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FogeyZ Gilly

Feeding and weapon cleaning

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Feed off birds? Would be fun catching someone trying to grab a meal like that,

Daily cleaning of your weapon. If u don't your weapon will jam and whatever. Just a little thaught

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I like it, I think you should have to maintain and repair fire arms.

Other games have done it well.

I think in a game where your not constantly shooting people, and survival is such a large part of the concept, tasks like this are key to consistent game play mechanics

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Every day cleaning? In army you clean after every shooting. Game is game, you play for fun not for life simulation.

Why eat? Drink? Get cold? If that's your logic

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Why eat? Drink? Get cold? If that's your logic

There is invisible line between survival game, and to ultra boring realism. Next will be character need to do dung around and pee. Or maybe wash his clothes? But for what? Example morphine in game who "heal" broken legs - how? Its just simplifed game rules, because ultra realism is boring.

I more like HP weapon status. That you find "old rusty" weapon who can just blow to parts after longer using. So you must find new one or parts to repair old one. Because cleaning weapon dont add nothing to game, because dont require any addicional job to scavenge for something usefull.

Edited by Dalegor Dobrutro

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Like fallouts system? Weapon degeneration would be down to looking after your kit . It would become less accurate and more likley to jam like I said..

Or even build the high tier rare weapons up like how the transport is.

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it would be a good idea, but you'd have to have a quick animation with a duration as the same time as it takes to bandage yourself.

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I think to flesh out the real world feel there should be more items to spawn.Things like oil so you can oil your weapon and other stuff.Maybe pipe cleaners to clean them?

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You really dont need to clean guns that often. Any bolt action or military rifle you will find can go hundreds of shots before needing maintenance. The military method is after you shoot but in reality thats not necessary, as proven in many conflicts. Cleaning may be necessary for pistols but you are likely to die before firing enough to where the gun needs a cleaning.

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How many days would you go without cleaning your weapon? If you play a hour today,tomorow,the day after you'll be 3 days old.. Is 5 days enough without a clean? 10 days? 20? You say you'd be dead b4 you got enough rounds down range but your man is 20 days old running in the rain day in day out. Crawling along the shit infested floors .. Weather you put 300 rounds through the chamber or 2 the shit will still get dirty

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You really dont need to clean guns that often. Any bolt action or military rifle you will find can go hundreds of shots before needing maintenance. The military method is after you shoot but in reality thats not necessary, as proven in many conflicts. Cleaning may be necessary for pistols but you are likely to die before firing enough to where the gun needs a cleaning.

You obviously have never fired an M16 or M16 derivative rifle... if you don't clean them _thoroughly_ and _often_ they jam like crazy. Many MANY soldiers died because of this rifle's tendency to jam.

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Yknow i really dont understand why we have to consume so much in this game, im eating like 20+ meals a day and 32 litres of water. 3 meals a day is enough and if you miss a meal then you weaken a bit. just like IRL. im going the supermarket 3-4 times a day. its pretty stupid how we have a realtime clock yet get hungry every hour. Im putting this down to americans influencing the game, gd chubbers lol.

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