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Can you please stop allowing battleye's inability to protect games ruin DayZ for the customers...

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So. We all have noticed the long red messages from battleye saying that they're aware of the problem and "12000" global bans have occurred. At first I thought "great, I can finally start enjoying the game!" And for those first 2 days that message ran, I wasn't killed by any hackers. I thought "Yes! Battleye's finally getting their S*** together!" Ironically on the third day the message popped up, and at the same time I was blown about 300 meters by an artillery strike. It was probably the most facepalm moment I've ever had in this game.

That day I was 1. gunned down like a dog in the streets of Elektro by two helicopters. 2. Teleported to an unknown location with about 20 other players that massacred each other out of panic. 3. picked apart by a hacker in the middle of the wilderness as "It's raining, it's pouring". played through direct comm.

The next day I was killed by hackers 5 times. You know the various ways, I don't need to tell you.

The next day I was killed by hackers 3 times, I alt-f4'd out of 3 attempts.

Today I was in Cherno school, when 3 dogs (Yes....dogs.) came into the school, ran up the stairs, and killed me. trailed by about 20 zombies. I was killed about 3 other times. It's gotten to the point where an AK and an ALICE found in a grocery is the most advanced my gear gets, since there's no reason to get more, since I'll have it an average of 2-3 hours tops.

I love this game. There's nothing like it, it's tremendous fun*...but I don't know how many more nights I can take going to bed disappointed thinking "This game would be so amazing if they took care of the hackers."

I'm sure battleye is catching hackers, but I assume they're mostly catching the people who think "so many ppl do it...hacking must be easy in this game." and fail. AKA the bad ones.


I ranted a bit, and I don't even feel an ounce better. Time to wait for War Z?

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It wont ever be fixed for the ARMA 2 mod version of Day Z purely because the mods dependance on the ARMA 2 engine. It will hopefully be much better for the stand alone release which can enforce tougher restrictions without crippling key elements of the mod, but it will never be erradicated

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Who administers your server? Best defence against scripts, BE won't be updated to ban them as they're allowed in vanilla Arma.

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I know, but....fuck. I don't want to believe that there's just nothing they can do. Knowing that would probably be the last straw... I don't want to believe that all I have to look forward to for the next 2-3 months is getting teleported to the thunder dome, turned into a farm animal, blown up by nukes, artillery strikes, helicopters, assaulted by invisible enemies, teleported and killed, get teleported TO and killed, getting killed as soon as I spawn, and getting blown up by satchel charges, m136s rocket launchers, and god knows what else.

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It wont ever be fixed for the ARMA 2 mod version of Day Z purely because the mods dependance on the ARMA 2 engine. It will hopefully be much better for the stand alone release which can enforce tougher restrictions without crippling key elements of the mod, but it will never be erradicated

Oh but i can easily erredicate this.

Charge 100$ for the game. majority of 13 year old scriptcoolkiddies cant play anymore. cause they dont have 100$

perma ban there account not IP's aka GUID's so that would make it 100$ per time they get caught.

Ill gladly play 100$ for a game if its cheat free.

Ill also take the job of driving around Europe punching each little cheater his lights out for who ever wants to pay me the gas fee, and some jammy dodgers.

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I made a post kinda like this a week ago, thsi first time back to the forums since then and I have not had any desire to log back into the game since then either. I think I am really done with the game for now and thats all YOU can do right now as well. Just wait it out and hoepfully come back when the standalone comes out and hope it dont get ruined by hackers as well. It was great while it lasted.

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Oh but i can easily erredicate this.

Charge 100$ for the game. majority of 13 year old scriptcoolkiddies cant play anymore. cause they dont have 100$

perma ban there account not IP's aka GUID's so that would make it 100$ per time they get caught.

Ill gladly play 100$ for a game if its cheat free.

Ill also take the job of driving around Europe punching each little cheater his lights out for who ever wants to pay me the gas fee, and some jammy dodgers.

"I have the money to spend on a ridiculously expensive game, so does everyone else who wants to play it!". That's what I got from your post. That is not a solution, but a workaround. Also, for REAL hackers, that $100 investment makes it so much sweeter when they hack in and blow you all up. Nothing is hack-proof, it's 2012, how have you not learned this?

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Currently sitting ten miles out in the ocean waiting for my character to starve / die of thirst. Really can't be arsed swimming all the way back to the coast when I'm just a fresh spawn. Game is pretty much unplayable at the moment.

And I was doing so well in recording footage for my "Dishonourable Chinese medic" video :(

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I made a post kinda like this a week ago, thsi first time back to the forums since then and I have not had any desire to log back into the game since then either. I think I am really done with the game for now and thats all YOU can do right now as well. Just wait it out and hoepfully come back when the standalone comes out and hope it dont get ruined by hackers as well. It was great while it lasted.

this. left bout 2 weeks ago. waiting for Thewarz (Since itcomes out before Dayz standalone) see if i like it, and if not wait for dayz stand alone.

I do enjoy reading the same post on these forums though.

"It's alpha get used to it"

"Welcome to cherno, rule 1 dont get attached blablabla"

Like seriously,alpha is no excuse for a fail anticheat program, "It's arma2 it's suppose to be like this" Bullshit, go play reall arma2 on life or rpg servers, it's NOT suppose to be like this.

The problem with battleeye is that they fix whatever "Darky" creates to bypass BE but they don't fix the source. cause making a new bypass in a shithole programas battleye isnt really this hard.

Also, welcome to cherno rule 1 crap, Most of these dayz players are horrible, cant aimfor shit, havent got arma 2 experience, and it makes it easy for me to get further into the game. i like sneaking around, making silent kills with my m4 sd, sniping from 1click away. and to waste 3 hours running around gathering the same crap over and over again is just plain stupid. if i wanted repetative gameplay i'd go play WoW and kill 5000 boars

i understand the game has flaws,but i have yetto die from a bug, or alpha error,cause i dont do dumbshit like try to glitch past a barbwire fence. i die from cheaters.

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"I have the money to spend on a ridiculously expensive game, so does everyone else who wants to play it!". That's what I got from your post. That is not a solution, but a workaround. Also, for REAL hackers, that $100 investment makes it so much sweeter when they hack in and blow you all up. Nothing is hack-proof, it's 2012, how have you not learned this?

if your a "Cheater" who keeps wasting a 100 dollars on a game each time since u got banned your pretty stupid. It sure is a workaround, that was my intention, sinec everything can be hacked. therefor raise the money keep the scrubs out. and those we do cheat keep paying 100$ after 2-3 accounts banned surely theyll go back to Artificial aiming in CoD Blackops 2

Also, i dont care for aimbots or wallhacks, what i care for is carpetbombing, and instagibbing, and the always a succes thunderdome DM arena. and the latter is what this game supports atm.

Edited by vjese

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Gaining the populrity of this mod in such a short time makes perfect sense why the game is in the state that its in. No one cared to "hack" this game before. They mther get their rocks off with their shinanigans with popular games such as COD, BF and anything thing else.

The amount of people coming to the game just really showed how vunerable the game really is. Im sure they are doing something about it, they have to do something about it. It can not be a fix that happens over night.

Being a BF3 head myself its pretty impressive what ARMA does. With that said, I haven't fired up BF3 since I discovered ARMA. Always knew about it but got suckered into playing the "popular" game.

Just my $.02. I am still enjoying the game. Although my play times is ususally an hour or 2 a night and thankfully I haven ran into any hacker issues yet, or at least I havent seen/known anything that was happening.

Edited by opeth

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I have been killed by hackers so many times that I just decided to run around with a hatchet for fun. It is a lot better than spending time collecting gear and then having it all taken away by some douche script kiddie.

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Oh but i can easily erredicate this.

Charge 100$ for the game. majority of 13 year old scriptcoolkiddies cant play anymore. cause they dont have 100$

perma ban there account not IP's aka GUID's so that would make it 100$ per time they get caught.

Ill gladly play 100$ for a game if its cheat free.

Ill also take the job of driving around Europe punching each little cheater his lights out for who ever wants to pay me the gas fee, and some jammy dodgers.

Yeeeah...that would chase of lots of people(myself included)who felt that paying 100$ for a game would be ridiculous(which it is). And hell, they will still get it for Christmas. Wont help, just make ppl pay more.

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Pick less populated servers or use version of the MOD and you wont see any hackers.

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Wait a second, how did I get on the BattlEye forums?

I could have sworn I was on the DayZ forums a second ago...

but the OP seems to be complaining about a problem that lies almost exclusively with BattlEye...


Edited by NightRipper

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Just going to point out its hard to stop 'hackers' before they actually do something. Same with every other cheat protection program. It can only stop what it knows about, and only stops them when they actually do something at that.

This is not Minority Report where they can predict the future that you are indeed going to hack and thus ban you before you ruin someones day.

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Quite honestly what I find the most astonishing other than all of the hackers is when I just bought ARMA 2 litterately yesterday, played for a total of 5 hours and when I logged in this morning I'm "global ban #3065" globally banned from servers. I don't see how the heck decided I was a hacker when I honestly JUST got the game and have just been running around lost in the vast fields and woods, but honestly Battleye needs to be replaced by something that actually WORKS and DOESN'T ban players that just bought the game. Every server I joined last night had hackers that go without being banned, but then of course I'm the one who gets banned. The player who just bought the game and has no clue where the hell to go. Battleye is some f--ked up anti-cheat, almost as bad as minecraft server's bukkit mod anti-cheats that ban you for jumping off roofs because the 5 block fall makes you "flying".

It also doesn't help that the Battleye "support" Doesn't even know what the hell the word support means and refuse to even speak with people, bunch of anti-social dicks.

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Quite honestly what I find the most astonishing other than all of the hackers is when I just bought ARMA 2 litterately yesterday, played for a total of 5 hours and when I logged in this morning I'm "global ban #3065" globally banned from servers. I don't see how the heck decided I was a hacker when I honestly JUST got the game and have just been running around lost in the vast fields and woods, but honestly Battleye needs to be replaced by something that actually WORKS and DOESN'T ban players that just bought the game. Every server I joined last night had hackers that go without being banned, but then of course I'm the one who gets banned. The player who just bought the game and has no clue where the hell to go. Battleye is some f--ked up anti-cheat, almost as bad as minecraft server's bukkit mod anti-cheats that ban you for jumping off roofs because the 5 block fall makes you "flying".

It also doesn't help that the Battleye "support" Doesn't even know what the hell the word support means and refuse to even speak with people, bunch of anti-social dicks.

Hello there

BE does and will reverse bans if they are not legit.

Try contacting them after reading the FAQ and then wait a while.

The BE reps post regularly on the bohemia forums btw.

BE will find it difficult though to halt all hacking/scripting as Arma has such an open engine, which is part of its success. DAYZ would not be here without that fact.



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Global Ban #3065 [ 20.08.2012 • 11:20 ] line.gif Recently many users have contacted us regarding this specific ban. We've investigated the problem and found that it's simply caused by a fake hack that is in fact a cd-key stealer. It also overwrites the user's actual cd-key with a banned one resulting in this very ban ID (the actual cd-key is not banned due to this).

This news post will be removed shortly as there is no point in mentioning such things. After all it's the cheaters' fault for getting themselves banned like that.

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Yes, but the BattlEye problem affects DayZ in innumerable ways. BattlEye and DayZ relate to each other in almost every way possible. This thread is not so off-topic after all, is it?

Wait a second, how did I get on the BattlEye forums?

I could have sworn I was on the DayZ forums a second ago...

but the OP seems to be complaining about a problem that lies almost exclusively with BattlEye...


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Interesting cause I haven't been atacked by hackers for at least 2 weeks and I've been playing every day, only legit zombie-player deaths and as right now Im alive for 8 days, fully geared, guilli, gps, nvg (thanks to a lucky grenade throw) and a l85... still looking for the fal thermal but hey, no hacks and I play in many servers with my friends. maybe Im lucky?

edit: I did, a few days ago, found myself running in a open fiel near... gosh I cant remember I think was mid northeast and i heard a car engine, I looked back and a car was coming straight at me, I saw hes tag, I thing it was Killaaa or Killaaahh, anyway, bravely and not alt+F4ing at all I tried taking the driver out with my DMR and I did! Took the car and drove waaaaaay up notrh, near the the end of the forest. I waited there for my friends cause I used all the fuel and they had some gas tanks. Then like 3 hours later ANOTHER car was coming my direction, by that time I was with my friends and we started shooting.... the player died, we had now a uav and a .... forgot the name, shitty car, and when i looked at the guys body: was killaaa again!

Well i guess I got lucky he was dumm! hahhaha

Edited by tassianoqt

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