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Stuck on those loading screens....

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Alright so I looked around the forums and other sites as well and can't really figure out why I'm getting stuck on these loading screens. I know it has something to do with the new patch. I'm also using Six Launcher. I saw some threads about replacing files and what not is there anyone that can link me to the files I would need to replace in order for it to work again? Thanks.

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Make sure you're running the latest beta patch.

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I've tried the newest version, and, replaced files, and all that stuff but yet i still get stuck on same loading screens myself(some worked if i got lucky).

I believe you'll just have to find the right server for you, and/or wait for a update.

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Make sure you're running the latest beta patch.

Sorry, I never had to change the files around yet. But how would I go checking and making sure I am and if I wasn't where would I be able to download the newest one?

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Make sure you're running the latest beta patch.

i also had the problems, changed the files to the new beta patch and it still didnt work..

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Are you guys launching the game via Six Launcher? If so, Six Launcher hasn't been updated yet, therefore it replaces your files with old ones. Try manually updating and launching the game, or download DayZ Commander.

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Also, if you're like me 95883 doesn't work!

Load Six Launcher.


Run beta patch 95417 manually.


Hand me beans.

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Am I running the latest stuff or what? I updated Six Launcher when I got on today, to what I guess is the new patch?

Arma 2: 95883


are those the newest?

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