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About Derpwell

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    Eh.. somewhere in a forest O_o
  1. Derpwell

    Finding a Home.

    Protip: don't ask. No one really dares to be friendly anymore. This sucks. You're better off joining the Teamspeak of your server (if there is any) and talk to the people there. Ingame you have 0.5% chance of encountering someone friendly. I mean... I tend to be the more kindhearted player, but I know from experience you just cannot trust most of the players out there.
  2. Derpwell

    Pro Tips! Post Pro Tips Here!

    Feeling lucky? You can actually kill someone with a lucky throw using one of those empty whiskey bottles.
  3. Derpwell

    WHOever fixes this gets 5bucks

    If on Steam: try running it as an Administrator. Wanna have my paypal account? Might be easier to transfer your bucks to. ^_^
  4. Having a rage-post like you just started here sorta proves their point, buddy. Yes, you are 13. Yes, some people look down upon it. Yes, some people will give you shit about it. ...and when you react like you just did, all the above is rendered true, seeing how immature you react. Not trying to be mean here (dear god, you'd probably kill me and steal my gear), but just trying to show you what you absolutely shouldn't have done. Entertaining though, this thread. *le popcorn*
  5. Derpwell

    Nerf the zombies...

    Just adding my two cents: I have been playing for a week and I actually enjoy zombie encounters. Especially the ones that just f*ck up your strategy because they see you at a range that they shouldn't have. Keeps you on edge and reminds you this is, in fact, a great game. Even if it is a glitch, it's still fun. What I would like to see changed, however, is the way the zeds 'tactically' zigzag towards you. A mindless zeddy should run up to you in a feeding rage. Not zigzaggy. But the fact that they make you bleed in two hits is sorta normal I guess. Being bitten twice by someone might cut an artery I reckon.
  6. We don't care about your online magazine. *throws can* ===== :emptycan:
  7. Derpwell


    Confirmed; swampmonsters are real! Was filling up my water bottle yesterday and found a picture of my mother-in-law in the pond.
  8. Derpwell

    Younger Group Wanted

    Being 25, I played many a game with 'the little ones' in it. Our Minecraft community had a lot (100+) players, and I am sure half of that was 15 or younger. Same applied to Napoleonic Wars... and many more games btw. Whilst I don't particularly mind having the younger (or older) players dive into any game... there's just a certain barrier when it comes down to teamwork, communication... I mean, if one would have a 12-year-old walking around the office floor it would seem odd. Same applies here. Games are for everybody, but sometimes it's just better to have people around you from your own age category.
  9. Derpwell

    Pro Tips! Post Pro Tips Here!

    If you're unlucky to find a hatchet but no gun for a little while, make sure to reload your hatchet before use. This will actually allow you to use it as a (rather deadly, but melee) weapon. :)
  10. I.e. when I use the same steamaccount, there's no problem? =)
  11. Hello all! :) I have been playing DayZ since last week. Haven't died yet save for my very dirst attempt *knocks on wood*, but I wondered about something: I wanted to play DayZ at my girlfriend's house too, but I wonder wether or not I can continue playing with my current character at a different location. There isn't a login/password feature, so is there a way the server knows it's ME who's logging in? Thanks a bunch! :)