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Should 1 Hit Kill Sniper rifles be removed from DayZ.

Should 1 Hit Kill Sniper rifles be removed from DayZ.  

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  1. 1. Should One hit Kill snipers be removed from DayZ

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I don't snipe, but removing it from the game would be a little extreme. I'd be happy if .50 cal rifles could not be stowed away in backpacks.

Additionally, would be nice if they were deployable only and could not be hip/standing/crouch fired. But that would be a bit more of a change.

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I think that top tier military weapons should be really rare, not for balance issues or anything like that, since balance is irrelevant on this mod, just because it doesn't make sense for every survivor in a zombie apocalypse to be running around with a .50 calibre sniper rifle. I'd like to see more home-made and gritty style weapons, though I think this will be addressed in the standalone.

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as much as I dislike all camping faggots, no.

I don't think you realise how absurdly strong those weapons are in real life. if one hits you you are either dead (head/chest/abdomen) or crippled for life (arms/legs)

the size of those bullets and the speed they have don't simply make a hole in you, they SHRED you to pieces.

DayZ isn't about balance of weapons, it's about how much they represent a real life situation, and in a real life situation a sniper hit is in most/all cases deadly hit

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as much as I dislike all camping faggots, no.

I don't think you realise how absurdly strong those weapons are in real life. if one hits you you are either dead (head/chest/abdomen) or crippled for life (arms/legs)

the size of those bullets and the speed they have don't simply make a hole in you, they SHRED you to pieces.

DayZ isn't about balance of weapons, it's about how much they represent a real life situation, and in a real life situation a sniper hit is in most/all cases deadly hit

however what happened to leave the area is the state it is in now and what caused the need for anti-material rifles, yet little to no armor or AA/AT stations

Now if there were say wrecks of say more armor or even retrofitted paramiltary vehicles I would understand the possible need for some anti-material.

Edited by Orthus

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One hit kill snipers are for skillless dumb-asses who can't get headshots.

You say "So they can take one shot and take them out"

I just had someone fire 2 whole mags at me from an AS50 and get ONE hit and instant kill me.

Like a real sniper right?

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Why don't we have an itemized list for this debate?

Pro .50-cal:

It's a fun gameplay style for some, removal would persecute these players

It's the only way to ensure a positive kill on a player who will Alt+F4 at the drop of a hat

Effective versus vehicles, specifically the helicopter

Anti .50-cal:

Duping makes them ubiquitous and trivial to acquire, flooding servers with instagib griefers who cannot be stopped, since they can rearm in minutes and resume their newb-slaying

Not in keeping with the spirit of the zombie apocalypse setting

Overpowered in DayZ due to balance issues

I come down against the .50 sniper rifles. My responses to each point:

Pros First:

Sniper lifestyle: You can snipe with other rifles. It's tougher, and you'll likely miss some kills, but you can have the full sniper experience with an M24 or DMR. What you'll miss out on is the kill tally, but that's acceptable to me.

Alt+F4: Invalid argument. Alt+F4 is used all the time, regardless of what weapon you have. If one-shot kills are the answer, I want my 1911 to deal 37000 damage, too.

Effective versus vehicles: I can't really speak to this point, because I don't know how effective .50s are against flying helicopters compared to other weapons. It doesn't seem like something that comes up terribly often, except when helicopters wander into a sniper's area of influence and are targeted.

As for the Cons:

Duping/Hacking: Sure, dupers and hackers will have the toys they want as long as they're allowed to dupe and hack, so that's no more relevant to the specific weapon issue than the Alt+F4 side of the debate, but it's worth noting that nobody's hacking in a bunch of M110s and KSVKs and duping them. If the guns were removed from the game, they'd be easier to cull on the server side and less tempting to dupe, and that'll mean the pesky sniper on that hill will be using a more demanding rifle, and your death, while still pointless, will be a feat of skill.

Not in keeping with the setting: There's plenty of reasons for the guns to be present in Chernarus, so that's not a problem. The only thing that seems out of place about these rifles are how common they are, and that's due to the problems from the previous point.

Overpowered: Absolutely, and this is the key reason for me wanting them gone. Why are .50BMG rifles overpowered? They are too easy to succeed with.

-Instakill power regardless of point of impact.

-Superb optics.

-Extraordinary precision.

-Unmatched range.

A sniper of even modest ability can rack up PvP kills with one of these without much effort. In contrast, the CZ550, DMR, M24 and SVD require a headshot for a clear kill, reducing the valid target area by something like 90%.

How do you combat a sniper?

1. Find out where he is

2. Go someplace where your weapons can reach him

3. Kill him.

P.S. - Do not let him kill you in the meantime

This is hard. Finding him is hard because the effective range of the AS50 is over a kilometer, which is a big radius to search. Getting into position to kill him, while avoiding his eye and the rifle that he's looking through, can take several minutes, due to the distances and terrain concerns. Killing a sniper isn't any harder than killing anyone else, but they're generally well armed, with a backup assault rifle of some kind and a ghillie suit. Plus, they're not any more shy about Alt+F4 than the players they need those guns to kill, so unless you brought a .50 with you, you're going to enjoy a twenty-minute high-risk maneuvering session followed by a fight that's either quite difficult or interrupted by a logoffski, leaving you with no loot, no bandit kill and nothing to show for your herculean effort but some hunger, some thirst and some missing ammo. Not balanced, not fun, not fair. Lose the big guns.

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as much as I dislike all camping faggots, no.

I don't think you realise how absurdly strong those weapons are in real life. if one hits you you are either dead (head/chest/abdomen) or crippled for life (arms/legs)

the size of those bullets and the speed they have don't simply make a hole in you, they SHRED you to pieces.

DayZ isn't about balance of weapons, it's about how much they represent a real life situation, and in a real life situation a sniper hit is in most/all cases deadly hit

In a real life situation a cash strapped former warsaw-pact country wouldn't have hundreds of m107's laying around.

Also random civilians probably couldn't figure out how to use/maintain them.

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All of these issues will die down once the tent duping thing is fixed.

I have found 5 odd camps and have run them over, blown them up, chucked the gear into bushes , saved, unsaved, rolled tents up and moved them and repitched...

I don't know the specifics of how it came to be but these camps which are miles apart from each other all come back after server reboots full again.

Some camps have just tins of beans and jerry cans in.

Some camps have l85/Fal/AS50 in. As time goes on more and more of these camps are found by more and more players, ergo more and more people with weapons they ought not to have with a completely broken amount of ammo for them even considering the fact that ammo now tracks. So what? It all reappears in the tents after a reboot anyway.

I hope this issue is fixed as it is massively skewing the newer players perception of things. Sniper rifles are probably just fine, the issue is a lot of players can go get anther one with X amount of mags 2-3 times a day, all day long.

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I'm not sure if you're aware, but in the real world, a .22 will kill you just as dead as a 40mm.

This is only true in the case of that .22 round colliding with vital organs, such as the heart, or the carotid artery. But in the case of a .50 caliber round, it doesn't need to hit a vital organ. Being an Anti-Material round, it's damage to metals and common building materials is devastating. The effects are ten fold on a human.

Needless to say, if you are hit with a .50 caliber round, whatever limb was hit, no longer exists, and if you were hit in the chest/ abdomen, you wont have a body left.

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Why not have tents save automatically when you put something in/take something out.

Problem solved. No more duping (for the most part)

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All sniper shots will most likely put you below half blood + bleeding + unconscious atm anyway, so it wouldn't make that much of a difference.

In my opinion they should just make all ammo for the high end/powered weapons a lot rarer, and make them spawn with no/fewer mags, so it's actually a decision whether to use ammo or not.

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They could just remove 50 Cals as like a test. Just to see if things get any better or worse.

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um some people love to snipe.... just think of it this way... u go to afganistan and ur in the military,, u see someone runnin across the way would u rather have some shitty sniper that doesnt do anything or a 50 cal that takes them out.. and if no 1 shot sniper then how u gonna take out the heli? 50 cal sniper is a heli downer stop qq more pew pew.. if u hate being sniped go get a sniper. period

Uhm.. 50cals arent even used against infantry, they are normally used to pierce tanks, and btw, Helicopters get taking down so easy, there is no point in getting one!, its like, "HEY IM OVER HERE, SHOOT AT ME WITH ALL THE 50 CALS EVERYONE HAS" ANYWAYS, good shots shouldnt need "One-Shot snipers" which would remove all the people Spraying as50 shots at me while running around electro!

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why not temp remove them to see how things play out? it wouldn't be a bad things to experiment on since it is a hot topic.

This is my only way to fight alt f4s. I find all my as50 the legit way also.

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I'm not sure if you're aware, but in the real world, a .22 will kill you just as dead as a 40mm. And referring to the "shitty" sniper rifles at the military's disposal? It's all about the operator.
Certainly it will.

But the way I see it, that's part of the problem.

Let's see if I can explain it better this way;

How is it that the only Zompocalypse survivors are SpecOps guys who are familiar with all hardware?

I say that if you *have* to have it in the game, then it should weigh the same as in real life.

Your buddies will enjoy having you around, since lugging that cannon will make you zombie bait.

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The reason there are so many .50 sniper rifles on each server is because there are more cheaters on DayZ than legitimate players. It takes about 4 minutes to write up or download your own BattleEye scripting bypass, thus allowing you to spawn whatever you want into the game.

Nothing at all wrong with guns that are 1-hit-kills. I would love to see them again in the standalone version of DayZ coupled with responsive, polished hitboxes on players and zombies.

Your a fucking cheater, otherwise how would you know. but, THERE ARE NOT MORE HACKERS THAN PLAYERS! Thats a very disrespectful comment to the suffering the normal players who are constantly getting killed by hackers have to face. Most gunshots i hear are civ weapons.

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Using Alt-F4 to defend the 50 cals is a completely flawed argument. Quitting out in combat is not legit, this WILL be fixed.

The realism argument is a bit of an odd one in a zombie apocalypse , but I agree in principal, this weaponry just doesn't fit in with the zombie apocalypse theme to my mind. I'd rather see things feeling more like "The Road" than "Rambo". Finding a m16 in a deer stand feels pretty wierd to me, but finding a CZ550 would feel much more in keeping.

Sniping however is a valid tactic and adds an important dimension to the game. Overwatch for one. It def needs to stay. I'm a sniper myself.

Gameplay with say, the CZ550 is much more enjoyable for all involved. Snipers have to up their game to get one hit kills and disable vehicles. Headshots, and hitting vehicle drivers etc. Generally when sniped by a CZ you are down, often unconscious and often with broken legs, you get a really scary few minutes where you have a chance to crawl away and patch yourself up. This is the sort of excitement that makes Dayz. From the attackers perspective they often then either have to close to finish the kill, or send in a team mate to do the job. This opens up the game play for the victims team mates. Both sides are drawn together , tactical options open up, risk on both sides goes up, but the encounter is also potentially longer.

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I put "other" for HELL NO.

There are some things that may be degrading the consistency of the mod right now, OHK snipers are pretty low on that list. That's going too far in artificial balance.

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Don't run around in the open. Leave snipers ALOOONE! I die every 3 minutes in his game, but have had very little trouble with snipers. They are usually in high traffic areas, they don't want to sit around in the bush waiting for one kill every three hours. If your server has sniper problems I feel bad for you son, I got 99 problems, losing my beans ain't one.

Edited by Nalyid

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Yes unless a headshot

this! i know A LOT of people love lying around for hours, not doing anything but sniping people for no reason from a safe distance. the boring stuff, you know?! i bet this will stop when weapons and ammo like as50 rifles are as rare as they should have been, hence when the scriptkids can't cheat anymore.

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this! i know A LOT of people love lying around for hours, not doing anything but sniping people for no reason from a safe distance. the boring stuff, you know?! i bet this will stop when weapons and ammo like as50 rifles are as rare as they should have been, hence when the scriptkids can't cheat anymore.

I would take that bet. People will always want to hunt people. No matter what game you play, people have a lust for blood, a thrill to kill, or just like to piss people off. This game was meant to have good and bad in it. All these people upset about noobs and head hunters need to create/join a guild of saviors.

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Let me inject something here, the 50 cal is not a rare gun. You can goto almost any gun store and purchase one. Plus we are in a war torn country, I am sure the military camps would have some on hand also.

Stop crying about this stupid nerf herder bullshit. Lets focus on the important shit first. You know the bugs, dupes, and hacks first. I highly doubt it would be such a big deal once those issues are solved.

If you try and tell us it's hurting your gaming experience... Fuck off your testing not playing. /rant

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I suck with most of the marksman rifles in game, but considering the realism aspect of this game, it poorly reflects the usefulness of extremely large bore rifles. In the real world, rifles like the AS50 are a pain in the ass to carry around, and are drastic overkill in any anti personel situation. The ammo is heavy and takes up a lot of space, and taking an accurate shot from any position but prone is A) wildly inaccurate at any signifigant range B ) painful. These rifles were designed to stop vehicles and heavily armored targets. Maybe if they tweaked the weapon's in game characteristics, it would reflect effectiveness more accurate to the real world, and you wouldn't see nearly as many people lugging anti-tank rifles to the top of the Cherno factories. .338 Lapua Magnum is about as big as the United States goes when it comes to killing humans, as anything bigger is usually huge and restrictive. In Arma, you are just as mobile with an AS50 as you are with an MP5.

Edited by RaysGoodLiquor
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I would take that bet. People will always want to hunt people. No matter what game you play, people have a lust for blood, a thrill to kill, or just like to piss people off. This game was meant to have good and bad in it. All these people upset about noobs and head hunters need to create/join a guild of saviors.

Well, there's no denying that duping has exacerbated the problem. Like, quite a bit. You've got a good gun, plenty of ammo to waste, NVGs to remove any natural advantages, and a wookie suit to prevent anyone from seeing you. All for little to no effort. The quantity of people camping the coast was way more manageable back in the day, and if we can return to those kinds of levels and have a bigger variety of kit differences for the people who do try to camp, problem solved in my opinion.

Let me inject something here, the 50 cal is not a rare gun. You can goto almost any gun store and purchase one. Plus we are in a war torn country, I am sure the military camps would have some on hand also.

Not a rare gun in America, maybe. We're talking about a militarized post-soviet (read; poor) state here. Do you know how hard it can be to get a gun in Russia? Not to mention any 50 cal rifle can cost you several thousand dollars and rounds can be incredibly expensive. If Day Z was set in the US I'd agree with you, but a 50 cal in the arms of a civvy in Chenarus doesn't make any sense.
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