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About Mystic5hadow

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    On the Coast
  1. Mystic5hadow

    A suggestion to stop rampant killing

    Precisely, Devserial. I don't want player killing gone. I don't mind if a bandit is popping a few players an hour to survive and stay equipped, my idea is simply meant to possibly prevent people who are killing for the sake of killing and ruining everyone else's gameplay. If you think that Day Z should be a shooting gallery of players, then I am sorry to say it but YOU are the one who is playing the wrong game, not I. One game can't, nor should it, try to please every type of gamer. Day Z is not a deathmatch style game, people shouldn't be killing others just to kill for the sake of killing to piss people off. The whole point of this mod is SURVIVAL. I feel my solution would be fair for everybody, bandits can still be bandits, be it alone or in a pack, while everyone else does what they normally do. Only people this would impact is those that kill a ton of players in a short timespan, which I guarantee are only people being dickheads, also known as trolls.
  2. Mystic5hadow

    A suggestion to stop rampant killing

    I know that it isn't the most realistic depiction, but it would be a way to maybe prevent people from going on a slaughter spree. I don't think I've alienated them at all, they can still play solo and kill people if they want. These effects only kick in if they kill multiple people within a short time span. There is no reason somebody should be killing 20+ people within a few hours unless they're just doing it to be a dick. This would help prevent that, since aiming would be more difficult (like it is with blood loss) and you may be unresponsive when you "lose it" much like you are when you pass out. I feel this is a fair compromise, if they get near the breaking point then that means they're killing way more than they should and simply need to chill for a bit and things will go back to normal, or if they want to get back into the action of killing quickly, they can group up with some folks then.. I dunno, run off and kill others or betray them once they have their "sanity" back and can aim properly and whatnot again. This game won't be able to please everybody, but do we really want every server turning into a Deathmatch where all that goes on is players killing players for shits and giggles? Because that's what is already going on in a lot of servers. This would help prevent that to an extent, but still allow it.
  3. So, I was thinking and I've noticed that lately all the Day Z servers have become "Shoot on sight" for the most part, where as just a few weeks ago everybody was friendly and co-operative. This is no fun. I know Day Z is about realism and freedom and whatnot, but I'm pretty sure if a zombie apocalypse ever happened, people wouldn't be shooting everybody they come across. I know a bunch of people are getting fed up with constantly being shot by some dick killing people just for fun, I'm one of those folks, and so I come with a suggestion I feel would be a good way to still allow the freedom of shooting whomever, but with consequences if you keep doing so repeatedly in a short period of time. This is my idea: Humanity, I know it was just taken out but for my idea to work it requires both this and another stat called "Social", what happens is let's say you're a lonewolf and you've been killing a bunch of players, slowly, your humanity begins to drop. Once it hits a certain negative threshold, your character begins to lose sanity. He might get shaky when aiming down the sights, or go batshit crazy and start slamming his pistol into his head to get rid of the "voices", something like that that would compromise you if you were in a gunfight or just generally vulnerable. Now, there are two ways to fix yourself. You can stop killing other players and your humanity will slowly go back up, or you can group together with other players and when you're not shooting, your "Social" stat rises which in turn greatly increases the speed at which your humanity raises back, meaning you will become "Sane" again much quicker in a group, working together, than you would by yourself. This, in effect, means that not constantly killing other players and working together provides a benefit. You won't go insane. Anyways, that's my idea basically. What do you guys think?