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DayZ dont shoot me bro

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i still have hope

i feel bad about this but i feel like hacking some times just to troll those people who shoot in sight without saying anything

Edited by Gaky

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Coyote backpack and a silenced weapon? If got that close to me in the dark, I'd likely have shot too. However in this exact case, I'd have heard the friendly call, and may have warmed up to you depending on whether you were willing to lay down your gun first.

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he shoots first, you say don't shoot me, he shoots again.

and this point you should have given up and killed him, why are people so afraid of getting murders?

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trust abuse..you should have given him a bit of his medicine

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Gaky if after the first don't shoot he shoots fire back.. That's the best lesson he can learn. Hacking to troll them is not what it's about so don't even think about that.

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@bludy i should have given him a bit of medicine?

i couldn't because he was shooting me.....


i am not afraid of having murders.. i had a character with 12.

i am just trying to be friendly.

the thing that annoys me that they don't say anything. they just shoot, without saying anything, like machines or something.

Gaky if after the first don't shoot he shoots fire back.. That's the best lesson he can learn. Hacking to troll them is not what it's about so don't even think about that.

you saw me shoot the first guy, he alt4

Edited by Gaky

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You're not trying to be friendly very well. It doesn't fucking matter how bad you want it, some people just do not want to be your friend. If they continue to shoot after you call friendly and make no threatening moves towards them whatsoever, and they keep shooting, it's pretty fucking obvious they're going to kill you.

Like, I'm all for trying to be friendly to strangers. It's all I do when I play solo. I'm just not so naive as to think that EVERYONE wants to be my friend. You just need to know when an agreement can be met and when you need to let out some good ol' winchester justice. If you actually want to be friendly, start being smarter about how you do it. Otherwise don't act surprised when people kill you for doing stupid shit.

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well people seem to think this is serious


i was joking around people, i didn't care about the gear because i found it on some random body so i wanted to have some fun,

When i do have good gear that i am afraid of loosing i will shoot on sight.

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double post....

Edited by Gaky

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A bit reckless attempt to be friendly but personally, after he started shooting at you, I would shoot back as well.

But yeah, you were dicking around and having fun so you were probably ready to die anyway :) .

Btw Im on small quest to obtain hero skin myself, but it seems more realistic to get it by shooting bandits,then approaching folks and offering transfusions and morphine.

Edited by Hombre

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