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Remove Tents And Kill Everyone (A Fresh Start)

A Fresh Start?  

128 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Rocket Remove Tents And Kill Everyone?

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If like me you have been playing this game a while you may have noticed the steady increase in high end gear. I can remember when finding a 5.50 cal or NVGs was a huge deal for our team. In those days PVP meant something, there was a real edge to it because if you died you lost everything.

All that changed with the introduction of tents and the duping bug. Now every team has a camp full of duped tents with high level items. I've come across 5 just last night. All stuffed to the gills with high end military loot. Now if you die you just run up north go to a camp and your fully equipped with high end gear inside of 30 mins.

The problem with tents is ruining the scavenging side of the game for me and I suspect for a lot of people. There is no risk reward balance any more. The item duping is so out of control now and it not even intentional a lot of times. We did a raid on a camp the other night and netted 10 NVGs and 5 .50 cals. Next day I was passing the same location and on the off chance I went and checked the tents and everything was back. This is happening on every server.

What I'm proposing is a purge of the hive. Kill us all remove all tents and then either fix the duping bug or get rid of tents.

It would make the game fun again. For bandits and Survivors alike. What does everyone think?

Edited by Talon2000uk
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I made a thread about two days back saying it should happen. A mod came in and said something to the effect that Hacking and duping needed to be sorted out first. It would be a good chance to actually test the Alpha without the loot inflation from hacks/dupes, but I doubt thats going to happen before standalone, if ever.

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I like the idea of it, but i feel it would just be a temporary fix that would piss those off who have worked hard for stats/ and legitimately earned their gear. We'll just have to wait for the stand-alone I'm sure.

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repair vehicle on 4 hour reset server (even better repair the chopper)

go to every crash site

dupe all the stuff you get

becomes gods as everybody else has shit and can hardly fight back. even if you die who cares, you already have backup dupes.

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I made a thread about two days back saying it should happen. A mod came in and said something to the effect that Hacking and duping needed to be sorted out first. It would be a good chance to actually test the Alpha without the loot inflation from hacks/dupes, but I doubt thats going to happen before standalone, if ever.

Well disabling tents and resetting everyone would get rid of the duping problem. Actually you would need to reset the vehicles as well. But if you did those 3 things Day Z would go back to how it was. I for one would love that.

As for people being upset, this is a alpha, I've played loads of beta where your characters get wiped all the time, its part of Beta testing. One thing I don't understand is why this isn't being done on a regular basis.

I doubt that the stats Rocket is getting from this alpha are of any use atm because of the rampant duping. It seems pointless to keep running "The Experiment" when the data is tainted. Lets wipe it all and get back to basics. :D

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Well disabling tents and resetting everyone would get rid of the duping problem. Actually you would need to reset the vehicles as well. But if you did those 3 things Day Z would go back to how it was. I for one would love that.

As for people being upset, this is a alpha, I've played loads of beta where your characters get wiped all the time, its part of Beta testing. One thing I don't understand is why this isn't being done on a regular basis.

I doubt that the stats Rocket is getting from this alpha are of any use atm because of the rampant duping. It seems pointless to keep running "The Experiment" when the data is tainted. Lets wipe it all and get back to basics. :D

only bads purposely try and dupe with tents

all you need is camo or ghillie and you can dupe an infinite amount of stuff.

and this dupe method is a problem with the game engine, so you cant even fix this one unless you disable clothing

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do it. it's "alpha" right. anyway, the "legit" high end gear guys die occasionally to hackers anyway. seems like a good a time as any to reset.

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It would be good, if duping ever gets fixed. A huge weapon inflation going on at the moment.

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Hell yeah! Let's do this!

Would be fun. I don't care if I lose my stuff, I'll just get new.

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lol so many people attached to their gear in alpha.

But yeah this would work only if the duping was fixed, which it won't on this engine. So until the standalone we will see inflation of high end gear until everyone except fresh spawns have it.

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Well disabling tents and resetting everyone would get rid of the duping problem. Actually you would need to reset the vehicles as well. But if you did those 3 things Day Z would go back to how it was. I for one would love that.

As for people being upset, this is a alpha, I've played loads of beta where your characters get wiped all the time, its part of Beta testing. One thing I don't understand is why this isn't being done on a regular basis.

I doubt that the stats Rocket is getting from this alpha are of any use atm because of the rampant duping. It seems pointless to keep running "The Experiment" when the data is tainted. Lets wipe it all and get back to basics. :D

Barely anyone on these forums actually knows what an alpha is, so no point trying to explain it to them.

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Glad to know its not only me who thinks this way. Hopefully the more we bring this up the more likely it is the Day Z team will consider this.

Barely anyone on these forums actually knows what an alpha is, so no point trying to explain it to them.

We can but try. :D

Edited by Talon2000uk

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even tho its alpha, I am somewhat attached to my current gear, but getting rid of dupes would be worth losing it all, so I voted yes.

Edited by eris

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Logic always wins.

Dev member: No point in wiping database until hacking/duping is fixed

Rocket: Hacking and duping cannot be fixed because of weaknesses in the Arma engine

So one single big wipe probably won't happen any time soon.

The game being in development should mean regular wipes should occur, but it seems the devs are too scared to do this because it would mean alot of people will stop playing. Even though they aren't the type of players the majority of the community would like to keep around they need data and numbers to make the standalone possible.

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1. Fix Duping

2. Fix Gear Spawn from Hacks/Scripting

3. Reset Database for all Players, Tents and Vehicles

4. Play DayZ

Would really like to see this done before standalone, but I seriously doubt it.

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Look, even if the tent bug gets fixed we'll still end up with more high-level items floating around the server than we know what to do with them as people start storing them in tents that never go away. This is obvious if you have even the slightest foresight. And all of the solutions I've heard that haven't been the removal of tents have been attempts to keep high-level loot out of the hands of new players and to keep letting older players keep their stuff forever and ever because they "deserve" it or something.

The tents and vehicle storage have to go once and for all. If you really want to stash something, dump it in a pile, hope no one sees it, pray there's not a server restart before you can pick it back up.

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As a person who is in a group that has backup gear and backup gear for that gear and so on and so forth with vehicles spread across multiple servers I fully support this notion albeit it's only a temporary fix.

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1. Fix Duping

2. Fix Gear Spawn from Hacks/Scripting

3. Reset Database for all Players, Tents and Vehicles

4. Play DayZ

Would really like to see this done before standalone, but I seriously doubt it.

^ what he said

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I am all for a complete wipe as starting over sounds better than just sitting around with all my high end gear since I haven't gotten to the point of killing fresh spawns just for the lolz.

Quick question, so is it impossible for tents and vehicles to be saved automatically whenever they are altered? I have asked this question before and never received a response and it seems that to fix at least some duping all you need to do is have the tents and vehicles save automatically whenever an item is taken or placed within the tent or vehicle.

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