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Looking for Good Players

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Hey everyone. A few friends of mine have rented and admin a server from Vilayer, and it has been up a little over a week now. It was installed on fresh servers that they had put in the day we ordered, and the performance is great. Ive yet to come across a faster loading server.

The server is US1664 (no spaces), and it is based out of NY, USA. I am on the east coast in the south and get a ping of ~40 usually, and ive seen pings as low as the teens, the thing just runs good. It is set to normal, map markers on, NP on, 3rd person is on, tracers off, armor off, CH and DM are on. It is fully up to date with and 95883. And the TZ is set to UTC -9.

We are just experiencing really low population, we arent necessarily looking to fill it up but when you pay for 40 slots and only use 10, you cant help but feel like you are wasting money.

Bandits and survivors alike are welcome, but we would really like to build a nice RP aura if we can manage to do so. We just want a healthy, fair environment. They are fair admins, with an email contact direct to them so that you dont have to bitch and complain here on the servers and maybe never receive any response from the admins.

Thanks a lot


Edited to include timezone.

Edited by SilenceSoLoud
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Weird, with it being out of NY and me living in ohio (9+hrs to NY) you'd think i'de have a good ping. Sadly my ping was over 100 :( when its usually in the 40s.

Would have enjoyed looting a newer server.

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Weird, with it being out of NY and me living in ohio (9+hrs to NY) you'd think i'de have a good ping. Sadly my ping was over 100 :( when its usually in the 40s.

Would have enjoyed looting a newer server.

That is odd, one of the admins is in TX getting 60-90.

By the way, the server kicks for over 180ms.

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ye texas = 63 ping stable unless im tabbed out doing stuff can go up to 90..

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Sounds like an Awesome Server, Heard one of the Admins ( who coincidently shares the same name as me :S ) is pretty freaken awesome, would love to come and play :P

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I'd love to play, but average ping from Australia to the US is about 220-250ms.

I'm used to latency like that, so it doesn't bother me... but you'd have to bump the Battleye auto-latency-boot to around 270-280 to be safe.


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Im in NY and I get a ping of about 13, awesome server and great admins...

My only gripe is that I have to kill little theiving bandits everytime they try to touch my stuff ;)

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Im in NY and I get a ping of about 13, awesome server and great admins...

My only gripe is that I have to kill little theiving bandits everytime they try to touch my stuff ;)

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It wont let me delete these extra posts. I guess the forums are as glitchy as the alpha :)

We have a group of about 6 guys that play now and about 5 more coming when the standalone hits

Edited by NewYawk

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Ummm double posted, sorry

Edited by NewYawk

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I'm guessing you were the one who killed me at the Ural as I was driving it through the woods? The Ural that was taken from our camp along with the heli and the pickup truck and atv a while ago? lol no biggie. It's a hassel to worry about vehicles while offline. It was kind of satisfying to find my ural again though. along with the 4 tents they distributed the loot from the ural in. I've found your dead body twice. once it was by a newly spawned UAZ and once was beside my tent in the old camp. I hope you don't still have the g36 I destroyed the one on your first body i found.

catch ya later,

Admin Sivok

Edited by Sivok

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That was my group who took the chopper / truck. I waited and watched for about 1 hr to try and figure out if it was a bandit camp or not... We try to only cause grief for bandits / kill bandits. That body near your tent was a glitch, upon spawning in it said I was dead and spawned me with all my gear at the beach. That one by the UAZ was an actual death... I must have been sniped by a hacker if nothing was taken and the UAZ was still there. That's where I lost my beloved silenced G36c gained from a survived hacker incident :(

We were sorry to hear that the server was shutting down but we are all on US 549 if you want to meet up. We are always looking for friendly neighbors to help kill bandits. That time we shot you, we didn't get a response from friend or foe questions and you were hiding. That dang gillie suit makes it hard to know if someone is a murderer or not. Once a murder got triggered, we felt really bad about it :)

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