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Buyable shit And military bases

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What i suggest whe should have is a survival store where you can buy new skins or clothes or weapons problably food too from money you picked up from the dead or Damned or whatever you lads call.And i also suggest we should add military bases. Some with the military in like a shelter and some that are abandoned like ones you scavenge in. And you might find military weapons,clothes,and food too when you go in.PLEASE COMMENT!

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Nice Font! Jesus, my eyes hurt.

News just in! Military bases with military loot already exist!

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Ahhhh my friggin eyes!! O.O

But I doubt currency will mean anything in an apocalypse lol, maybe a trading post where you can trade in old weapons for food n water...but tbh i think that would take away the survival aspect of the game...

Also there are a tleast 4 military areas to loot from... O.o

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I'm sure the developers would agree, that if you think the game should include a survival shop, then you must simply run your own survival shop.

As for military bases. The game will very likely include them, but there won't be any NPCs in them.. So again, if you want military to be in the military bases, you will have to form your own military.

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Maybe we can extend this to microtransactions and specialized extra backpack slots and one-time self-rezzes when you die at 2 dollars a pop.

Or not.

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Welcome in this zombie apocalypse! Please stay calm while you shop at your favorit walmart. Today, promotion on yoghurt and axes, for the filthy infected roaming outside those doors.

Do you realise how stupid what you suggest is?

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its a good suggestion but instead of money i suggest recycling tin cans, whiskey bottles or something useless we all find. we get a token for these and when we get enough we can buy something. i suggest not weapons. but the you think bandits will wait outside these NPC areas and fam players coming out because they think they are playing COD or battlefield. maybe once they enter the area they become invisible to eveyone and 200m radius they cant be seen so people are not watching someone come out of the safe zone till he gets to the 200m mark and then shoot him

and no one say invisibility is not realistic because for 1 zombies are not real and can not be real, 2 soldiers would outlive any civilian in an apocalypse due to weapons, training, medical supplies, tanks, choppers, numbers and so much more. dont say it cant be implemented because its not realistic because in real life you can run or wank and shoot at the same time or hold an assault weapon 1 handed or hold two assault weapons. so much more about this game is not realistic so realistically thinking more can be in play so at least the game has a purpose or goal

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Why on earth would i want to buy shit?

Are turds the new Day Z currency?

Ahh, how civilisation has fallen!

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well what else is there to do in the game. dont u want more then getting a zombie kill count or a PVP kill count that gets reset every time you die

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Seeing that I am a raging asshole, and seeing that I see this shop as an actual physical shop somewhere in the Day Z world, I would be THAT GUY to post up several hundred yards away from said shop with a high power sniper rifle (I really like the DMR) and kill everyone that tried to buy from there.

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hmm thats why i made my post about invisibility so that cant happen. and the DMR is shit. well its good but its the same ass the lee enfield without a scope. 107 and I would be a little more worried

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well, you did sir give me an idea...

a underground military base somewhere on the map?

which will contain super rare weapons (low rate of course) but are packed with zombies.

impossible to raid by your self.

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like a dungeon. but then you would get these losers waiting at the entrance killing people when they come out saying hahaha you suck noob i killed you I am leet. I am leet cos i sat here and hit in the bush like a bitch weaiting for someone to walk past and i shot him. i am leet hahaha leet. and bag you out in forums. but this would be fixed if you were invisible to every player around the entrance for like a minute or so and could not attack others

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i actually think if these was a suggestion pole including all the players that play now maybe 50% whould say yes and 50% would say no. then you would get a few thousand votes from all the people who have quit dayZ and dont play anymore because there is nothing to do. they would all vote yes so there is something to do

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I personally agree with the idea of a currency system. Fallout had it, why not Day Z?

It can't be just lootable currency though, as in "hi, I'm a bandit, I'm gonna kill you and take all your cash" as that'd make it too easy and too pointless.

I'm not sure how people would go about doing it, but using it to buy guns, ammo, supplies etc would be grand. It'd give players an incentive to play and if they can't find the loot they want, they can buy it.

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I personally agree with the idea of a currency system. Fallout had it, why not Day Z?

It can't be just lootable currency though, as in "hi, I'm a bandit, I'm gonna kill you and take all your cash" as that'd make it too easy and too pointless.

I'm not sure how people would go about doing it, but using it to buy guns, ammo, supplies etc would be grand. It'd give players an incentive to play and if they can't find the loot they want, they can buy it.

like i said. maybe recycling cans or whiskey bottles gives you tokens? currency. these recycling plants are in place to try to bring the world back to normal but will never happen

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If the day comes, should DayZ go "pay2win", I will stop playing. Instantly.

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Currency is just a symbol by which everybody agrees to have a certain value.. Again, this is something you can do yourself.. The most logical currency is this case, i would suggest, is cans of beans (for obvious reasons).. Therefore if you want to make a currency, you need to get enough players that will accept the value you want to attribute to beans

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maybe you could hunt animals and tins of food and hand them in to a vendor for tokens to buy a gillie suit or cam clothing. you cant lose the tokens with you die neither so at least there is some gains in the game. like a purpose to playing

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maybe you could hunt animals and tins of food and hand them in to a vendor for tokens to buy a gillie suit or cam clothing. you cant lose the tokens with you die neither so at least there is some gains in the game. like a purpose to playing

Since the 'vendor' will be a real player, there is no reason you can't do this anyway.. He just decides what he accepts as a token, et voila...

You will obviously lose them when you die though, that is what adds to the purpose of playing.. You're trying to survive, and you're actually trying more than other games because that character only gets one shot.. No way you should keep your things.

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Fallout 3 had bottle caps as currency. Perhaps DayZ could have Zombie's... ears? Fancy an ear necklace? xD

Daryl Dixon will love you for it! =op

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