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Completely unplayable

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Alright, came back after a month of absence, and boom.

Every server I go into there are hax0rs - everywhere.

Hacked tents, vehicles, skins, invis, godmode, teleports, thunderdome, ammo boxes...

I shit you not, there have been at least 2 hackers in every server I've played in.

In one server there were 5 tent cities, 20+ tents each, all haxed weapons, on another there were 5 flying hueys in the server...

Seriously, everyone is getting geared from the hacked tents and just sniping in Elektro.

What little encouragement there was to explore the map is gone.

Tent duping, infinite food/water bug, ammo glitch still works...

Sorry, but right now I cannot play this anymore, this game is probably a ton of fun with hacks, but without them I cannot be bothered - seriously.

Gear is now meaningless - oh you've found an AS50? Remember how happy you were to find one of those rare fuckers in Now it's just "oh I found ANOTHER AS50, guys...".

I really wanna give DayZ a chance still - I love the idea and the gameplay that was offered in - I even think helis should stay out of the game - I did not see one hacker in 200 hours in, now I see them on hourly basis - if they are playing stealthy there might be even more.


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Avoid Elektro? Safe to say 90% of the hackers are near the coast and around the popular areas.. The hacked gear and vehicles I am fine with, more people with gear to kill and bury, more vehicles to blow up while they are driving. The shitty hackers are the ones that nuke servers, teleport you, teleport behind you after you killed them, god mode, invisible people and other grieving hacks and scripts. When I roam around Elek I encounter hackers all the time but once you leave that area they are pretty rare..

Edited by terrex

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The forum mods really need to disable pictures.


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Avoid Elektro? Safe to say 90% of the hackers are near the coast and around the popular areas.. The hacked gear and vehicles I am fine with, more people with gear to kill and bury, more vehicles to blow up while they are driving. The shitty hackers are the ones that nuke servers, teleport you, teleport behind you after you killed them, god mode, invisible people and other grieving hacks and scripts. When I roam around Elek I encounter hackers all the time but once you leave that area they are pretty rare..

I have been teleported all over the map, hackers have been teleported behind me, killed me etc.

I don't even care about the gear anymore, its just the fact that everything in the game has been devalued by hackers so much you ought to ask yourself - is there any point in this?

Oh also, zombies are piss easy to avoid - you don't even need to kill them anymore.

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Unplayable? I played for 4 hours straight last night and only ran into one hacker. I played a couple hours this morning and had a blast. No hackers. Nothing. I guess it's just luck?

Sounds like those servers have some shitty admins.

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The forum mods really need to disable pictures.


Congrats, you are the 1,000,000th person to make this thread!  Tell him what he's won, Johnny!


Edited by Mortus

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Congrats, you are the 1,000,000th person to make this thread! Tell him what he's won, Johnny!


....Posting a picture was faster. But yeah. This works too.

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The forum mods really need to disable pictures.


Maybe they should disable crybitching too. Look, the game is an alpha mod for a game that was designed to be client and server script driven, that makes it extremely vulnerable. If you didn't know this going in, well, too bad. Buyer Beware. If you can't have fun with it in spite of the problems then the name you're slinging more aptly fits you, which makes sense since you toss it about so callously.

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Try playing on 1st person only EXPERT & HARDCORE Servers. Far less hackers there.

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Unplayable? I played for 4 hours straight last night and only ran into one hacker. I played a couple hours this morning and had a blast. No hackers. Nothing. I guess it's just luck?

Sounds like those servers have some shitty admins.

Unplayable? I played for 4 hours straight last night and only ran into one hacker

Unplayable? I played for 4 hours straight last night and only ran into one hacker

Unplayable? I played for 4 hours straight last night and only ran into one hacker

I realise the point you were trying to make but this just makes the game seems silly. As it should. Playing for 4 hours and only running into 1 hacker would among any decent game out there be ridiculous. I understand it is alpha but they are saying there is next to no way of fixing this and the OP has a perfectly valid point. The devaluation of all gear in game is a HUGE hit to this game as gear gathering is one of teh core mechanics of a survival game such as this.

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The forum mods really need to disable pictures.


No, what the mods need to do is warn/ban abusive children like yourself. :thumbsup:

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Alright, let's see how long it takes for you to encounter enough hackers to make the game stale and boring for ya... peace

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Alright, let's see how long it takes for you to encounter enough hackers to make the game stale and boring for ya... peace


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