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POLL: Graphic Glitches &

POLL: Graphic Glitches &  

172 members have voted

  1. 1. POLL: Are You Still Experiencing Graphic Glitches Since ?

    • Yes - at the same locations every time I log in
    • Yes - it seems completely random where I get them
    • No - the patch fixed all issues
    • No - I have never experienced any graphic problems
    • BUT not as bad as before
    • AND worse than before

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This is not a QQ Poll - it's to help Rocket and everyone else see pure numbers so we don't have to sift through the thread for hours to get an idea on numbers.

Please be nice - this is to help.


Edited by Perl
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Yes. It's still random, but the number and intesity of artifacts reduced

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Yes. It's still random, but the number and intesity of artifacts reduced

I hear you! Mine are worse and in new places too, like the barn type building in Cherno.

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I sometimes get them in Cherno and maybe Berezino. But there not as bad.

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It doesn't seem to be as bad as before. Sometimes I can go past an airfield and berezino without any artifacts.

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Updated Poll: Added "they are still there but not as bad as before" option - you can use multiple selections to include this if you wish.

Edited by Perl

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Only seem to be having it near Cherno the kind of hotel like building with the signs ontop seems to give me heavy artifacts on screen

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Yeah they still seem to be there. It's a little better than before though.

Its weird how its better for some people and worse for others.. I can't get my head around what is causing it to be so different for people?

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Always get glitches when im a bolato or airfield,because i keep getting lighting glitches that i can't possibly play.

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Yers. Always where the dead military bodies are. Berezino around the hospital hurts.

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Haven't experienced any of the glitches in either patch. I did have some invisible dead military bodies though, their shadows were there and occasionally their bodies were visible briefly.

Note that the people who have the glitches are more likely to find this thread than those who don't as they won't be looking for glitch related threads.

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Its weird how its better for some people and worse for others.. I can't get my head around what is causing it to be so different for people?

I think it has to do with the shadow effects or the lighting? Since lighting is diffrent in places and in what angle/time u are at . also maybe its the settings that have to do with them? Or something like barbed wire that got glitched in the skybox or anything that is causing it. Hope rocket can fix it in time. Im avoiding cherno for a while i guess.

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Haven't experienced any of the glitches in either patch. I did have some invisible dead military bodies though, their shadows were there and occasionally their bodies were visible briefly.

Note that the people who have the glitches are more likely to find this thread than those who don't as they won't be looking for glitch related threads.

Yeah exactly - but I put the 'No' options in there as to not exclude anyone and it will also be interesting to see if people who wasn't having them before are now.

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Haven't experienced any of the glitches in either patch. I did have some invisible dead military bodies though, their shadows were there and occasionally their bodies were visible briefly.

Note that the people who have the glitches are more likely to find this thread than those who don't as they won't be looking for glitch related threads.

I agree with that last point. I think the problem might not be as wide spread as it seems on the forum. People with no issues are likely to either not know there is an update (using SU) and then just go on like nothing ever happened, and some will see the update, install it, never have an issue, and not read all the problems. It's those with issues who will search and find threads like this.

What is your setup? I'm getting the exact same behavior with the dead bodies. But no glitches (anymore, I had them before). I've noticed folks say that those (like me) that have a 2GB video card seem to have less of a problem. I also theorized that some of the issues stem from people that tried to update, but SU screwed it up. I had to uninstall it and use DayZ Commander to update otherwise it would still say on the main menu, spawn me on the coast and artifacts were worse than ever.

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Almost all artifacts fixed for me, I only had them once in balota and flushing worked on 1st try.

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I figured out how to fix them pre-patch (switching to windowed mode and back got rid of artifacts filling the entire screen, don't ask me why ;))

Post patch they are back and unfixable, although they don't fill out the whole screen anymore.

Not sure wether this counts as better or worse than before ;) Seeing as I can't get rid of them anymore I'd say it's worse

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The biggest issue I have now is that frame rate has dropped. It was 60+ and steady but after this last patch not smooth at all. Tried changing all the settings but doesnt help.

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A tip that worked for me when the artifacts were crazy on the screen was to turn down the object detail back to normal. when I had it on very high it was crazy in a bunch of towns, once I turned it down I was good to go.

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I agree with that last point. I think the problem might not be as wide spread as it seems on the forum. People with no issues are likely to either not know there is an update (using SU) and then just go on like nothing ever happened, and some will see the update, install it, never have an issue, and not read all the problems. It's those with issues who will search and find threads like this.

What is your setup? I'm getting the exact same behavior with the dead bodies. But no glitches (anymore, I had them before). I've noticed folks say that those (like me) that have a 2GB video card seem to have less of a problem. I also theorized that some of the issues stem from people that tried to update, but SU screwed it up. I had to uninstall it and use DayZ Commander to update otherwise it would still say on the main menu, spawn me on the coast and artifacts were worse than ever.

I am using a rather frankenbuild computer due to a low budget. I have a core 2 duo E6600 overclocked to 3.2GHz, 4GB DDR2 RAM, and a 1GB Gainward GTX570. I always update with Dayz Commander but I got glitched into the wilderness and then on the coast after a relog (also losing all of my items and bag) twice after the update.

A tip that worked for me when the artifacts were crazy on the screen was to turn down the object detail back to normal. when I had it on very high it was crazy in a bunch of towns, once I turned it down I was good to go.

I wonder if the object detail is something to do with it? I always have it set on normal or low and haven't had any problems on either patch. Could other people post their object detail and if changing it effects the problem?

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Airfields, Berezino, Cherno and the military camp in Stary. One of those randomly glitches until settings are fiddled with / game is restarted.

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Well I have just installed as my home server updated today. I was spawned at Balota and headed straight for Stary Sobor as soon as I got near the eastern warehouse it started glitching....annoying. So I decided to head to the NW Airfield no problems all the way there until I enter the gap to the south of the airfield and it started again making both areas, for me on that occasion, unlootable. This mod is f%#*kin awesome put in a nice lovely looking splash screen but cant even fix simple bugs. Where do your priorities lie?

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Poll questions seem a little flawed to me. I can say I get the glitch randomly, but it always happens on certain places on random.

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Hey - the Poll can't cover every single aspect - its about getting some numbers together on how many people are experiencing the glitch. However, you can choose more than one option so you could just vote for the first 2 options :)

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