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POLL: Graphic Glitches &

POLL: Graphic Glitches &  

172 members have voted

  1. 1. POLL: Are You Still Experiencing Graphic Glitches Since ?

    • Yes - at the same locations every time I log in
    • Yes - it seems completely random where I get them
    • No - the patch fixed all issues
    • No - I have never experienced any graphic problems
    • BUT not as bad as before
    • AND worse than before

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I wonder if the object detail is something to do with it? I always have it set on normal or low and haven't had any problems on either patch. Could other people post their object detail and if changing it effects the problem?

I changed this in Cherno today and it worked for all but 30 seconds. When I moved they all just came back again.

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This only became a problem once I started killing Z's. Was stealthy all the way from Elektro to the NWAF, but once the body count started racking up, the glitches were instantly apparent.

Only difference was in the past they tended to be black and grey. Now they are pink and white.

My in-game graphics settings are low/medium.

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