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Removing "Bandit/Murder"

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Hello there.

My thought is to remove the classification of "bandit kills" and "murders".

I really don't think it fits the game separating these kills.

#1 A kill is a kill

#2 A bandit must not be flagged as bandit to be one

#3 The game is ment to be "free". No rules. No classification

Why I come up with this:

I prefer playing as a "bandit hunter". So, I watch cities and look for people who make trouble and take them out, especially snipers. But what sometimes happens is: I kill "bandits" who didn't murder a person yet. So I get a murder and become a bandit myself, even though I took out a "bandit".

So this classification of "bandits killed" and "murders" doesn't apply to people who haven't murdered yet, but still "are bandits".

Therefore I say: a player "becomes" a bandit by his actions. He must not kill to be a bandit. And that's why the separation of "bandit kills" and "murders" must be gone.

Edited by Recom
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The only reason I see why bandits are classified at all is because it is to balance the game. I personally don't care much for it as it only is a title that shows little or no meaning.

I really hope the bandit classification or visual representation of the skin is removed due to the fact that most people SoS anyway and the fact that it isn't really necessary.

Most people will say well he deserves to have some penalty for killing others when your playing a game that does not have penalties in the world with no rule. Second, every character you create is in a "new life" so you wouldn't know what a bandit is.

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the bandit skin should be an option, not something put on you, think of it IRL if someone wants to kill you or has killed people, does he have a different skin? this skin is not really needed, because this game is kill or be killed so whhats the diff. Should be an option if you want ot be a bandit click here or something if not then don't click.

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Tried that didnt work lead to shoot on sight.

It boils down to the choice of realistic abilitys or realistic player behaviour sometimes you need unrealistic restrictions

like removing the ability to jump to avoid bunnyhopping twitchers to destroy immersion bandit skin beyond respawn is the same it makes people more carefull about their choices.

Edited by Knollte

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the bandit skin should be an option, not something put on you, think of it IRL if someone wants to kill you or has killed people, does he have a different skin? this skin is not really needed, because this game is kill or be killed so whhats the diff. Should be an option if you want ot be a bandit click here or something if not then don't click.

Game is not real life and require simple game rules and simplification. If you like real life examples someone marked as "bandit" behave suspicious, something what you cant see in game because all characters there look like clones. And one more thing, dont tell me that you dont know before "attack" who plan to hit you in face. Some people just look suspicious, and behave such way that you almoust sure that he is danger for you, or want to steal your stuff.

And final answer. True bad-ass, most hardcore and dont afraiding nothing bandits have this system only as another challange. You want hard game? Play like hardcore players, not like wiener. Because what you afraid, that survivor kill you at sight and you cant ambush him?

I dream about inheriting of bandit kills, one kill could cancel per one day. For example 3 kills mark you as bandit, so if you kill 20 than you have wait 18 days before bandit skin really disapear. If you die earlier your challange and kills are inherited by respawned character. Problem with survivors kills as murders solved.

Edited by Dalegor Dobrutro

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i do think the bandit skin should come back. making friends in this game is impossible.. just look at the forum.. people is looking for people to play WITH in here, because it's impossible to find someone who won't just kill you while in-game...

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There is no bandit hunter in the game, even as vigilante you shouldn't kill otherwise you also commit a murder. If you don't want to deal with the consequences and be flagged as a bandit then don't kill people even if you think they are troublemakers. Just shoot them and they they shit their pants and ALt-F4 by themselves.

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Just explain to us why you need to NOT KNOW how a person is in regards to being a murderer or not.Are you guys posting all this stuff angry because there is no more killing of people you run into and just stare at you for that one second?Now I turn a corner and if I see that turbin the lead goes a flying.If I do not see it and I get shot then hey thats life.....meaning its still there but now if your a griefer you will get KOS.

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Translation: "I'm a murderer and killing people who think I'm friendly is the only way I know how to survive. Please take away my permanent bandit skin I earned by sniping 300 newspawns between Balota and Kamenka."

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