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cm. (DayZ)

New Major BattlEye Anti-Cheat Features

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OK maybe I missed something in this sea of forums on this subject...Do we have a one stop shop location that does does not have a multitude of comments and such that we can go and copy and then paste? I appreciate the auto downloads and other such things that the community here is doing and I think all want the same thing (hacker free server) and I want to do that myself and I have ability to do it. I can;t speak for the others and on't want to offend anyone for trying to do their best.

My point is place a new topic....Lock it..then sticky it and only 1 person update it!!! That way we have someone to blame :)


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OK maybe I missed something in this sea of forums on this subject...Do we have a one stop shop location that does does not have a multitude of comments and such that we can go and copy and then paste? I appreciate the auto downloads and other such things that the community here is doing and I think all want the same thing (hacker free server) and I want to do that myself and I have ability to do it. I can;t speak for the others and on't want to offend anyone for trying to do their best.

My point is place a new topic....Lock it..then sticky it and only 1 person update it!!! That way we have someone to blame :)


It in progress - bear with us.

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Shouldnt be doing anything to anyone if you dont know what the stuff means.

That's the point of a server admins forum - to get advice :rolleyes:

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Thank you!! I have only 1 problem. He downloads the files, but the last step he din't get management (it's Curl i guess):

The paths are correct, but he deletes the slashes, i also had this problem with the 'temp', so i tried this, same problem. But the files are downloaded, that's already very nice!!!

See if it works with individual lines:

%curlpath%\curl.exe -T %temp%\createvehicle.txt %ftpurl% --user %ftpuserpass%
%curlpath%\curl.exe -T %temp%\remoteexec.txt %ftpurl% --user %ftpuserpass%
%curlpath%\curl.exe -T %temp%\scripts.txt %ftpurl% --user %ftpuserpass%

If so I'll update my example.

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what is this script:

#0 "TentStorage" 66:207 [9443,14032,179]

in vehicicles.txt?

@hohlraum: tnx, i will try it.

Edited by paniohitus

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I have this in my remoteexec.log:

15.08.2012 14:52:26: TomAte (IP) 704c752c90931c79de7145cfa2963bda - #0 "

if (isServer) then {

_object = createVehicle ['ATV_US_EP1', [1153.13, 2273.94, 0], [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];

_object setVariable ['ObjectID', 10496.9, true];

dayz_serverObjectMonitor set [count dayz_serverObjectMonitor, _object];

_uid = _object call dayz_ob"

15.08.2012 14:52:26: TomAte (IP) 704c752c90931c79de7145cfa2963bda - #1 "3.13, 2273.94, 0], [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];

_object setVariable ['ObjectID', 10496.9, true];

dayz_serverObjectMonitor set [count dayz_serverObjectMonitor, _object];

_uid = _object call dayz_objectUID;

_object setVariable ['ObjectUID', _uid, true];

_object s"

I guess someone spawned an ATV, am i right?

Because it is the only one entry in the log.

Additionally i've found this in the scripts.log which i can't recognize if it's legal or not:

15.08.2012 14:09:54: Gonzoo (IP) ebd1a30fa5958d0dbc77c8b2568da158 - #122 "_i = _i+1}] do


[nil, _targetClient,"loc", rJIPEXEC, BIS_MPF_ServerPersistentCallsArray select _i] "

And this:

15.08.2012 20:38:18: Sketa (IP) e7c1e2190719d4b65409471cf7df5d67 - #121 "y']; _dummy = [_this, "CA_VO_ToggleAll"] call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers "\ca\ui\scripts\Hide"

Edited by MrGreen72

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15.08.2012 17:40:26: Drencrom ( 8e785a3e012e67b2172293175c1d6778 - #0 "AmmoBoxBig" 109:136 [10526,3045,163]

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cmaitland ( 42be6226ccba65cddd4d4dc77ada8322 - #0 "SeaGull" 4:0 [-18621,25857,388]

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So, how much is this new BE feature effective against hackers? Does it have to be admin managed? If a server has bad admins, are these new features are useless?

Edited by TSAndrey

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So, how much is this new BE feature effective against hackers? Does it have to be admin managed? If a server has bad admins, are these new features are useless?

Effective anti-cheat will always require admin involvement - how will you ever know? What's the point in your question?

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Effective anti-cheat will always require admin involvement - how will you ever know? What's the point in your question?

Wondering how much these features are effective against cheaters

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Wondering how much these features are effective against cheaters

I imagine it's something BE and most server admins will keep to themselves. Why put all your cards on the table?

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Are there any devs that can confirm the text isnt created by the game vs someone creating it?

Edited by Bushman

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Are there any devs that can confirm the text isnt created by the game vs someone creating it?

Which bit?

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So who else has a custom scripts.txt from all the cheats listed here? Can you please send it to me

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The current files do not prevent teleporting and I can not find the information back about the players who teleport himself behind us and killed, also a teleport into a building was recognized and proofed but in the logs I am not able to locate these guys

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14.08.2012 13:47:54: walrus ( 2436e375c5d1b860e373b5d1aa4118f7 - #0 "[] spawn{player addAction ['fullFarsh', 'C:\ajlo\Scripts\snova_v_boi.sqf'];};"
14.08.2012 13:47:54: walrus ( 2436e375c5d1b860e373b5d1aa4118f7 - #0 "[] spawn{player addAction ['Teleport', 'C:\ajlo\Scripts\tp.sqf'];};"
14.08.2012 13:47:54: walrus ( 2436e375c5d1b860e373b5d1aa4118f7 - #188 "[] spawn{player addAction ['Teleport', 'C:\ajlo\Scripts\tp.sqf'];};"

Not the teleport - we've seen that before the "fullFarsh" & "snova_v_boi.sqf" lines, anyone seen these before?

This player's getting banned for stuff from the createvehicle log but was just curios.

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Finally, Multiplay have updated access to the remoteexec and createvehicle files.

So can start to monitor.

Can someone highlight difference between these two similar entries? I see one has location codes .but one has zeroes? Does this make a difference?

My thoughts are one is legit and one is possible user created?

16.08.2012 13:13:32: Name GUID - #0 "Sniper1_DZ" 7:4 [-18621,25857,368]

16.08.2012 13:28:51: Name GUID - #0 "Sniper1_DZ" 8:4 [0,0,0]

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Have added this new features to my server but it doesn't seem to create a remoteexec.log file just the .txt file. Is this because none has tried to make a remote command or maybe I have done some thing wrong in the .txt file.

1 "" !"this enableSimulation false;this allowDammage false;this disableAI 'FSM';this disableAI 'ANIM';this disableAI 'MOVE';"
5 "dayz_serverObjectMonitor set [count dayz_serverObjectMonitor, _object];"
5 _xcompiled
5 loadFile
5 removeAllWeapons
5 removeAllItems
5 disableUserInput
5 serverCommand

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Is this because none has tried to make a remote command

Generally, this file will not be created until someone does something to cause an action.

Unless, of course, you balls'd it up! :P

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