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A Concerned Survivor

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About A Concerned Survivor

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. A Concerned Survivor

    Whats your worst Dayz luck?

    Went to stary to gear up with a friend and end up shooting a guy out of a gaz. And for some reason my friend thinks that it is his car because he got in it before me (even tho I spotted and shot the guy) so I'm like ok drive then. 5 min later I'm telling him to not boost because he isn't experienced at driving in arma/dayZ so anyway he decides to boost and he crashes into a petrol tanker killing both of us and loosening a car full of gear. So I'm like ok I'll take you to my boat and we will go get my chopper on an island. Fin d out my boat has been stolen. Then we both swim for 20min to the island and he gets into the chopper and refuses to get out until he has had a quick fly, being the nice person that I am I agree. I tell him to put it in auto hover he doesn't do that instead he fly straight into my tent collection destroying then and all the wicked loot in them then proceeds to blow up and kill us both. I walked to his house irl and pissed in his cars windscreen fluid. Take that
  2. A Concerned Survivor

    DayZ FOR XBOX 360!!

    I play both pc and xbox and the allure of console is the ease of it, just push one button and go. Also with a built in chat system it is a lot better than having skype open. Also its nice to sit on the couch and and play which is not possible on pc. I believe that once the full game its released and they have time they should work on a console port. It would widen the community and also produce money from sales (console games being expensive) to go towards making dayZ a better game over all. My opinion agree or disagree up to you. But don't say that console shouldn't get dayZ just because pc is graphically better and more power full than console. Take crisis two for example it takes a decent rig to play that on pc but on xbox it also looks great with minimal sacrifices.
  3. A Concerned Survivor

    DayZ at GamesCom

    will there be a dayZ feature in new zealand anytime? afterall Rocket is a kiwi, we dont have any gaming confrences here and we have a crazy amount of gamers who miss out every year because the world doesnt think of us as important, we have one of the highist gamer ratios for our country size in the world!
  4. A Concerned Survivor

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    ok thoght i would put a quick question out there. Will there be any sort of reward for alpha mod players and alpha (stand alone) players come the full game release? also can we expect some kind of buddy system?