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5 Day Old Server [Indecisive Bastards]

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Hey guys i know i've said this before but the server is really kicking up now, US 2239. 20 something people and if we could just get a couple more it will keep recycling.

Broad daylight from 7pm to about 7am EST -5 GMT. Come on it it's a brand new, no hackers (hopefully), and admins 24/7.

-[iB] William Wallace, look for me:)

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if there's really an admin 24/7 and not afraid to kick scripters/hackers... our clan (Mayhem Inc.) might visit you tomorrow :)

We would be happy for alittle competition, oh but because of a bug with the tents eating supplies in patch, we have downgraded to It just doesn't allow you to get hero or bandit skins that is all.

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aww then we can't. .5 patch fixed all of our loading issues :) don't plan on reverting back.

Edited by MostlyPanda

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aww then we can't. .5 patch fixed all of our loading issues :) don't plan on reverting back.

Lol u must be pretty noob then not reverting back.

with 1725 u cant do shit. Unless ur noob and dont care about anything in the game besides running around in electro / cherno and dieing every 20mins.

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Lol u must be pretty noob then not reverting back.

with 1725 u cant do shit. Unless ur noob and dont care about anything in the game besides running around in electro / cherno and dieing every 20mins.

ummm... did i offend you by chance? why the trashtalk? we have our fun with the .5 patch. for us everything works great. also, if your type is on the server, now i'm 100% sure it doesn't worth reverting back.

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Lol u must be pretty noob then not reverting back.

with 1725 u cant do shit. Unless ur noob and dont care about anything in the game besides running around in electro / cherno and dieing every 20mins.

Wtf you trying to say? I can do everything I did before the patch Skippy!

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Lol u must be pretty noob then not reverting back.

with 1725 u cant do shit. Unless ur noob and dont care about anything in the game besides running around in electro / cherno and dieing every 20mins.

All I heard from you was "dur durr durr dur durr noob durr"

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Ok guys obvious troll is obvious, we get it. Just try out the server sometime, im heading off. Night guys.

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Im in the Clan, we like fty but no he does not represent all of us. Quit being a tard William Wallace. And we revertedto 2.4 because of tents or vehicles not saving location or items. You guys are welcome to play w/ us when we revert to a later patch that has been fixed.

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Lol u must be pretty noob then not reverting back.

with 1725 u cant do shit. Unless ur noob and dont care about anything in the game besides running around in electro / cherno and dieing every 20mins.

All I read there was "I can't dupe with tents/vehicles anymore 1725 sucks."

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Its not duping thats the issue. On our server, on 2.5, we couldnt save ANYTHING. Completely eliminates the point of the game if we cant raid and acquire/save gear we find. Also stop the troll fest please. Im hijacking this thread from my downsie clanmate who started this troll fest. Relevant posts only. This isnt 4chan.

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Came across a few tents on a 2.5 server, rummaged through. Logged in the next day, looked again, same stuff with some new items added. Got me....

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anyone who plays on this server wanna group up?

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