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I wish that style were something bandits cared about.

I love dying in this game. There is no part of my characters' life cycles that I find more gratifying that starting from scratch, and trying to get that initial foothold. I like buttoning up a character's story, and I don't place any importance on my gear. The more inconvenience the more fun I have. Death by any means is as welcome to me as finding a chopper crash.

Every time I've been killed by a bandit it's been a sniper. I've never gone down in a firefight, and the few times that scenario presented itself, the guy in the ghillie disappears the second the footing is not 100% in his or her favor. A lot of bandits like to flex nuts, but my personal experience is that they are kinda chickenshit when it comes down to it. I know that my personal experience isn't representative of anything but my personal experience.

I do wish that I'd run into more murderers who have a little spark of creativity. So if you see some guy named Attila creeping through the streets, do us both a favor and say something to me before you shoot, fuck with my head a little bit, maybe throw a flare at me and then lay in. I promise that I'm not that good of a shot, and we can both walk away from the experience with a little bit more of a story.

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They care not for the story, they care for the beans.

When it comes down to it, a bandit wants to kill you, period. If he wants to waste time being dramatic, it's only heightening his chances of being killed.

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Yeah I understand all that. Just hoping to plant a seed in the skull of maybe one outlaw with two alpha brainwaves to rub together.

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I plan on doing just that after my current character dies or after I get tired of carrying all my "end game" loot on me and decide to finally stash it somewhere.

I wonder... can you kill someone by running them over with a bicycle?

New goal in life: Kill someone by running them over with a bike while playing the Pokemon bike theme music over my mic.

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Too true. There are too many so called Bad Asses who sit on hilltops whooping it up with their buddies when they snipe a Noob from 500m. Get into a proper firefight with them and they either Alt-F4, ghost or run for it. Pussies.

I love the thrill of Respawning. No other game gives you that feeling of having nothing.

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I've only ever seen one sniper, and only ever shot by one once too. I guess you're just unlucky.

I heard a sniper at the NW airfield, so I waited next to him for him to run out and get his kills loot, he runs up, I take a shot and he alt f4's.

What a pussy. I have the guts to stay in-game whenever I'm in a firefight, no matter if I know i'm dead.

PS: I don't like to kill people, but if I find you on a server, i'll hunt you down with a hatchet, just a change of pace for both of us.

Edited by Mayuyu
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It is a great sense of personal courage to get the impulse to alt-f4 and make the choice to be a good sport- especially in the face of certain death. I'm sure there are plenty of good bandits out there who are willing to die in the name of not breaking the game too. I guess I am just unlucky to not run across them. Been in plenty of situations when I got to cover, and they had cover, and in the time it takes me to switch to my rifle the other guy just removes himself from the situation. We all agree, at least in public, that is lame.

I'm a survivor player, and when I have mercy on somebody I try to do it in an interesting way. Even more enjoyable than watching a pile of pixels topple from 500m is watching somebody freak out when you say in your best Eastwood accent "freeze". Popping off a few round just over the head of another player and seeing them head for the hills is very enjoyable- and it teaches them a lesson. I don't like killing other players just because I can, but being a little creative with your mercy can apply just as much to creative murder.

So I guess the same could be said to survivors, be a little bit creative, and the game becomes exponentially more interesting.

Chances are you'll log in with no gear back at the beach, for whatever reason that happens, so really nobody has anything to lose.

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I used to go to Cherno, sit on the outskirts of the apartments throw enough flares to light up the whole Northern side of the town then hide in a bush and watch the faces at the windows peering out Amazing how a few pretty lights could lock down a place and you never needed to fire a bullet.

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i'd actually enjoy a game with you...

i just had an AS50, L85, M9SD GPS/NVG/Rangefinder... EVERYTHING.

when someone came near me... i kill him on sight... (too scared to lose the gear)

so what i did was...

5 minutes ago i went to a random place... dropped all my gear (nobody will find it, nor would i... didn't try to remember the server)

now i'm a bandit with 10 kills... 1 bandit kill and -41K humanity (god i'm bad...)

so now i'm runing around with a bandit skin with no weapon...

anyone got a TS i could join and go for a LULZRUN in cherno?

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You ask a lot of the people. Creativity is something that is becoming increasingly hard to come by.

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