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Easy method of seeing just how many hackers there are

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1 - Run DayZ Commander

2 - Let all servers load up, sorting them by highest population

3 - Let sit for 1 hour

4 - Refresh top 10 highest population servers

If a server population has dropped by 20 or more I assume it has been mass hacked (teleported, thunderdomed etc..). Important to watch for other reasons for population loss (time of day, server ping).

In the last hour, 9 of the 10 highest population servers have been cleared out, presumably due to hackers. I do this test often and it usually is about 7 or 8 out of 10 (of the highest pop servers) being hacked within an hour.

Anyone who says "Ive only ever been hacked once" or "The hacking in Dayz isn't any worse than BF3", try this test and it should change your mind.

Seems to be ALOT worse through the days and on late weekend nights.

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Need to take into account that servers are located in different time zones too and people generally prefer to play at daytime over night time.

So the number will change dramatically over such long periods of time.

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Need to take into account that servers are located in different time zones too and people generally prefer to play at daytime over night time.

So the number will change dramatically over such long periods of time.

Just an hour

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It's not like hackers are staying on a server for that long. They do a hit n' run on the high populated servers usually. If a server got hacked, yes people will leave. But it's unlikely the hacker & the legit players will return to the server (maybe some, for the loot they either lost). Just avoid high pop servers if you are too attached to your gear :)

Edited by Flexho

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1 - Run DayZ Commander

2 - Let all servers load up, sorting them by highest population

3 - Let sit for 1 hour

4 - Refresh top 10 highest population servers

If a server population has dropped by 20 or more I assume it has been mass hacked (teleported, thunderdomed etc..). Important to watch for other reasons for population loss (time of day, server ping).

In the last hour, 9 of the 10 highest population servers have been cleared out, presumably due to hackers. I do this test often and it usually is about 7 or 8 out of 10 (of the highest pop servers) being hacked within an hour.

Anyone who says "Ive only ever been hacked once" or "The hacking in Dayz isn't any worse than BF3", try this test and it should change your mind.

Seems to be ALOT worse through the days and on late weekend nights.

Watch as I render this test completely invalid with two words:

Server Restart.


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Err, what about server restarts?

Edit - Sorry, missed NightRippers post.

Edited by Fraggle

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What about server restarts?

Edit - Sorry, missed NightRippers post.

They're every 6 hours.. the test even works if you check in 30 min increments too

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They're every 6 hours.. the test even works if you check in 30 min increments too

Unless either A, the server crashes, which is not a matter of 'if' but 'when,' or B, there's an unscheduled server restart.

Also, server restarts are not always every 6 hours, my clan's server restarts every 12 hours. And it's based on the time zone where the server's based.

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[...]It's not like hackers are staying on a server for that long. They do a hit n' run on the high populated servers usually. If a server got hacked, yes people will leave. But it's unlikely the hacker & the legit players will return to the server[...]

can't sign that - last time a hacker blow up half the server, 5minutes later players were teleportet, 10 minutes after that *booom* again ;) so i wouldn't feel more secure after the first hack

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Ok so lets use 6 hours between every restart as an average.

So in one hour , Server restarts alone should clear out 1-2 servers (of the top 10).. that still leaves about 6 cleared servers (on average) unexplained.. which i would chalk up to hacking

Edited by UsuallyFriendly

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most servers I play on do scheduled restarting. trying to inflate the numbers you claim to have worked out.

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i guess you could assume that some of the servers then are hacking, but imo i would chop like 50% - 60% up to sheer coincidence (properly isnt spelled right.) or server restarts / crashes imo.

Its a good theory about spotting if a server has been hacked or not, but i wouldnt have count on its accuracy to much tho, cause there is to many variables in play. So we cant rely on it imo.

but like i said a really good theory on it imo.

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I agree completely. I avoid high pop servers like the plague, because I'm very tired of losing all my gear due to hackers. But even the smaller pop servers I frequent are starting to get hit by hackers ;/

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Higher difficulty level servers with greater play restriction seem to be less likely to get hit.

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1 - Run DayZ Commander

2 - Let all servers load up, sorting them by highest population

3 - Let sit for 1 hour

4 - Refresh top 10 highest population servers

If a server population has dropped by 20 or more I assume it has been mass hacked (teleported, thunderdomed etc..). Important to watch for other reasons for population loss (time of day, server ping).

In the last hour, 9 of the 10 highest population servers have been cleared out, presumably due to hackers. I do this test often and it usually is about 7 or 8 out of 10 (of the highest pop servers) being hacked within an hour.

Anyone who says "Ive only ever been hacked once" or "The hacking in Dayz isn't any worse than BF3", try this test and it should change your mind.

Seems to be ALOT worse through the days and on late weekend nights.

Knowing that hackers are going to target high population servers and servers with the chat turned on, I don't play on them. So yeah, I don't get hacked often at all any more. It's been a while actually. And no what Baz said is not true. Actually, servers with name tags on are less likely to get hit.

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I hate the hackers. They are EVERYWHEREEEEE. I joined low pop server and was running through the forest when my character flashed and became naked (all my gear was gone. backpack and all). then I was killed by nothing.


So yes your right about what your seeing happen to the high pop servers but dont think their arent hackers on any other servers because they are EVERYWHEREEEEE

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An easier method. Go to all the major hack sites and register for the forums. Look at the amount of people in those forums. DayZ is the most hacked game right now. There can be over 5k people in one forum at some points.

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I don't think I've ever spent more than 30 minutes at most in a 30+ server without a hacker showing up. That's only counting the ones that make their presence obvious by killing, teleporting, etc. everyone on the server. It's easy to avoid hackers if you never play on a server with more than 20 people. But then if you actually want to play this multiplayer game on a server where there's a more reasonable chance of encountering someone, good luck. Every day for the last 4-5 days one of my servers has hit 40+ twice a day, and every day it is quickly followed by a hacker and everyone leaving.

I want to thank Rocket, again, for the inane policies and removing the RPT logging so that it is now far more difficult and indeed often impossible to tell who the hacker is. Thank you, I appreciate that.

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This shit is getting out of hand, every other server me and my squad play on with a higher population of 10 get hit by hackers or plagued by hackers,

the tunderdomes, mass killings, mass teleport, them running around with the thermal as-50, being hit by endless amounts of choppers that wont go down,

imortal hackers that teleport to you and break your legs and throw you into the ocean.

How are us legit players supposed to deal with this shit ? and it would not seem like anything is being done to fix it.

past week or so has been so bad between glitches, hackers, and stuff that the game is at the point of being unplayable.

something has to be done to fix this before people give up on the game because it is an awesome game and i wish it to remain exciting,

challenging, and not to mention alive, witch it wont be for very long if this shit continues...

and the excuse of only playing on low-pop servers as a fix is not very good, if that is the case you might aswell reduce the server pop limit to 10 people...

my 2 cents

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Lets just hope the hackers or script kiddies have shown their hand way to early and the standalone will remedy this, or maybe even further versions of the mod, the arma beta client, and battle-eye.

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