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DayZ Canada 1/2 Server Info (1.7.2)(Beta:94444)

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What's with the servers having zombies and loot turned off?

This is exactly what I came here to say. I've been playing on the server for about a week because my friends and I have two vehicles. That being said, we obviously can't move them to another server. I would if I could since there has been no zombies. I would really appreciate if this issue could be dealt with. There was no zombies two days ago, then the server was reset and there was zombies. Same deal as yesterday. There was zombies then a reset happened and no zombies again...

I would be more than happy to donate to the server since it's where me and a few friends play.. but these issues need to be dealt with soon.

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Also dunno if it's a bug or not.

I have a tent on Canada1 and I log on Canada3 to see how it rolls and I found out my tent on the same spot' date=' with the same objects.

As if "someone/server" dupplicated a copy of it!

(I made some test and took an item on CA1 then go back to CA3 and I had now 2 blood bags for the price of 1, see my point)

So I was wondering, is it a bug? Did you transfer the data and object related to CA1 to Ca3?

What should I do? Or expect? (Bugs? Everything will dissappear?)

Thank you in advance for your help, first time I see this! :)


Maybe it does, I do not know how they save tent locations but I think those two servers use the same Instance number (cause I never got an email with one for Canada 3) So if it goes by that then the servers might mirror, I would set up another to be safe.

What's with the servers having zombies and loot turned off?

It is not turned off, I guess a bug or connection issue is not spawning the, requires a server restart to fix.

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What's with the servers having zombies and loot turned off?

It is not turned off' date=' I guess a bug or connection issue is not spawning the, requires a server restart to fix.


Strange, people on the server last night told me it was being used as a "Transport Server".

I assume that means Zombies removed so it's easier to get where you want to go then log in on a normal server.

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Right now, it's impossible to connect to Canada 3 and 4

Any know server error?

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What's with the servers having zombies and loot turned off?

It is not turned off' date=' I guess a bug or connection issue is not spawning the, requires a server restart to fix.


Strange, people on the server last night told me it was being used as a "Transport Server".

I assume that means Zombies removed so it's easier to get where you want to go then log in on a normal server.

I don't know who or why they were saying that but we do not support it.

Right now' date=' it's impossible to connect to Canada 3 and 4

Any know server error?


I do not know, I am at work, I will remote desktop the server and restart them, hang on.

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Share on other sites now.. didn't know... Updating now.

Updated to

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Server fps is at 4. The script for restarting the server really needs to be reactivated, these are definitely my favorite servers (being Canadian and all) really hope it gets fixed asap, eager to loot and explore more :(.

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Yeah, the server fps is terrible at the moment, its not even worth playing on, which makes me sad. Hopefully it gets fixed soon. :D

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Sorry guys, I thought it was restarting every 4 hours but I looked earlier and it wasn't, thought I had it setup when we moved server but it was, but it is now and we are going to try every 8 hours. Please let me know if that help or if I have to bump it up to more often.

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Cheers dude. Makes it alot more playable. Is it just your server that gets bad memory leaks, or is it all DayZ servers?

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Just a heads up there's currently a hacker blowing up the coastal cities ATM, we might need an unscheduled reset. Also I'd prefer a 6 hour reset schedule if your taking votes on how often.

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^ Would this make a Bus and a Tent disappear?

updated, we just lost our brand new tent too. Farewell Bizon. Would like to know the cause of these loses. A tank trap i set up was removed too (as a marker for our tent.).

This is seriously vexing ;(.

Edit: The tent and bus are back, the new tent is gone (including the Bizon and 4 cooked meat)

Checked the Tent, our AKS-74 Cobra is gone as well as alot of medical supplies, I assume we weren't raided due to the fact the bus still had it's items (and you know,wasn't gone.), so this has to be a bug.

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Was playing on your server, and killed a man named Deltasix. Around 3 minutes later me and my friend mysteriously die out of nowhere, and then he is going around prancing saying "oh these things happen, must of been a bug". Now I think this is bullshit. So watch out for a hacker or abusing admin here.

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Was playing on your server' date=' and killed a man named Deltasix. Around 3 minutes later me and my friend mysteriously die out of nowhere, and then he is going around prancing saying "oh these things happen, must of been a bug". Now I think this is bullshit. So watch out for a hacker or abusing admin here.


I can guarantee you that it is not a abuse of admin powers cause I am the only one that has the password to it and it was not it. Someone may have killed you from the debug forest? I do not know much about the debug forest.

^ Would this make a Bus and a Tent disappear?

updated' date=' we just lost our brand new tent too. Farewell Bizon. Would like to know the cause of these loses. A tank trap i set up was removed too (as a marker for our tent.).

This is seriously vexing ;(.

Edit: The tent and bus are back, the new tent is gone (including the Bizon and 4 cooked meat)

Checked the Tent, our AKS-74 Cobra is gone as well as alot of medical supplies, I assume we weren't raided due to the fact the bus still had it's items (and you know,wasn't gone.), so this has to be a bug.


I do believe that this is DayZ issue, other servers are also having this issue.

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Could you add something on the server that says when it is restarting? Like a message that says " Server will be restarting in 30 seconds " or something, so that people know weather or not the server has died. Me and Heretic have noticed that once a restart has happened, many people don't reconnect because they don't know if the server has died / restarted.

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Could you add something on the server that says when it is restarting? Like a message that says " Server will be restarting in 30 seconds " or something' date=' so that people know weather or not the server has died. Me and Heretic have noticed that once a restart has happened, many people don't reconnect because they don't know if the server has died / restarted.


No I cant cause the restart is controlled by FireDaemon

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