knell of all attempts to create player-controlled bases.

Well, but I really hope the server system won't just stay as it is now. It's not as if the inability to create player-controlled bases is the only problem caused by server hopping.

Edited by MrBrown

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Well instancing is basically bad, but the problem of server hopping, to avoid walking for loot or get behind somebody have to be fixed somehow. I'd like, if the standalone game could get a bigger world (sup about WoW size ;D) and then you can set a region, only find a map for this region (a region should be chernarus size) where you'll spawn at the beginning, so you can play with your friends but you can change the region you are at the edges of the map and if you do so, you'll go on another server with this region.

If you then connect the servers to a group which can be played on only it would protect your base, and still would allow you to play with thousands of players!

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Instancing doesn't fix the problem, it just ruins what the game is about and will ruin my interest in it. I mean before too long we'll be playing on private unofficial old Dayz builds like I do with MMOs such as WoW or SWG because I hate how the developers changed the game.

Personally I've never had any problems with server people logging out and then logging back in behind me because I don't camp a hill like a noob, I constantly move. If someone decides to log out to try and save themselves then so be it, I'm not bothered what so ever. If someone wants to server hop to find good loot in the same building, again I don't care. If someone wants to keep killing themselves to find a spawn point near their friends... I don't see what is wrong with that. Like I said I've had no problems with these things, they don't bother me and the only thing that would of players spawning behind me or something... my play style isn't to camp.

The only problem I have had is with hackers but that could be easily dealt with by using Steamworks and tying the game to your Steam account. There are far less hackers when there is a risk of getting an account banned, also Steam would make it far easier to trace IPs to ban via IP.

However These are tiny inconveniences I hardly ever experience and they're over shadowed by having an amazing seamless wide open game with no rules.

Soon as you start making it gamey with instances and adding gamey mechanics then you ruin the raw experience of Dayz. All I wanted him to do was put it on the Arma 3 engine, tidy up the horrible server browse, the poor UI and inventory system. I wanted him to fix the bugs, make the zombies animate and move smoothly and keep adding items and buildings you can enter etc.

Don't change how the core game works.

In Star Wars Galaxies fighting over seamless player cities where you had to destroy each others bunkers was far more fun because you were fighting over world space in a city or fort you created. As soon as you start putting that in an instance, it becomes worthless, it's not retail and it takes too many people out of the world.

Why do people hate player building in the world? I've never come across any problem with sandbags or wire fencing, If people want to use it to block paths off and funnel you through to kill you then so what? That is what it's designed for lol...... However if people want to cry so much just have building outside towns in the wilderness.

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Aw Miffy, don't let it get you down.

The main advantage in using instancing is it removes the possibility of people server hopping to get round defences - which has so far been the death knell of all attempts to create player-controlled bases.

I don't think it will kill DayZ. We do need some form of social hub, and unless you want to create safe zones where friendly fire is disabled - and how realistic would that be? - instancing is the best suggestion yet.

I was under the impression bases would be underground. One can't server hop into underground bases, you can only hop from the inside out, but then you risk being buried alive.

I would love being able to break into other peoples bases. Perhaps make it impossible to log in and out at a base. Except for in a designated area.

Edited by Jaime

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Instancing doesn't fix the problem, it just ruins what the game is about and will ruin my interest in it. I mean before too long we'll be playing on private unofficial old Dayz builds like I do with MMOs such as WoW or SWG because I hate how the developers changed the game.

Personally I've never had any problems with server people logging out and then logging back in behind me because I don't camp a hill like a noob, I constantly move. If someone decides to log out to try and save themselves then so be it, I'm not bothered what so ever. If someone wants to server hop to find good loot in the same building, again I don't care. If someone wants to keep killing themselves to find a spawn point near their friends... I don't see what is wrong with that. Like I said I've had no problems with these things, they don't bother me and the only thing that would of players spawning behind me or something... my play style isn't to camp.

The only problem I have had is with hackers but that could be easily dealt with by using Steamworks and tying the game to your Steam account. There are far less hackers when there is a risk of getting an account banned, also Steam would make it far easier to trace IPs to ban via IP.

However These are tiny inconveniences I hardly ever experience and they're over shadowed by having an amazing seamless wide open game with no rules.

Soon as you start making it gamey with instances and adding gamey mechanics then you ruin the raw experience of Dayz. All I wanted him to do was put it on the Arma 3 engine, tidy up the horrible server browse, the poor UI and inventory system. I wanted him to fix the bugs, make the zombies animate and move smoothly and keep adding items and buildings you can enter etc.

Don't change how the core game works.

In Star Wars Galaxies fighting over seamless player cities where you had to destroy each others bunkers was far more fun because you were fighting over world space in a city or fort you created. As soon as you start putting that in an instance, it becomes worthless, it's not retail and it takes too many people out of the world.

Why do people hate player building in the world? I've never come across any problem with sandbags or wire fencing, If people want to use it to block paths off and funnel you through to kill you then so what? That is what it's designed for lol...... However if people want to cry so much just have building outside towns in the wilderness.

You can read my mind B)

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