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Whats your worst Dayz luck?

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Went to stary to gear up with a friend and end up shooting a guy out of a gaz. And for some reason my friend thinks that it is his car because he got in it before me (even tho I spotted and shot the guy) so I'm like ok drive then. 5 min later I'm telling him to not boost because he isn't experienced at driving in arma/dayZ so anyway he decides to boost and he crashes into a petrol tanker killing both of us and loosening a car full of gear. So I'm like ok I'll take you to my boat and we will go get my chopper on an island. Fin d out my boat has been stolen. Then we both swim for 20min to the island and he gets into the chopper and refuses to get out until he has had a quick fly, being the nice person that I am I agree. I tell him to put it in auto hover he doesn't do that instead he fly straight into my tent collection destroying then and all the wicked loot in them then proceeds to blow up and kill us both. I walked to his house irl and pissed in his cars windscreen fluid. Take that

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Hah this happened to me and my friend as well, although i was the one driving. Hit a pile of rubble at like 4km/s and he dies, i get knocked out with 1,5k blood. I log out, and my friend runs for half an hour and saves me.

At 4km per second I'm surprised you didn't die too! :D

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Me and a buddy were playing, and we'd found a car somewhere, can't remember where it was. I drove it to Cherno, heading for the fire station. It was safe, as it was me, my buddy, and one other guy on the server. We park the car inside the fire station, close the doors, and loot the place. Got some decent stuff, nothing terribly exciting since we had good gear already. About to log for the night, I get the idea to blow up the car with a grenade so nobody else could use it after we left. My friend goes ahead and logs off, I throw a grenade across the room at the car. The nade goes off, blowing out the tires and windows on the car. I'm telling him on Skype what's going on, and he laughs. Of course, I also went into shock because I was too close to the grenade, so as my screen is shaking and I'm "OMG car fire lol" on Skype, the ONLY other guy on the WHOLE server busts through the back door in the station, and guns me down with an AK of some sort. :(

Other really bad time was when I found a bicycle in Elektro I think it was, I hop on and take off down the street. I make it maybe one block before I get gunned down by a sniper. I just wanted to ride a bike damn it!

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>server is lagging, wait for 15 mins next to Ural to see if BE will kick me

>jump in cab


>reflex relog

>spawn inside truck

>negative 356k blood

I've gotten lucky in the past that if you don't move, you don't get eaten and can look around for the 'ride in back' prompt to escape. No such luck that time.

>Sneaking up on heli wreck

>Shit, another player already there

>About to shoot to try and scare him off

>Suddenly, AS50 and MMG fire to my right.

>Helidude gets shredded

>Oh shit, here come the zambies

>MMG guy turns zeds into swiss cheese

>Kills me with stray bullets

Amazing how often you die just laying under a tree...

>Playing with Teamspeak group

>Meeting at rendevous

>Spot player approaching

>TS player has identified he's coming from that direction and it's probably him

>Another player yells "Shoot him shoot him shoot him!" as a joke

>We promptly gun him into the ground

Funny how something like "Shoot him!" hits a gut reflex so strongly that even when you know it's a friendly, it still happens.

>Raiding Berezino

>Park Ural in forest on outskirts

>I take sentry duty

>Prone under truck body to ambush anybody that comes sniffing around

>Think I see something

>Switch to primary

>Arm clips through truck

>Negative 45k blood


Edited by _Gunslinger_

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Getting stuck on "Setup completed, please wait" whenever I try to log into a server, and then eventually spawning in debug plains. It's made Dayz unplayable for the past week.

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Mine was driving our 1 of 2 cars around looking for heli crash sites when I was going through stary sobor and hit that shitty roadblock near the pond just outside the town causing the car to explode losing all gear inside (many guns/ammo/food). I was in shock, ran into the supermarket, thought fuck it may as well raid the tents. When I was halfway there heading to artefact city I get kicked for high ping. I relog back in, insta unconciousness, zombies rocks up hits me once and I start bleeding. Logged back out waiting for a mate to patch me up but he takes too long and I get eaten losing a DMR and M16

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I walked to his house irl and pissed in his cars windscreen fluid. Take that

You lifted the bonnet and pissed into that tiny intake? Musta been a decent effort

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