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did battle eye do its job ?

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was making may way towards the nw airfield, with my m107 and a m16 203 minding my own business. prone in-between some rocks to check the surroundings when i noticed that all of a sudden i had an as50 with nato rounds, and an m4 cco sd and all my gear was different. confused i started looking through my gear, then suddenly was transported to the middle of town, in a courtyard full of bear traps. right as i realised what was going on an i was thinking all was lost. a little box pops up saying you have been kicked by battle eye , scripts something or other.

logged on another server, have all my original stuff and in the original location.

my first experience of hacking in 2 months play and it seemed battle eye worked, if not to stop the hacker but to save my gear.

Edited by jcameron

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Yay Battleye...

They had a big update a couple days back... looks like Battleye is officially not "total shit" any more. Go team.


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You should thank the DayZ Hive-server because it only saves your gear every 60-120 seconds. (Supposedly 60 seconds, but sometimes it bugs.)

Edited by Dancing.Russian.Man

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