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About NewYawk

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  1. NewYawk


    Lets face it, this is a survival game and the PVP hunting is awesome. Why not go more realistic and be able to kill / eat rats, squirrels, deer, bear, etc. The dogs that will be added are feral I believe and will be hunting you. Humas are added back into the food chain and things like fishing, hunting, gathering would add a whole new layer of depth to the game.
  2. Hadnt played in a bit and loaded up panthera after a patch. Spawned on a boat in the middle of some ocean but shore never seemed to get any closer. After relogging, I was hovering above the water. I dont seem to need drink or food so waiting it out wont work. Anyone have suggestions?
  3. NewYawk

    Swimming in the sea

    I am having a similar issue on a panthera map / villayer servers. I hadnt played in a while and I spawned in the ocean on a boat (even though I was in a town when I last played). The boat never made it to shore, it was like an endless ocean even though I saw land in the distance. Then upon relogging, I was hovering above the water and could not move so my temperature didnt seem to be affected. Now I think I will wait to see if I starve maybe? I tried relogging to different servers at different times but the same thing always happens to me.
  4. NewYawk

    Molotov cocktails

    Molotov coctails are great for a number of things if the game were fully realistic and destructable. First off, decomposing bodies give off a number of flammable gasses (methane and hydrogen sulphide) which would make them go up real nice. A molotov coctail is much easier to come by than a grenade which also makes it a great tactical weapon. Somebody held up in a house, tree stand, behind a rock, etc would not be able to dig in so readily if a molotov was available. I also think molotovs would be great for destroying vehicles (mostly the tires if ignited, or a massive fire if it entered through the glass), destroying tents and even buildings. A few molotovs into a barracks and goodbye. This goes along with my theory that certain servers should have finite buildings and items. All the barracks destroyed on a server? Much fewer people with high powered guns running around in the end of the world
  5. NewYawk

    I can't wait for hackers to SUCK

    I suggest you actually read my post. I have played many games throughout my 40 years, including pong. I understand that people who buy hacks are a part of the game, even the ones with EXTREMELY tight anti cheats like COD or BF3. The point I think that I need to restate: Rocket had mentioned there was going to be a heavy focus on deterring cheaters and I hope he has the where with all to do it. Aimbots, wall chams / skins, infinite ammo, god mode... sure I can see people using these but as long there is no "teleport anywhere, see everything, spawn everything, nuke the entire server" I can deal with the rest. Why? As i mentioned in my previous post... hackers generally are SUCKY players. I have seen how bad they are after repeated punkbuster updates when their hacks were caught and they had to disable them or get banned. They go from an average score of 40 - 5 to a steady 2 - 75 on every map (until their hack site updates them). You cant have a game that takes days to get real momentum and weeks to build up a base only to have it instantly brought down in seconds by someone who pops a hack map up, sees all your stuff and where you are and POP, wipes it all out of existence. The only way he can combat most of the really damaging hacks is to make sure certain things arent included in the production of the standalone (most hacks are built off cheats put into the games by devs to make developing easier) and with FREQUENT and solid updates to your anticheat. Also, having a multi layered anti cheat is certainly a solid way of making it extremely tough for someone to get away with hacking for long (especially with people taking videos and posting them in a cheaters section). Lastly, they need to purchase these hacks. See how they are bypassing battleeye and any cheat detections and create a trap for that system. Once you get a few 1000 hackers using the 5 or 6 out there they purchased... well, lets just say that these teens dont have the money to keep buying copies. Hardware bans are a great way of stopping cheats in their tracks for a long time. They will get the hacks that totally destroy the game, leaving room for only elite hackers and subscription services that make it hard for you to hide, etc. All livable to me as long as 3 hackers dont spawn into may camp and throw friggin satchel charges on everything 20 times without having a chance of getting nailed for it.
  6. I've been playing first-person shooters online since Duke Nukem and in all the games with decent anti cheats, hackers are fairly uncommon or at least, not invincible. I usually find,m in most shooters like cod or bf3 that players using cheats / hacks really aren't good players as they obviously rely on their hacks and not skills. I fell in love with dayz but have finally stopped playing since it takes days for me to build camps / vehicles etc and it takes seconds for some group of putzes to teleport in and satchel charge everything. Lame that it ruins a great game but it is what it is. I can't wait for the standalone that will get the majority of these little bastards. Every time I played a game with constant anti cheat updates, I would always see these players on my servers with good scores on average turn into the worst players on the server... It was tell tale at least until their hacks were updated. The day the stand alone comes out will be like christmas morning when all hackers are totally helpless and getting ass pounded for being the pricks they are and never learning how to really play the game. I just hope they really do what they say and make it solid otherwise there is no long term hope for the game. Rant done. Had my fill of dying via hacker for the 50th time. Hurry up with that stand alone!
  7. Hey, zombies need fixing, I wouldnt suggest removing those either. BTW- Barbed wire should not function as a force field wall that buses can slam into at top speed. Have em operate as a regular fence with some tire damage
  8. I can confirm that vehicles work but tents do NOT seem to be saving anything. I gotta say, I get concerned with this stuff as it relates to the standalone. Just seems like shoddy work, fix one thing, break 5 others. Hopefully the quality of work will be different Update, one tent seems to work... Maybe this has to do something with who accesses it. Will post more when I figure it out Update2, The other tent I had did appear to work. At one point it appeared empty, now it is full. I gotta apologize for my concern if it stays this way
  9. Fix barbed wire instead of deleting it. It should cause a chance for bleeding if climbed, not broken limbs and it should also have a chance to tangle with damage caused to escape
  10. NewYawk

    Hackers are ruining this game

    Hell, I am starting to get used to hackers... its the tents / vehicles not saving that piss me off more than the hackers.... although its close for a tie
  11. NewYawk

    Looking for Good Players

    That was my group who took the chopper / truck. I waited and watched for about 1 hr to try and figure out if it was a bandit camp or not... We try to only cause grief for bandits / kill bandits. That body near your tent was a glitch, upon spawning in it said I was dead and spawned me with all my gear at the beach. That one by the UAZ was an actual death... I must have been sniped by a hacker if nothing was taken and the UAZ was still there. That's where I lost my beloved silenced G36c gained from a survived hacker incident :( We were sorry to hear that the server was shutting down but we are all on US 549 if you want to meet up. We are always looking for friendly neighbors to help kill bandits. That time we shot you, we didn't get a response from friend or foe questions and you were hiding. That dang gillie suit makes it hard to know if someone is a murderer or not. Once a murder got triggered, we felt really bad about it :)
  12. NewYawk

    Hiding tents

    Some tents are meant to lure in hungry treasure finders and their spots are supposed to be somewhat obvious. Other than that, I have found a few very good locations for tents but it is only a matter of dumb luck or time before they are discovered. One thing that helps keep tents secret are sniping guards. An as50 can be a camps best friend My favorite camp defense to date was finding that vs50 being driven in the area (either to raid or setup his own movable camp) man did he have a windfall of stuff. Just a piece of advice, if someone yells friend or foe, and you don't respond but try to run in your gillie suit... You are gonna get ganked
  13. NewYawk

    Notes from NPCs and PCs

    I saw in another post that they are considering "pen and paper" notes which would be great. I do think the NPC notes and stories would add a lot of depth and that additional rare "possible treasure hunt" element
  14. I had this idea the other day when stumbling upon someones tent. It occured to me that the individual might not be a bandit (unlikely considering the gear) and I wanted to leave a little note behind thanking them for the food and soda as I was about to die before stumbling onto it. Then I started thinking about all of the cool forum lore in here and how it could be added by players to the game. A note on green mountain about someones night spent there would be a hysterical find. How about a note "Smile you son of a bitch" on a tent that you are watching with your sniper rifle... I could almost see their face as they read that one. As far as NPCs, it would add alot of depth to the game to find a note on a zombies body. Something along the lines of "Dear Chris, I had to risk taking amanda into town today with joey because her arm has started to fester from that cut she got yesterday. It is all hot and swollen and the aspirin isnt bringing down her fever. I know you are a volunteer and took an oath to help the community but WHERE ARE YOU? WE NEED YOU! If I am not back by tonight, please come find us at the berenzino hospitol." Something along those random finds could be weapons caches, treasure maps, random stories from day 0 and other assorted works of general fiction (possibly some red herrings as well) What do you think?
  15. NewYawk

    Looking for Good Players

    Ummm double posted, sorry