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The DayZ Standalone Wishlist

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Really, really do need those old ww2 russian weapons for sure, they should pretty much be in the game more than most other weapons ! would love to find an old mosin,SVT or ppsh.. none of this le enfeild poo.. i was always confused on why that was modelled into original dayz instead of a mosin ^_^

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I think Grappling with zombies would be cool. Zombie grabs you, you have to fight him off and Jab your knife up through the bottom of his chin. Also the more weapon models the better, I love all the various weapons in the game variety is the spice of life.

Edited by Shrykull

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I also think infected animal variants would be cool like infected bats at night that you have to shine your flashlight at to deter or classic infected dogs, things that pose a threat in the woods that are empty of zombies.

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Great work on that wishlist. Keep it up! :)

Feel free to take a look at these and add the ideas onto the wishlist to further support it

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If pistols are going to play a bigger role, they need to actually have teeth. I've emptied an entire G17 mag in to someone point blank and they did not die. Someone else ran up with an assault rifle and shot them in the knee or something and they finally dropped dead. I'm not sure if it was just -one more bullet- that woulda done it but 17 9mm rounds at point blank? Even if, just for fun saying I had missed 3/4s of those shots, that's -still 3 or 4 shots hitting center mass. That would render someone incapable of continuing combat if not killing them outright.

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Medieval weapons! If there's a museum, they are sure to be found. Especialy shields and spears/poleaxes would give a new twist to melee, (protection/longuer reach).

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