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Battleye Script Restriction 90... What?

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So I haven't played DayZ in a few days, and I attempt to log in tonight, and I continuously get a "Script Restriction 90" error. I do not hack, mod or anything of that sort, so why am I getting kicked off the game?

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Same dealall i can say is WTF!! dose anything in this game work right?

Edited by Shifty Shellshock

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alot if not all people are getting this another reason not to use battle eye for anticheat it would be nice to know what you were getting kicked for

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This was happening on my server as well. I had the RCon up while watching TV and noticed that a lot of people started disconnecting with this issue. I loaded the game up and went to join in and got the same error. I attempted again, loaded in and noticed people dieing left and right. I immediately rebooted to see if I could at least help out a few of them.

I've opened a support ticket with my host as well. I will be looking over my script.log as well.

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Same exact error is happening to me. Everyone got kicked from US 1960 Dallas with the same script restriction error and i'm not able to join back in and when I try to join a different one I get #98. I'm not able to join any servers....

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Also the same. My buddy and I both getting kicked from multiple servers by Battleye script #90 and #98.

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Well I'm glad to hear that I am not the only one with this issue and that it is a technical issue on BE's end. Hopefully this gets resolved soon.

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#94 for me and my friend, it happend just minutes after battleye update message popped up

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I too was kicked for #90, and kicked repeatedly again when trying to log back in.

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This is happening to almost everyone. We watched the battleye info pop-up about the update, then one-by-one my guys were kicked. I tried to rejoin, expecting the server to update it, but it froze at loading. I ctrl+alt+del and relaunched my game using DayZ Commander, got in the server and got the "Server requires battleye 1.168 up to date" "Computed GUID <gibberish>". Now I'm just sitting here watching person after person get kicked from Script Restriction #90.

I had some of my guys sit in the lobby to see if it'd update, and no dice. Had some download the client update from http://www.battleye.com and install it, still no dice... granted, I don't know if they did it properly.

I suggest trying to join a different server to see if it fixes it, then hop back to your favorite server. If that doesn't work, go to the battleye website and try that client download.

ALSO, If neither work, close your game, then run it as an administrator (if you don't already) and try that. If that still doesn't work, go to your Parent arma folde, go to properties, and set the permissions to allow all (sometimes programs are denied the ability to overwrite/edit their own files, mainly Windows 7).

If ALL of that fails, keep yelling at rocket.

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I too was kicked for #90, and kicked repeatedly again when trying to log back in.

^ same for everyone on my server.

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I'm getting Battleye script restriction #98 =/

same here.. now i cant join any server, i get kicked for same error..

as a non-capable hacker/ script kiddie or whateva they call them.. i dont even know what one is let alone how to find it and use one..

its kind of insulting to be kicked and listed as a cheater tbh.

if this doesnt get sorted (im sure Rocket will get it sorted thou), i guess im done with DayZ.. kind of a shitty way to end actualy if this is how Battleye chooses to just randomly ban people in the dark... whateva.

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It's because of the new BattlEye update, the reason some servers are still playable is because they haven't had the rolling update yet. I am sure BE will fix this issue in no time.

(Atleast that is what I think it is, we had 5 people seeing "battleye initialized" "battleye is up to date" just before we got kicked.)

Edited by Teach

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same here.. now i cant join any server, i get kicked for same error..

as a non-capable hacker/ script kiddie or whateva they call them.. i dont even know what one is let alone how to find it and use one..

its kind of insulting to be kicked and listed as a cheater tbh.

if this doesnt get sorted (im sure Rocket will get it sorted thou), i guess im done with DayZ.. kind of a shitty way to end actualy if this is how Battleye chooses to just randomly ban people in the dark... whateva.

If battleye kicks you, you aren't banned.

So it isn't a big deal, especially considering this seems to be hive wide.

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