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comparing real life to dayz

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ok so im from wisconsin, usa. around here we have a lot of rolling hills and farms and big open fields. and everytime i drive around all i think about is like how this would be just like dayz if the zombie apocalypse happened.

anything like this happen with other people?

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My brother was killed by a door

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  On 8/11/2012 at 9:28 PM, smasht_AU said:

My brother was killed by a door


great resonse to the OP.....

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I often break into peoples houses and jump around for joy when i find matches... when the owners come out of their rooms i point guns at them and scream FRIENDLY!? when they dont respond i shoot them.....

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I don't know what it is, but have you noticed the amount of movies and themes based on zombies.

But yes i think about it alot too :)

Since the download takes 14 days.... i have nothing else to do then write on this forum.

Isn't it amazing how this game, and the whole movie serie sets you to think about it, and what philosofical thinking goes true your head during such times.

The whole bandit situation, would it be so in real life, i think so yes. What would b the best strategy ? good question, depends on your location i think. Woodland might be the best place to be, but do you want ocean or mountains, or both, cold warm. What about city like locations, be smart with your food, stay at easy to defend area or building ? Weapons, difficult depend on your situation, whats at hand whats to get....

Shh t .....

Howlong until technology alow us to have servers with 1000 players, can this game be used to predict human behavior ?!? :)

Admins beeing able to "overview" what happens when particular "things"/objects are added to the game, what are humans do?

Everybody knows there are heavy long range sniper riffles around, what are people doing with them, how many go for such a gun ?

Oh man i can make myself crazy thinking about the posibilities ( with all this cool OpenSource Like OFP/Arma "Compiler/Tools" )

Going back to read some else now :)

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DayZ Comparison to Real Life:

People play, get pissed the game isn't fair or easy, realize they're terrible at the game, and then resort to hacking, spawning themselves all the gear without having to work for it, and finding all the other people who got their gear legitimately and kill them while invisible.

People work, get pissed the workforce isn't fair or easy, realize they're terrible employees, and then resort to voting for Obama, sending themselves welfare checks every month without having to work for it, and spending everyone else's hard earned and hard paid tax dollars on alcohol and drugs.

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  On 8/11/2012 at 9:40 PM, killingwillum said:

I often break into peoples houses and jump around for joy when i find matches... when the owners come out of their rooms i point guns at them and scream FRIENDLY!? when they dont respond i shoot them.....

you live an interesting life my friend... ;)

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I approached a guy with a backpack while on my way to work and asked him. "Hey there, what you`ve got there?" Then I opened his backpack searching for a weapon. He punched me in the face. I don't know how he knew what I was doing. He must be a CoD kiddie hacker. DayZ sux. I rage quit the train!

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When I walk down a Steep hill and I slide down to a rock that i cant get out of, I start shaking uncontrollably and then launch forward 50 meters and break my legs by falling on my stomach

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Yes, I walk through town with my .357 magnum and politely blow out their brain fluids.

Haha, around where I live there are loads of fields with hay bails, tractors that are similar to the ones in DayZ, etc.

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I already shoot people in the face for a flashlight when Ive already got one. Nothing would change for me during a Zombie apocalypse.

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