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About Neymar11

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Neymar11

    Script restriction #87?

    Punkbuster never had these kind of issues.....hinthint
  2. http://gyazo.com/72e2e57c58f6efc3bea86403ca5d7d85 i heard they updated their logo too
  3. Neymar11

    Battleye Script Restriction 90... What?

    how dare battleye use such a LEGENDARY movie as Saving Private Ryan in their emblem that shows "BattlEye: Anti Cheat Engine"....they can't do anything right tbh. I provided their new emblem below http://gyazo.com/72e2e57c58f6efc3bea86403ca5d7d85
  4. Neymar11

    Battleye Script Restriction 90... What?

    lucky 87 for me
  5. Neymar11

    To play on this server remove listed files

    Fixed my problem, thank you all!
  6. problem is i'm being kicked for all files that do not have bi2.bisign keys, so i don't really know what to do
  7. should there be any bisign keys in the addons folder? or do i just take them all out and put them in the Keys folder?
  8. Neymar11

    To play on this server remove listed files

    Is it a problem that vanilla ArmA2 is version 1.02? When I installed the game I didn't bother updating it at all, just installed ArmA2, ArmA OA, installed version 1.60 for CO, updated to 1.62, and then began playing...therefore the ArmA2 addons folder would have remained the same and only CO files would be updated
  9. Basically, I'm being kicked from every server because of original ArmA2 files that do not have a bi2.bisign key included in the "common" folder. I moved the bi2.bisign keys from the common folder into the original addons folder, and now every file that is an ArmA2 exclusive is getting me kicked (chernarus being one of them) Is there some update I'm missing that ArmA2 exclusive files should be given bi2.bisign keys?
  10. Neymar11

    To play on this server remove listed files

    Alright I did that, I put the bi2.bisign keys in the normal ArmA2 addons folder...now for all the original ArmA2 files that don't have bi2.bisign keys (chernarus.pbo, any file that is just ArmA2 and not OA)...im still getting kicked for those.
  11. Neymar11

    To play on this server remove listed files

    I have narrowed it down to this. I'm getting kicked for files that do not have bi2.bisign keys......is this a problem or? For example, regular ArmA2 addons just have bi.bisign and OA addons have both bi.bisign and bi2.bisign, and considering we get kicked for ArmA2 addons, i figure it's because they do not have bi2.bisign keys
  12. Neymar11

    To play on this server remove listed files

    Did this, now it says that im missing CA_Dubbing_Counterattack and I get kicked for not having Chernarus
  13. Neymar11

    Kicked from every server.

    using DayZ Commander right now to update everything. But as of yesterday when I had 95833 and all the servers still had yellow question marks and i was getting kicked because of normal files i had when i installed the game in the first place. (and my CO is updated to 1.62)