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Should 1 Hit Kill Sniper rifles be removed from DayZ.

Should 1 Hit Kill Sniper rifles be removed from DayZ.  

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  1. 1. Should One hit Kill snipers be removed from DayZ

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Should 1 Hit Kill Sniper rifles be removed from DayZ.

I mainly mean the AS50 and M107. Why?

Well because currently they are more common than a friggin Winchester. Also on just about every server there are people sitting on sniper hills sniping new spawns.

This isnt a complaint thread just want other peeps opinions.

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um some people love to snipe.... just think of it this way... u go to afganistan and ur in the military,, u see someone runnin across the way would u rather have some shitty sniper that doesnt do anything or a 50 cal that takes them out.. and if no 1 shot sniper then how u gonna take out the heli? 50 cal sniper is a heli downer stop qq more pew pew.. if u hate being sniped go get a sniper. period

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um some people love to snipe.... just think of it this way... u go to afganistan and ur in the military,, u see someone runnin across the way would u rather have some shitty sniper that doesnt do anything or a 50 cal that takes them out.. and if no 1 shot sniper then how u gonna take out the heli? 50 cal sniper is a heli downer stop qq more pew pew.. if u hate being sniped go get a sniper. period

Your post gave me cancer.

Onto the topic: I think Snipers should stay as they are. The only reasont hey're "more common" is because hacker and dupers, who are actively being tracked down by BattlEye now that it promised to kick it up a notch.

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Yes but its suppose to be a Zombie Survival Mod. You are not going to be killing zombies with a 50 Cal sniper. The M24 and DMR atleast require a bit of skill to get the headshot.

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Ive posted my opinion on this a few times.

I use the AS50 and I love it, but I love it because

a: it prevents alt f4.

b: its easy.

I think all the high end military loot should be rare as rocking horse shit , and the 1 shot kill to the center mass weapons should go, just to create a better dynamic in the game.

But this might as well wait till the standlaone because hacking and duping create a false impression of the game right now.

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No! I know it's annoying getting killed by a sniper but that is no reason to remove them. If we go down that path we'll sit in the end all around a fire with just our flashlights talking about the good old times.

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Or if there was like a complete game wipe of everything so it was like fresh new everything on every server. {That doesnt make very much sense]

Edited by Zecele

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I thing anti-material rifle should exist but be much rarer.

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um some people love to snipe.... just think of it this way... u go to afganistan and ur in the military,, u see someone runnin across the way would u rather have some shitty sniper that doesnt do anything or a 50 cal that takes them out.. and if no 1 shot sniper then how u gonna take out the heli? 50 cal sniper is a heli downer stop qq more pew pew.. if u hate being sniped go get a sniper. period

I'm not sure if you're aware, but in the real world, a .22 will kill you just as dead as a 40mm. And referring to the "shitty" sniper rifles at the military's disposal? It's all about the operator.

In regards to the OP? Nah, I enjoy the feeling of crosshairs on my back when I'm roaming around. Gives me one of them adrenaline rush thingies.

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On the ALT F4 thing. If you get the headshot they will be dead so they cant disconnect. So then you would have to actually be good with a sniper rifle to be able to get the headshot.

Edited by Zecele
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You are implying that you don't wanna get killed while playing DayZ.

That's not hardcore, that's not cool, and that's gay.

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Or if there was like a complete game wipe of everything so it was like fresh new everything on every server. {That doesnt make very much sense]

And then? The duping problem is still there. In no time you would have the old state again. They can't fix the duping in the mod. I am sure they will handle it much better with the game. So just wait for it.

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You are implying that you don't wanna get killed while playing DayZ.

That's not hardcore, that's not cool, and that's gay.

No im implying that the AS50 and M107 are way to common at the moment.

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If the items really were rare and duping/hacks were not an issue then I'd say it would be okay to have them.

As it is now it's just annoying to see morons using a spray and pray method to mow down new spawns with sniper rifles, of all things. Those aren't snipers, they're just maniacs with long range rifles. So if that's how the guns are going to be used then I wouldn't mind them getting removed. I prefer more of a challenge anyway, an AS50 (which I've yet to find) would be too easy to get kills, in my opinion.

DMR for the win.

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if you are diying to the sniper, learn how to counter act better, or get away... find another way to survive...

excuse me Afghanistan, yeah, you can't use anti aircraft missiles, they take out choppers with more than 1 person in them at a time. k? it's not easy, thanks...

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No im implying that the AS50 and M107 are way to common at the moment.

DayZ has been around for what, 4 months since April. Collect the variants such as AS50 & M107 loot percentage, amount of loot spawn points, and the frequency of server restarts since DayZ released. Calculate all of that with extra loot spawn from helo crash sites and duping, and there you go, you will see them more common whether you like it or not.

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It isn't the one hit kill sniper rifles that are the problem, it's the rampant hacking/duping making them so easily accessible

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Fix duping and make them extremely rare. It's ridiculous to spend a week making a character and instantly die from someone across the map.

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1 hit kill rifles are fine. Duping that makes them trivial to find isn't.

Fix duping, you'll fix the problem.

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DayZ has been around for what, 4 months since April. Collect the variants such as AS50 & M107 loot percentage, amount of loot spawn points, and the frequency of server restarts since DayZ released. Calculate all of that with extra loot spawn from helo crash sites and duping, and there you go, you will see them more common whether you like it or not.

A ) your color choice doesn't show on the mobile version of the forums (white background)

B ) I would say that duping is a huge cause of high end weapon inflation.

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Show me a video of a guy getting shot by a 50 cal and not being completely fucked and I will condone the removal of 1 shot kills.

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