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Nerf the zombies...

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Military Zombies should be able to take more damage. Those with a helmet should survive one headshot.

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You're not supposed to sneak, you're supposed to run at all times and go inside buildings often, considering they'll stop chasing you they're not really a threat anymore, RIP cherno zombie trains.

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Zombies does not play part off any thing besides looting the game is about pvp not players vs zombies.

Either troll or downright stupid. Ignore OP, tia.

Edited by kryvian

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the zombie runs 90000 mp/h

Zombie speed was actually nerfed with the last patch....would you care to elaborate how the current speed equals 90.000 mp/h?

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i agree, i had just spawned off the boat, and i was in komorovo, i can lose a crowd no problem, problem is one zombie i get hit one time broken leg blood loss knocked out.

ok bandage and kill and crawl away, next zed? one hit bleeding and knocked out. one hit from a weakened human muscle sinew bone structure that isnt any stronger than mine is.

im sorry a flailing nerve signal sputtering reanimated rotting thing shouldnt break a leg. at all. unless im prone and getting attacked. one hit from a zombie that spawned behind you shouldnt knock you out with a broke bone. one hit as you are running shouldnt cost half your blood before you can bandage it.

yes it should in a hard mode. not on a regular mode. thats my opinion. and since this is a GAME it is supposed to have a lot of replayability. either you like the hard challenge ro your a skiddies or a skiddies friend whos tent you happen to loot and magically 2 minutes after ive killed your bandit ass youre fully geared and some how made it half way across the map in the same 2 minutes.

if you expect peopel to purchase, play, tell a lot of friends about it so they purchase and play, then you gotta do something about the zombies.

either we need a push back, or melee hit to keep them from causing 5000 blood loss in 2 hits, + the blood loss until you bandage.

if they were tougher to kill, not a one hit from the hatchet say, which sometimes to be honest ive swung 10 times and still didnt hit the one right in front of me.

if they hit a lot softer, didnt cause bleedign until a certain blood loss level, then it would be a bit more realistic. it should take a attack of 4 or more to cause you to bleed, and the hits shouldnt be so hard hitting. yes they are enreaged, but the body structure and lack of proper body functions = weaker creature. this isnt l4d with mutated super uber zombies.

fucking crawler swiping me one time as i re load really cant even get enough momentum or power behind the swipe to break a bone.

its the one thing i find takes me out of the immersion setting every time. im like great stoopid fuktard zombies are going to break my leg, and ill be knocked out now watch. and sure enough most of the time im right, ask my wife, ask my group.... im fine with the zeds being strong, in allright with being knocked out from a blow from behind. but not a broekn leg from one hit wtf. not bleed out from one hit either, its silly. make the zombies hits not cause a broken leg unless you are weak from blood loss. and make the hits cause less damage.

and knock out hits shouldnt come from the first hit, or the second, or from ones you are facing. if we are going for sim here then lets get real eh?

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edit, forums are acting up for me sry for the dbl post.

Edited by Seattle

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Some people expeirence different zombies I guess. Mine aggro from so far away that I can't even prone crawl(holding shift) into a town with aggroing at least 2.. Takes me forever to even get close to town because I have to prone crawl from 100+ out or I aggro. Sometimes I even aggro from that range. Saying they are to easy is just your gaming exp because It is impossible for me to get into a house to get items 80 % of the time. Sometimes they don't even aggro and sometimes they just glitch away. Those are the only times I get items. Then I die from a zombie aggroing me well crouching from 1000 feet away.

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Don't prone against Zombies, if you do your doing it wrong and wasting alot of time.

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I personally like the fact that they are glitchy and random. Makes it a tad more realistic that while yes 8/10 times a strategy will work, but those last 2 times your gonna get a Zombie from 100m away to perk up RUN and just bash your brains in. Bleed you in one hit, break your bones at 12k blood, and basically Fuck Up your day.

Adds a certain ambiance that i have grown to love.

Yeah, like 'real' zombies...

I won't show this game to my friend because I am embarrased about the 'infected'. They run in stupid directions and dont actually bite you, and they used to move in a way that defies physical laws as we know them.

I am presuming that they will move in a more polished way, and will have better ai programming in VR4.

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Just adding my two cents: I have been playing for a week and I actually enjoy zombie encounters. Especially the ones that just f*ck up your strategy because they see you at a range that they shouldn't have. Keeps you on edge and reminds you this is, in fact, a great game. Even if it is a glitch, it's still fun.

What I would like to see changed, however, is the way the zeds 'tactically' zigzag towards you. A mindless zeddy should run up to you in a feeding rage. Not zigzaggy. But the fact that they make you bleed in two hits is sorta normal I guess. Being bitten twice by someone might cut an artery I reckon.

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The zeds in DayZ are not that hard to avoid, once you know how. Demanding that they should be nerfed is just your knee jerk demand for your own poor way of handling them. Yes, they can be a challenge, but it's part of the game and that's why I keep playing.

If you think they're too hard, just play on a server with "regular" setting. The zeds are much easier there.

If they still get you, then you just need to learn how to avoid them. Google LivByTheGun or Sacriel and see their introductions to DayZ. Or just google "How to avoid zombies in DayZ".

Hell, I'll even give you some tips:

Avoid Zeds by moving crouched and by always having walls or fences neaby. If you aggro, stay crouched, but move out of the line of sight of the zed. Only run when you have no choice. If they're after you, run towards a line of bushes. Zig-zag in a sleek S between them, until you can't hear them anymore, then go prone and go in a different direction.

Also, run through two-entry houses. They slow down inside. Once outside, crouch and head in a new direction.

Main hint: Break their line if sight, and you'll get away. Good players seldom, if ever, need to kill zeds.

Edited by kebman

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