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What do YOU carry?

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Atm im packing the following.

1x DMR , 2 mags

1x L85A2 AWS (never leave home without it). 2 mags

1x Revolver as it seems to have more range than the m1911.

2x Bloodbag, painkillers, morphine.

3x Waterbottle

5x Cooked steak, i like to keep these handy.

1x Bear trap.

1x Ghillie suit.

ALL Tools inc rangefinder,gps and nvg's. A few cans of coke/pasta.

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Normal server reset the other day so I lost all my spare gear and had to start from scratch.

Currently I have found and equipped;


- AKS-74 Kobra



Inventory Gear:

- Alice Pack

- Binoculars

- 5x Bandages

- 3x Secondary Ammo

- 3x Primary Ammo

- 3x Cooked Meat

- 2x Water Canteen

- 2x Grenade

Alice Pack Gear:

- 2x Morphine

- 2x Painkillers

- 2x Blood Bag

- 1x Epipen

- 1x Tent (will set up shortly on new server to store extra gear my mate is carting)

Belt Tools:

- Map

- Hatchet

- Combat Knife

- Matches

- Toolkit

- Watch

Just need to find more AK magazines and I am pretty happy with my current gear for stuff I have just found unassisted. Will go searching NWAF for Night Vision tonight with my mate and maybe try and score a M4 of some description.

Edited by grylsyjaeger
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My current kit:


- L85 with 4 mags

- DMR in the bag with 3 mags


- Silenced M9 with 5 mags (perfect for zombie killing)


- 2 bloodbags

- 2 morphine

- 3 painkillers

- 2 water bottles

- 1 NVG

- 1 Rangefinder


- Map (looking for a GPS!!!)

- Hatchet

- Hunting Knife

- Matches

- Toolkit

- Watch

- Compass

I log on at night time mostly and pretty much try to get in and out of cities without either killing other players or being noticed myself. NVGs are critical, as is the L85 for spotting - can barely remember the last time I shot the L85 actually! The DMR is good for use with NVG - when I run during the day I carry an AS50 that I keep in a tent. Alternatively, I sometimes use an M4CCO if I'm not trying to spot. Had an M4 SD but lost it :( looking for that and the GPS right now!

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This is my most basic setup

in my backpack -

2 morphine

2 painkillers

1 bloodbag

2 cook meat/beans

2 drinks

2-3 clips of spare ammo

Main inventory -

any weapon 3-5 clips of ammo

1 nade

1-2 smoke

no pistol - 8 bandages ftw.

no need for the misc stuff flares/chemlights/heatpacks, except for night time. Then its just blue chemlight. I can start a fire within 10 mins of spawning anyway.

Alternate setup -

Same bagpack stuff

Main inventory -

PDW or makarov

1 bandage

all the clips and full auto.

Of course I've stopped playing on chernarus since lingor is way more entertaining and there are barracks EVERYWHERE lol

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Normal server reset the other day so I lost all my spare gear and had to start from scratch.

Currently I have found and equipped;


- AKS-74 Kobra



Inventory Gear:

- Alice Pack

- Binoculars

- 5x Bandages

- 3x Secondary Ammo

- 3x Primary Ammo

- 3x Cooked Meat

- 2x Water Canteen

- 2x Grenade

Alice Pack Gear:

- 2x Morphine

- 2x Painkillers

- 2x Blood Bag

- 1x Epipen

- 1x Tent (will set up shortly on new server to store extra gear my mate is carting)

Belt Tools:

- Map

- Hatchet

- Combat Knife

- Matches

- Toolkit

- Watch

Just need to find more AK magazines and I am pretty happy with my current gear for stuff I have just found unassisted. Will go searching NWAF for Night Vision tonight with my mate and maybe try and score a M4 of some description.

Lol for copying my layout :P

Have some beans ^^

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NVG:S, Range Finder

All slots except one filled in the toolbelt.

Coyote Backpack full of various items, food, grenades and first aid kits....some epipens and morphine..

Just dumped my MK48 on a clanmate....awesome gun but a bi*ch to carry around with all that ammo...


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SVD Camo? Really? I much prefer the DMR or AS50 - DMR for night time, AS50 for day time... I think SVD ammo is just way too difficult to come across.

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The SVD is alright if you're spending most of your time in foliage doing medium range (<500m) engagements. It's like a DMR except camo and with less ammo. If you spend a lot of time up north, SVD ammo isn't too hard to come across.

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I would love to have an SVD Camo ^^

And I dislike the As50 ... prefer my M24.

As50 is just like, point > shoot > profit ... it's just too easy to kill someone with it.

With the M24 you have to aim for the head for an instant kill. I prefer the challenge. + it blends in better than the massive Black C' that is the As50.

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- M4A1 Camo SD


- M1911

Inventory Gear:

- Coyote Backpack

- Rangefinders

- Night Vision

- 4x Bandages

- 4x Secondary Ammo (M1911)

- 4x Primary Ammo (Stanag SD) [is used in M4 SD and L85]

- 2x Primary Ammo (10 Rounds M107)

- 2x Water Bottle

- 2x Meat/Beans

- 2x Random Slots for Stuff that I find (Grenades and such) and Fireplace Placement.

Backpack Gear:

- 1x AS50

- 1x L85 TWS

- 2x Painkillers

- 2x Morphine


- Ghillie Suit

Belt Tools:

- Everything (except Radio)

Edited by YassirX

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