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NO u kill coz u cant get off your lazy ass and loot building!!

shoot and loot...

and it was never a PVP game u idiot read the reviews!!!

its a zombi survival game....!!

Just a bad troll. Sorry.

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Sadly...campers will always at all games(BF3 COD....) and VERY sadly they are in here too.Those who writing its a PvP...they are right.It is....a its so more fun to avoid another players...and sneak/follow them...Yeah its...bad whan you get killed by a sniper...but cmon...I play this game...4 days(not all...but since i bought this game)and sniper are...almost on same places..in electro on the hills(at NV airfield....)But....ask yourself?Couldnt is it way better fun?If you must sneak to the town...to avoid those players?without them...this game would be easy(just ran away from zomb-what???they couldnt run in the buildings? :DMaybe you are new here...but everyone knows to avoid electro :D

Edited by Kapr

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like i said GO play BF3 if u like PVP so much!!

kills zombies NOT players

I Heart Care-a-Bear

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Step 1: find a low population server

Step 2: Hit up the Balota Airfield and/or a couple of fire stations for military spawns

Step 3: Get all necessary utility items from markets/schools

Step 4: Move inland, eat meat from animals and fill water canteens from lakes

Congratulations, you never have to go near Cherno or Elektro ever again.

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Dude, I'm sorry this has hapened, I'll give you all the money you spent on the mod back. Since you're not happy.

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Sadly...campers will always at all games(BF3 COD....) and VERY sadly they are in here too.Those who writing its a PvP...they are right.It is....a its so more fun to avoid another players...and sneak/follow them...Yeah its...bad whan you get killed by a sniper...but cmon...I play this game...4 days(not all...but since i bought this game)and sniper are...almost on same places..in electro on the hills(at NV airfield....)But....ask yourself?Couldnt is it way better fun?If you must sneak to the town...to avoid those players?without them...this game would be easy(just ran away from zomb-what???they couldnt run in the buildings? :DMaybe you are new here...but everyone knows to avoid electro :D

best answer yet...

i didnt go in the open im no fool!! i was getting my ass out of elektro when i saw bodies laying abt...i ducked!!! still i got shoot in the head...

plus i didnt find a single peace of loot , yes not a single peace of stick even..i guess hackers?

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Dude, I'm sorry this has hapened, I'll give you all the money you spent on the mod back. Since you're not happy.

hahahhahah lol hahhahahhaha good point...ill take cash

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i didnt go in the open im no fool!! i was getting my ass out of elektro when i saw bodies laying abt...i ducked!!! still i got shoot in the head...

plus i didnt find a single peace of loot , yes not a single peace of stick even..i guess hackers?

you are a fool for going to elektro.

ducking won't make you headshot proof.

and hackers always collect all kind of loot in elektro,

even tin cans, just so you won't find any.

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I really hope OP is trolling... i really do.

Elektro is a pretty cool place. Went there today with my M107. There was a war going on there. People shooting everywhere. AS50, DMR, AK74... everything.

A chopper flying over Elektro a few times. Was total fun. I was watching 2 guys kill some unarmed fool in one of the military buildings. Wanted to kill them but the voyeur in me was stronger.

After they left the building one of them got shot. Then i see some guy with an assault rifle. He has a firefight with the other guy and kills him too. Karma i guess.

Being a sniper asshole i killed him while he tried to loot them... on the open field. Just after that i see another guy to the left with an AK. Wanted to kill him but instead watched him.

Someone else killed him. After a few minutes i hear someone next to me. It was the DMR sniper. I'm a fool for switching to my secondary and moving because he heard that.

He shoots the tree but can't see me. Im too dumb to spray and pray with my PDW. He eventually hits me and i'm dead. Fuck alt+f4 i don't care. Someone has to die.

Good thing is i managed to get all my stuff. He didn't take anything. Thanks bro. Bad thing is a few minutes later a hacker teleported every player on the server in the sky and everyone fell down and died...

Still kinda pissed but who cares. I knew that Electro is dangerous and that's why i went there. I had fun spying on people and killing them. And watching people with hatchets run on the open field with a shitload of zombies behind them. No need to kill them, i already have a hatchet.

Edited by Laha

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As rocket have stated. The game is what we make out of it ourself. If somebody out there are after killing other players, they can do that freely. If you are dumb enough to think the best of every person you meet in this game, then you are out for a real shock.

I would never trust another player in this game, except for those I have with me on ts3/vt/mumble etc. Well, unless I got nothing to lose.

You went into a dangerous zone and paid the price. Oh well, you did'nt really have anything valuable.

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It is annoying getting shot down in Elektro by snipers. What I do when I get into Elektro for supply's I keep to the walls and zig zag. On 2 occasions I have been shot at by snipers but have missed. What I do is run into the nearest building and abort game. Now I know this is sort of cheating but it annoyed the hell out of the snipers. Log into another server (preferably one with not so many players in) then get out of Elektro. Get into the hills that surround Elektro then log back into the server with the sniper on. If you can't see the sniper lay low and wait until he/she starts shooting into Elektro. Once you know the position kill them from behind.

This has got to annoy them. A bit unfair I know but they are not playing fair by sitting in the hills sniping unarmed freshly spawned players.

:emptycan: :emptycan: :emptycan: :emptycan: :emptycan: :emptycan: :emptycan: :emptycan: :emptycan: :emptycan:

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How to win in Electro:

1. Don't join 25 players+ servers, Electro is a deathmatch on almost every one of them.

2. Expect death, and don't give a f*ck.

3. Go with the ''beat it with a hammer'' approach, just run in, hit up the market, the southern fire station, then the northern

fire station, exit on the north road and head to your destination of choice. I usually go to stary sobor, then my tent, then NWA.

4. Hide a tent somewhere (acquired during step 3) and fill it with stuff.

5. Repeat step 3 and 4 every life and your tent will soon be stocked with goods. My tent has m24, m4, mp5, 2x NVGs, food,

water and lots of ammo and meds. If possible, find a bicycle, makes getting from your tent to loot locations much easier.

Edited by novac3721

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I now feel dumber for having read OP's responses. However, they were at least very entertaining. Love it when players head to the forums to vent about how the game doesn't cater to them in every way, and therefore is broken.

Anyway, i'm off to Electo to hopefully find this freshly spawned noob so I can help add to his frustration.

Edited by Knawx
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In the fullness of time you will learn the horror of what exactly is hunting "You" in chernarus - you should be afriad going into any major city, the whole aera is hostile, and guess what? they want to kill you. They don't want to make friends with you, shot aggroed zombies chasing you, they wanna shoot you in the leg and laugh as the Z's eat you - when you learn to accept this & develop a buddhist like non-attachment to your kit, you will no longer rage @ death. there are no, none, nada, niet, happy endings in Dayz - from unkillable psycho axe murderes, to people who just teleport you to your death for the hell of it, to thermal imaging weapons used in conjunction with shiper rifles that will kill you from 1.6K away. it's all out there in this game. It is hell. but, also, it has great moments too.

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