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Battle Eye Script Restrictions #90/98 ?

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Was playing in a server for a couple hours, then all of a sudden noticed four people get kicked by BattleEye, then I was kicked, for #98, my room mate trying to play keeps getting kicked for both 90 and 98... What the heck?

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Yep, my whole server was kicked for #98

I was riding a bicycle, too :(

Hopefully its still there.

I'm going to keep trying the server until I can get on.

Persevere, people!

Edited by Inception.

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apaprently there is script restriction error. First i have heard of it.

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Confirming this. My server is kicking myself and everyone else for #98 and not allowing anyone to connect. I just got this damn thing transferred to NY. I want to play god damnit lol.

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Our server just kicked everyone for script restriction #90

i just got kicked out of a sever script restriction #90. now I'm just getting kicked out of ever single server and getting script restriction #90! what is happening here!?!?!?!!

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Saw everyone getting kicked for #55. Logged back on and then was kicked for #87.

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Adding to the complaints; Entire server was kicked for script restriction #98 and of course we can't rejoin server as we get this message every time. GG <_<


Edited by RMXK

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Seems random. Could Battle Eye is booting everybody out a server when a skiddie tries using a known script?

EDIT: That or one of DayZ's own scripts are tripping it up.

Edited by PoisonedAl

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