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A suggestion to stop rampant killing

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So, I was thinking and I've noticed that lately all the Day Z servers have become "Shoot on sight" for the most part, where as just a few weeks ago everybody was friendly and co-operative. This is no fun. I know Day Z is about realism and freedom and whatnot, but I'm pretty sure if a zombie apocalypse ever happened, people wouldn't be shooting everybody they come across.

I know a bunch of people are getting fed up with constantly being shot by some dick killing people just for fun, I'm one of those folks, and so I come with a suggestion I feel would be a good way to still allow the freedom of shooting whomever, but with consequences if you keep doing so repeatedly in a short period of time. This is my idea:

Humanity, I know it was just taken out but for my idea to work it requires both this and another stat called "Social", what happens is let's say you're a lonewolf and you've been killing a bunch of players, slowly, your humanity begins to drop. Once it hits a certain negative threshold, your character begins to lose sanity. He might get shaky when aiming down the sights, or go batshit crazy and start slamming his pistol into his head to get rid of the "voices", something like that that would compromise you if you were in a gunfight or just generally vulnerable.

Now, there are two ways to fix yourself. You can stop killing other players and your humanity will slowly go back up, or you can group together with other players and when you're not shooting, your "Social" stat rises which in turn greatly increases the speed at which your humanity raises back, meaning you will become "Sane" again much quicker in a group, working together, than you would by yourself.

This, in effect, means that not constantly killing other players and working together provides a benefit. You won't go insane.

Anyways, that's my idea basically. What do you guys think?

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Guest ragequitalready


Edited by ragequitalready

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I know that it isn't the most realistic depiction, but it would be a way to maybe prevent people from going on a slaughter spree.

I don't think I've alienated them at all, they can still play solo and kill people if they want. These effects only kick in if they kill multiple people within a short time span. There is no reason somebody should be killing 20+ people within a few hours unless they're just doing it to be a dick. This would help prevent that, since aiming would be more difficult (like it is with blood loss) and you may be unresponsive when you "lose it" much like you are when you pass out.

I feel this is a fair compromise, if they get near the breaking point then that means they're killing way more than they should and simply need to chill for a bit and things will go back to normal, or if they want to get back into the action of killing quickly, they can group up with some folks then.. I dunno, run off and kill others or betray them once they have their "sanity" back and can aim properly and whatnot again.

This game won't be able to please everybody, but do we really want every server turning into a Deathmatch where all that goes on is players killing players for shits and giggles? Because that's what is already going on in a lot of servers. This would help prevent that to an extent, but still allow it.

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No, this is stupid. The only factors that should tax my mental processes are my own. This is a game about survival of the fittest. Just because you can't make it doesn't mean that the "bad guys" should get their brains nerfed. Why should people be prevented from going on killing spees? It's the end of the fucking world, and you'd expect everyone to band together? Fuck no!

This game shouldn't have soft edges. I like how every encounter with a survivor is nerve wracking because you don't know what's gonna happen, and there's a big possibility that it won't be good. It's depressing, it's scary, it's fucking apocalyptic. Don't start throwing percoset at the problem, you'll make the game boring.

The best way to stop people from killing you isn't to beg for "sanity meters" or longer re-spawn timers or anything like that. Maybe you should pay more attention and whack them first.

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To be fair Mystic does have a good point though, if this game was a simple deathmatch game we don't even need the zombies. I'm new to this game but I've been reading forum posts from only weeks to a month ago and it sounds like they're describing a completely different game.

They describe teamwork and tact none of which I've seen yet. I've been killed by players more than zombies, and even players who shoot me while I'm killing the zombies actually attacking them, usually causing me to die right as they succumb to the zombies.

Lets talk about 'realism' here, if that's in any way a stated goal of this project, imagine a group of zombies bearing down on you, a helpful stranger begins expending his ammo and resources to save your life, and you recklessly ignore the zombies chewing on you to kill the stranger. That is the game we have right now.

I wouldn't even bring it up if it was an isolated incident, but apparently the argument here is either when zombie apocalypse breaks out the first thing everyone does is get into an old western style gunfight until only 1 man is left standing, or there's a broken mechanic somewhere in the game. I'm inclined to lean towards Mystic's solution, or one equally as interesting but more agreeable.

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This is stupid.

How come every time I browse suggestions there are always dozens of stupid, stupid ways to "stop pking".

Get the fuck over it. It's not meant to hold your hand and the game isn't meant to be easy, or well as easy as players make it.

We're here to cause chaos and break up regular survival gameplay. If you don't like us bandits then you can kindly either hide from us or form a posse, do whatever you wish. Stop trying to nerf player killers just because we stole your beans.

They're MY beans and I say it!

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This is stupid.

How come every time I browse suggestions there are always dozens of stupid' date=' stupid ways to "stop pking".

Get the fuck over it. It's not meant to hold your hand and the game isn't meant to be easy, or well as easy as players make it.

We're here to cause chaos and break up regular survival gameplay. If you don't like us bandits then you can kindly either hide from us or form a posse, do whatever you wish. Stop trying to nerf player killers just because we stole your beans.

They're MY beans and I say it!


Unless I'm mistaken I don't see anyone suggesting an end to player killing my dear. What he's asking is something to curb the shift the game has taken to shoot on sight, he even put it in quotes.

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Precisely, Devserial. I don't want player killing gone. I don't mind if a bandit is popping a few players an hour to survive and stay equipped, my idea is simply meant to possibly prevent people who are killing for the sake of killing and ruining everyone else's gameplay.

If you think that Day Z should be a shooting gallery of players, then I am sorry to say it but YOU are the one who is playing the wrong game, not I. One game can't, nor should it, try to please every type of gamer. Day Z is not a deathmatch style game, people shouldn't be killing others just to kill for the sake of killing to piss people off. The whole point of this mod is SURVIVAL. I feel my solution would be fair for everybody, bandits can still be bandits, be it alone or in a pack, while everyone else does what they normally do. Only people this would impact is those that kill a ton of players in a short timespan, which I guarantee are only people being dickheads, also known as trolls.

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Yeah, mystic has a valid point. I'm new to DayZ and like the mod even with its alpha hicks well enough, but I have to say I didn't expect it to be such a deathmatch. Now I have nothing against bandits as a concept, it's realistic and adds one kind of depth..BUT I think the treshold to become a bandit is too low and that leads to these "rampant playerkillers" who kill for fun and wont even bother looting your corpse. Most of the survivors I have met in the game have either shot me or tried to, and since it's mostly one-shot-kills kind of game am usually dead before I realize am being shot at.

It's become a lot worse since the bandit skin was removed and I've started to consider shooting everyone on sight just in case. This snowball can only grow bigger and roll faster and eventually it's plain f4a DM between players and zombies and I doubt that's what most of us would want to see.

There should be some consequence to excess killing and maybe even some smaller ones for long-term banditry. Things are way slower irl as we all know and notorious bandits would develop certain infamy, survivors would share their intel on him and his looks and stuff and this would make it harder for him to keep on his business. Sadly, with ppl popping in and out, average lifetime being like 30mins and there being whole 3 different skins (or something like that) in the game it makes it too easy for bandits to take ppl by surprise.

Again, it's nice to have bandits, they add some thrill and nervecracking to the game but too much is too much as most would likely agree.

edit: Also the nasty little point I forgot to make, playing bandit is so much easier than playing survivor. Maybe that's exactly why there's such an abundance on the bandit front. It's easy to shoot the guy while he's trying to evaluate you, it's easy to snipe someone from a mile away for no reason. I kind of gotta wonder what's the thrill IN being a bandit, especially now that there's no skin to mark you as one?

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Well everybody seems to be defending the kill as many as you wish part. But what about people that WANT teamwork? Did you think about that? Maybe i don't want to kill anybody and just team up. The bandits in this state are the judge. They can decide if they should let a player enjoy the game as he wishes or force him to adjust his thinking. If a peaceful player would get killed over and over and over you are forcing him each time to chose either if he wants to play or suck it up and become a fear driven player or even a bandit. This needs to stop.

Also do u think in a real zombie apocalypse you would survive very much alone? And let's say you do survive by killing everyone on sight. What happens next? You will most certainly go insane from the loneliness in less than 3 months or try to find some people to team up with. Oh wait that's right. You killed everybody.

Do not compare a game with real life scenarios. They can't and will not be the same. Ever.

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I think punishing people for their playstyle should be avoided. Negative effects for killing would be bad.

However, rewarding people for their playstyle is good. Killing everyone you see already has ample rewards. That much is obvious. Adding competing incentives to group play is really the way to go.

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It's a fucking game of the END OF THE WORLD.You can't ask to ruin the best players.I'm not killing players if i don't have to,but it's just stupid to blame them,and try to change their gaming style.Some guys want to run around and kill everyone.They killed you,me,and a lot of others.So what?If it was a zombie?You would ask to have sanity bulshit to a zombie that killed 3 guys?Also,if it was in real life,do you think that you would spare everyone you see?Or you would keep aiming their head until they leave?You wouldn't shoot someone if he make a supspicious move?I would.I don't care about others if it comes to my life.In the game it's not the real thing,so i don't care if i die.I'm being carefull,but i won't shoot everyone i see.I'll keep an eye on them,but i shoot only on self defence.I've helped random guys that didn't even ask for help,i was saved from a group of 6 bandit-skined players when i was wounded and i had 4 zombies on my tail.They could just shoot me too and get my stuf,but they killed the zombies while one of them was bandaging me.One other time,a guy decided to throw a flare on me,to use me as bait,and leave,an other time a guy shot me in the head just cause i had a lot of makarov mags.But i don't ask to punish these guys,i keep getting better everytime someone kills me,i learn from my mistakes.Having a utopia it'll just destroy the mod.Not being able to do what you want,will be just stupid.If you are going to ask for something in order to avoid massive pvp,you should ask to have some servers named Deathmatch or PvP,where all the pvpers would go,leaving you alone.But with their own will,you will not force them to change just cause they killed you

And if you want teamwork,find a team to play.Don't whine cause you can't survive.If you don't want to kill a player in order to survive,then hide your ass.It's stupid to change the game.Do whatever you want,while you understand that everyone does whatever he wants.

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Survivors shouldn't be forced by Bandits to change their playstiles, and vice-versa. But as stated above, you should get something for being a survivor, because being a bandit has far more advantages hence the increasing numbers in them.

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Until at the very least the direct comms are fixed don't expect any different... the only player interaction I have experienced is being shot in the back because I didn't respond to direct chat I couldn't see or hear, and having to shoot another player in the back because they didn't respond to me on direct. But what the game really needs is walkie-talkies, sure people will still use teamspeak and play in the same 'safe' groups they've always played in. But I don't want to do that, this mod gives you the opportunity to interact with total strangers.. too bad that in it's current stat the only interaction is murder.

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Another idea mentioned a few times is some sort of social interaction.

If players have had violent interactions with another player they would have a good chance of recognizing them in the future and they could pass this information onto other players...weed out the bandits via word of mouth.

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Why not get some real data instead of depending on testimonials from crybabies ?

123,888 unique players

242,754 murders

14,744 bandits

Do the math yourself

There is no rampant killing spree or team deathmatch going on.

Individual players, most of whom seem to lack the basic skills of DayZ survival, are whining non-stop about being killed and that is the basis for all the "nerf the PvP" threads.

Play the game and stop trying to make it fit your limited preconceptions of what it should be.

If you don't like, leave.

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something has to be done, this is more of an fps than a zombie survival now

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I just started playing for a few day's now and I don't believe the murder rate is abnormally high for the scenario. Playing solo and sticking to small towns inland of the map seems to be the safest route. Entering large cities should be something only done in groups.

In order to do this I would like to see some sort of tribe system added in with a basic hierarchy and a unique means of visual identification. This would give players an incentive to be trustful and work together. I'd imagine that with a tribe system we'd see small tent towns be set up around large cities. A whole new layer of tension amongst groups would also arise.

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a tribe system

I'm part of a tribe

we don't need a system, you just need friends

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I have discovered two full AKM thirty round magazines will stop two players from rampant killing me. Cost a little on the humanity account, but after several verbal warnings and even a warning shot, what's a brother gonna do?

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