domistyle 221 Posted August 11, 2012 (edited) IntroductionTired of manually typing the commands and logging into BERCon each time?Tired of other tools being overloaded with features?Just want a universal remote control for your server?Then you maybe found the right tool here.You need the .NET Framework in order for this to work, you can grab it here: is it?DaRT is a really lightweight RCon tool designed especially for usage with DayZ.The goal is to give admins more control over their server via RCon.The current apps out their are either complicated or don't include every feature you need.This is why I decided to make my own.DonationsDonations are optional.I am always happy if someone is using an application I made.If you donate you can include your server ip(s) in the comments and they will be whitelisted for DaRTBans.I will explain later what this means.DownloadCurrent version: v2.1Download: http://forum.swisscr...u/DaRT/DaRT.zipvirustotal (File): https://www.virustot...sis/1344710331/virustotal (Domain): https://www.virustot...sis/1344710328/Download the DaRT Ban Relay Server (BRS)Current version: v1.0Download: (File): https://www.virustot...sis/1372174138/FeaturesHere is what it does:* Connecting to your server via RCon* Showing you server console (including chat and join/leave messages)* Showing you player list* Showing you ban list* See what country players come from* Auto refresh* Creating a local player database* Kicking, GUID Banning, IP Banning, Offline Banning with just 2 clicks* Writing in global chat* Using console (incase you still want to enter commands)* Talking to players* Copy player informations* Search through players* Reload scripts (server-side)* GameTracker integration* And moreHere is what it doesn't do, and will never do:* Analyzing log files* Making any sort of FTP connection* Log rotation* Heart beat* Replacing tools like BECChangelog v2.1[NEW] Re-added option to ban IP & GUID at the same time[FIX] Numerous crash fixes[FIX] Numerous bug fixesv2.0[NEW] Complete rewrite of player/ban request[NEW] Geolocating is now done locally (fixes flags!)[NEW] Updated BattleNET version[NEW] Changed to Mono.Data.Sqlite for database access (Linux compatible)[NEW] Database format changed (DaRT will automatically migrate your data)[NEW] Colors can now be enabled/disabled for chat/filters in all tab[NEW] Changed settings layout (now featuring tabs)[NEW] Domains are now supported when connecting[NEW] Added credits to settings[NEW] You can now use your name for admin calls too[NEW] You can now set the player/ban request ticks (less = faster requests, higher chance for timeout; higher = slower request, higher chance of success on slow servers)[NEW] Split flash window and highlight admin calls setting[NEW] Split player connect setting and show connect messages[NEW] Removed reconnect checkbox (will now automatically reconnect)[NEW] General code cleanup[NEW] Slightly resized main window to prevent graphical glitches[NEW] Minimal width of window is now smaller to fit common server resolutions[NEW] Added option to show debug messages (makes finding uncommon problems easier)[NEW] Maximal input length of messages/commands is now 400 characters[NEW] Made character limit visible with counter[NEW] Made all colors slightly darker to increase readability[NEW] Added command chat as own chat type[NEW] Log queue instead of disabling auto scroll[NEW] DaRTBans was removed in order to maintain support for ArmA 3[NEW] Tooltips for settings[NEW] Added option to clear expired bans[NEW] Added a log buffer (This can be used in later versions to show a history for certain users, not used atm)[NEW] All filters can now be modified via the settings[NEW] You can now set custom filters in the settings to do client side filtering of all the script/event logs that come in[FIX] Deadlock on connect[FIX] Reconnect is now properly working[FIX] Poor database performance[FIX] Crash on connect[FIX] Crash on refresh[FIX] Duplicate messages[FIX] Auto refresh getting stuck[FIX] Fixed issue that caused packet ids to be assigned multiple times resulting in timeouts[FIX] Multiple threading issues causing disconnects[FIX] Automatic refreshes on player join/leave won't disable timed refreshes anymore[FIX] Sometimes logging in twice[FIX] Disconnect issue on fast player join (server desync)[FIX] Auto refresh counter now properly updates all the time[FIX] Sped up message filtering to prevent desyncing and disconnects[FIX] Delayed refresh on join to prevent GUID from not being logged (was triggered too early for GUID to load)[FIX] Refresh on join/leave will now also triger for kicks[FIX] User-agent being shown incorrectly because of encoding[FIX] Removed unecessary threads[FIX] Removed "brute-force" requests with a more elegant approach[FIX] Disconnect when using global chat for long messages[FIX] Disconnect when sending messages too fast[FIX] DaRT not logging to file properly[FIX] Fixed auto scroll not working (now replaced with queue)[FIX] Auto refresh on player join not working when disabling join messages[FIX] Settings will not be applied anymore if settings window is just closedNote: There is still a limit on how many bans you can receive via BattlEye RCon.The Ban Relay Server (BRS) is still the recommended way of requesting bans in a reliable way!Older versions:v1.2 (Unreleased)[FIX] Code cleanup[FIX] Ordering ban list is possible again[FIX] No more crash on fast tab switching[FIX] No more empty lists[NEW] Source code releaseNote: v1.2 will be the final update and the changelog is subject to change. v1.1 (Community update) (Unreleased)[NEW] Colored chat in all tab (DONE)[NEW] Ban verification[NEW] Use Arrow up to get last sent messages in console (similar to Windows cmd)[NEW] Pressing enter in chat will now send command[NEW] Keyboard shortcuts for smoother usage[NEW] Backup will now be stored secure if anything goes wrong during sync[NEW] Setting to choose if GUID with different names should be logged multiple times[NEW] Save/Load column order of each list[NEW] Save/Load column size of each list[NEW] Save/Load console split height again[NEW] Ability to choose ban duration in minutes, hours and days[NEW] Sync player database with global server[NEW] Support for connection to domains instead of IP (DONE)[NEW] Execute application on admin call[NEW] Themes (maybe)[FIX] Corrected name length[FIX] Useragent (DONE) v1.0.1[FIX] Crash on startupv1.0[NEW] Possibility to set name to identify ingame, default is DaRT[NEW] Autoconnect on startup[NEW] Recoded player request (faster, lighter, more reliable)[NEW] Recoded ban request (faster, lighter, more reliable)[NEW] Recoded admin request (faster, lighter, more reliable)[NEW] DaRT Ban Relay Server for reliable ban list access[NEW] DaRT will not display admins with the same IP anymore[NEW] Moved connect process to a new thread[NEW] Auto refresh has no more impact on manual refreshes (Do not spam message removed)[NEW] DaRT is now able to only refresh when new players join/leave[NEW] Modified report window a little bit[NEW] Quick ban[NEW] Ability to add comments per GUID[NEW] A few changes to settings GUI[FIX] Removed connect messages when already connected[FIX] Fixed a bug where BattlEye was unable to respond with ban list on connect[FIX] Disconnect issues[FIX] General performance improvements[FIX] Fixed typo in SQL query[FIX] Crash when switching between tabs too fastKnown bugs:* Another crash issue when switching between tabs too fast* List will sometimes be empty, just refresh again v0.9.2[NEW] Font picker[FIX] DaRT randomly disconnecting[FIX] DaRT not being able to establish connection[FIX] Messages being sent multiple times[FIX] Readded ability to execute commands with less then 4 characters[FIX] Reconnect loopv0.9.1[NEW] Option to manually ban multiple GUIDs at once[NEW] Global messages need to have atleast 4 symbols now[NEW] Updated BattleNET (Thanks to Sawyer!)[NEW] DaRT will notify you in the taskbar if someone is calling an admin ingame[NEW] Error message when player leaves during ban dialog[FIX] Fixed ban reason being cut off[FIX] Crash on ban list request[FIX] Slow ban list loading[FIX] Corrected color of side chat[FIX] Corrected color of group chat[FIX] Fixed a crash related to news request[FIX] Fixed formatting in new crash reports[FIX] Error when banning offline players[FIX] Fix for cyrillic symbols[FIX] Disabled resizing of dialog windows[FIX] Fixed console output being displayed 2 times[FIX] Crash when in console mode without output[FIX] Crash when IP contains spaces - will now automatically delete spaces[FIX] Fixed crash when closing[FIX] Fixed crash when clicking on the news[FIX] Improved reliability of the ban listNote: There are still problems with ban list requests when the ban list is too big. (Request timed out)This is a confirmed problem with the BattlEye RCon protocol.v0.9[NEW] DaRT can run scripts![NEW] Rewrote console mode[NEW] Ability to remove entries from player database[NEW] DaRT will now check for currently active ban list requests and prevent new ones[NEW] Added a new timeout type[NEW] Changed ban & player request algorithm to be more aggressive and effective[NEW] Chat is now colored like ingame[FIX] General code cleanup[FIX] Fixed chat not being shown on chat tab[FIX] Ban will now properly get removed after unbanning a player[FIX] Ban list will now update properly after unbanning a player and count down the ban #[FIX] Fixed log not resizing[FIX] Hosts won't get added multiple times to list anymore[FIX] Fixed a bug in console mode[FIX] Fixed a critical typo in player database causing DaRT to not save every playerv0.8.2[NEW] Multiple log tabs are working now[NEW] Increased speed and reliability of player list[NEW] Increased speed and reliability of ban list[NEW] Increased speed of player database drastically (Preparing for player sync)[NEW] Sorting player database is temporary disabled[NEW] Minor GUI changes[NEW] Added auto scroll checkbox to main GUI[NEW] Added pdb file so I can do some more debugging[FIX] Fixed messages getting sent multiple times[FIX] Timestamps will now properly show in 24h format[FIX] Fixed crash regarding ban list (BattlEye update!)[FIX] Auto scroll can now be properly disabled (This time for real) (Thanks to Assassin_UK1!)[FIX] Fixed a bug where DaRT would not clean up old ban list when refreshing[FIX] Fixed a crash when pressing F5 in player database while no connection is open[FIX] Auto refresh state will now save properly when closing applicationv0.8.1[NEW] Auto reconnect after server restart[NEW] No more confirmation when sending message[NEW] Console input will now suggest commands[NEW] Temporary disabled splitter saving, will always default on restart[NEW] First preparations for multi console support[FIX] Search will properly reset[FIX] Searching in ban list is possible again[FIX] Added timeout for player list[FIX] Added timeout for ban list[FIX] DaRT won't crash anymore when accessing console.log is not possible[FIX] Crash on start[FIX] Crashes when interacting with list while refreshing[FIX] Clicking on disconnect will now properly reset progressbar[FIX] Clicking on disconnect will now properly reset counters[FIX] Ban list not loading (Thanks to Sawyer!)[FIX] Ban list request crashing server (Wait for next BattlEye update!)[FIX] Ban list request crashing DaRTNote: There is still an issue with the ban list not being display properly.This is a BattlEye issue and will be fixed in one of the future BattlEye updates.v0.8[NEW] Increased speed of ban list drastically[NEW] Increased speed of connection process[NEW] Increased reliability of connection process[NEW] Added a crash reporter so it makes it easy to send crash reports to me[NEW] Log window is now resizable![NEW] Increased size of log window[NEW] Log window will save chosen size[FIX] DaRT will now save current host in mask when connecting, not when closing[NEW] Include newest version of BattleNET[FIX] DaRT crashing when closing[FIX] DaRT now works properly when using a proxy[NEW] No GUI mode now opens a console[NEW] Added -close property to console mode to automatically close the console once done[NEW] Updated BattleNET (should also fix russian input)[FIX] DaRT won't send logout on disconnect anymore[FIX] No more empty lines in log[NEW] Added progressbar for auto refreshNote: Searching and sorting in ban list is not possible in this version.Expect a hotfix.v0.7[FIX] No more beep sound when pressing enter in search or input field[NEW] Pressing escape in search or input field now wipes text[NEW] Added search button[NEW] Search won't search after each letter anymore[NEW] Auto refresh interval can now be set in settings[NEW] Filter options for script restrictions messages[NEW] Filter options for log errors[NEW] DaRT can now start without GUI to complete simple tasks[NEW] You can now copy Host:Port from the saved hosts[FIX] No more errors when copying to clipboard on saved hosts dialog[FIX] You can now properly refresh player database/ban list while auto refresh is enabled[FIX] Refresh button is now enabled for player database in offline mode[FIX] Fixed a crash when pressing Load while no host is selected[NEW] You can now also filter global and side chat[NEW] Option to not request player/ban list on connect[NEW] Moved input textfield a little bit upv0.6.1[FIX] Crash on startupv0.6[FIX] Alot of serverside changes[NEW] Player Database will now show server IP player was last seen on[NEW] More changes to player database (DaRT will convert automatically)[NEW] You can now copy all data via Copy -> All[FIX] Log window now supports UTF-8 characters (ä, ü, russian, ...) (Thanks to Sawyer and darkwoox!)[FIX] Some people unable to connect due to timeout (Thanks to Sawyer!)[FIX] Memory leak causing over 500MB being used by DaRT and eventually crashing it (Thanks to darkwoox!)[FIX] Crash when copying while list is refreshing[FIX] GameTracker banner now properly realigns on resize[FIX] DaRT will now switch to Players tab on connect to prevent crashes[FIX] Ban requests will now timeout instead of showing invalid data[NEW] Geolocation is now using a new service provider[NEW] Refresh messages are now disabled by default[NEW] Location data is now cached to reduce traffic[NEW] DaRT will now properly set a user agent so it can be identified[FIX] Timestamps are now properly formatted to be actually usefulNote: Player sync didn't make it into v0.6Fix for disabling auto scroll didn't make it either. Expect a hotfix.v0.5[FIX] DaRT will now properly show the Initializing state[FIX] Flags/country codes not matching[NEW] Refresh scripts is now under "Execute..."[NEW] Refresh bans is now under "Execute..."[NEW] Refresh events is now under "Execute..."[NEW] Shutdown is now under "Execute..."[NEW] You can now lock the server under "Execute..."[NEW] You can now unlock the server under "Execute..."[NEW] You can now manually ban a GUID from DaRT under "Execute..."[FIX] Removed milliseconds from player database timestamp[FIX] DaRT won't connect to ports where no RCon service is running anymore. (Thanks to Sawyer!)[FIX] Console still scrolling even if auto scroll is disabled[NEW] You can now maximize DaRT[NEW] You can now scale DaRTv0.4[NEW] You can now reorder the columns of the list[NEW] The ban list is not affected by the auto refresh anymore[NEW] You can now rightclick to clear the chatbox[NEW] DaRT can now write a log file (enable in settings)[NEW] Settings are now shown with a different layout[NEW] Country code will now be shown beneath each flag[FIX] Admins are now checked to prevent duplicate ips[FIX] Admin counter showing 1 admin too much[FIX] Fixed a crash when loading the player database[NEW] New version of BattleNET (Thanks to Sawyer!)[NEW] Removed ability to report players via Player Database[FIX] Ban window will now properly close if not reporting[NEW] DaRT is now able to display news messages, for new updates and news[FIX] Icons on dialogs is now shown properly[NEW] Will now show an confirmation before shutting down[NEW] You are now able to sort lists by columnsv0.3[NEW] Chat filter settings[NEW] Improved ban dialog to make it more simple[NEW] Option to enable/disable player database[NEW] Option to enable/disable hosts database[NEW] Option to enable/disable auto scrolling[NEW] Option to enable/disable timestamps[FIX] DaRT does not properly display ban list if too long[NEW] Button to shutdown[NEW] Button to reload bans[NEW] Button to reload events[NEW] Player and ban count are not shown in log anymore[NEW] DaRT won't refresh anymore when switching to a different tab[FIX] DaRT sometimes crashes when another process is using the clipboard[NEW] Loading hosts[FIX] Added handler for bans without reason causing ban list to not be shown[FIX] Added timeout to ban request[FIX] GUI not being enabled after closing ban window[FIX] Timestamp in player database showing milliseconds[FIX] Some smaller bug fixesNote: DaRT still sometimes fails to request the ban list, just request it again, it will work.DaRT can't copy host/port from load host window into clipboard.v0.2.6 (Hotfix)[FIX] Fixed crash when requesting flags[NEW] DaRT will save every host when clicking on connect[NEW] Updated folder structureNote: If you want to keep your player database move it from /data/players.db to /data/db/players.dbv0.2.5[NEW] DaRT will now escape all the input and output from the database to prevent sql injections and crashes[NEW] Increased security for DaRTBans to prepare for first public release[NEW] DaRTBans will suggest you to register your server on GameTracker now[NEW] Decreased border size[FIX] Fixed crash when location of IP could not be determined (will now show a ?)v0.2.4[NEW] Improved checks before connecting to a server[FIX] Fixed a crash when closing the window while a worker thread is running (will now exit thread properly)v0.2.3[FIX] Fixed a crash if invalid server information is entered[FIX] Fixed a crash when BattlEye fails to respond[FIX] Fixed a crash when BattlEye sends response twice (will now flag as invalid and request again)v0.2.2[NEW] Added DaRTBans for testing[REM] Removed debug consolev0.2.1[NEW] Added multi threading to process user input fasterv0.2[NEW] Added flags for each user based on ip address[NEW] Integrated GameTracker[NEW] New network configuration for faster requestsv0.1[NEW] First releaseFeedbackFeel free to post any feedback in this thread.I will read it all.CreditsDaRT is made by me, feel free to do with it whatever you like.DaRT uses BattleNET by Vipeax and ziellos2k (Sawyer).Beans go to both of them. Edited October 11, 2015 by DomiStyle 82 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 5 Posted August 11, 2012 Wouldn't let me login to my server, also are there any other threads about this program before this one? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
domistyle 221 Posted August 11, 2012 Wouldn't let me login to my server, also are there any other threads about this program before this one?No, I just released this now.Is RCon running on your server?In order for RCon to run there needs to be a config for it in your BattlEye folder together with the dlls.RConPassword needs to be set in the config. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ryahn 112 Posted August 11, 2012 So I love you. I can run multiple ones and so far its stable. I have been using BERcon since Arma 2 Rcon GUI crashes on bans Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
domistyle 221 Posted August 11, 2012 (edited) So I love you. I can run multiple ones and so far its stable. I have been using BERcon since Arma 2 Rcon GUI crashes on bansYou are welcome, exactly why I made it.Multi server support comes after I come back from vacation. Edited August 11, 2012 by DomiStyle Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snagglefox 8 Posted August 11, 2012 Will this work with managed servers? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
domistyle 221 Posted August 11, 2012 Will this work with managed servers?Yes, you just have to set a RCon password first. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ryahn 112 Posted August 11, 2012 Will this work with managed servers?It should as long as you have a BEServer.cfg with a RConPassword passwordhere in it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snagglefox 8 Posted August 11, 2012 I have my Rcon PW set but it still says invalid. All the info is correct when I put it in. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
domistyle 221 Posted August 11, 2012 I have my Rcon PW set but it still says invalid. All the info is correct when I put it in.Where did you set your password?Is it in the BeServer.cfg?Can you connect with BERCon? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
instynct 99 Posted August 11, 2012 Really good tool, thanks. Btw @ above you need to reboot server after changing password. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snagglefox 8 Posted August 11, 2012 (edited) Where did you set your password?Is it in the BeServer.cfg?Can you connect with BERCon?Never used BERcon but I'll give it a try in a bit to see if it works.Server is managed by Vilayer, I set the PW in the beserver.cgf it has. Edited August 11, 2012 by snagglefox Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snagglefox 8 Posted August 11, 2012 Got it working. For some reason when I set the password it wouldn't update the actual file. Yet I was able to use the set password in-game. Had to delete the BEServer_active.cfg file so it could redownload with the new password. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kiotie 23 Posted August 12, 2012 This is great! Awesome work! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ryahn 112 Posted August 12, 2012 Domi, would I be able to have permission to package to this in with my install for my server watch tool? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
domistyle 221 Posted August 12, 2012 Domi, would I be able to have permission to package to this in with my install for my server watch tool?Sure, go on. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
echosyp 56 Posted August 12, 2012 Works like a charm Domi. RCon kept disconnecting me all the time. So far this is doing great and looks better to me. Thanks a lot for making it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
selgald 11 Posted August 12, 2012 i like there an easy way to make translations? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
domistyle 221 Posted August 12, 2012 i like there an easy way to make translations?What language do you want?German? I can easily translate it to german if you want, I speak german too. ;)If any other language I will see if I can include an easy translation file. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
selgald 11 Posted August 12, 2012 What language do you want?German? I can easily translate it to german if you want, I speak german too. ;)If any other language I will see if I can include an easy translation file.Ja deutsch wäre super :)Ich persönlich würde gerne noch ein "Adminrechte" system dabei haben.Unser Server hat mehrer Admins, aber ich möchte nicht das z.b alle davon bannen können aufgrund der stregenen regeln bei dayz ^^Ist sowas machbar?//For the others:german would be niceand the other thing i would like to see a system were i can grant different admins differents rights on a server Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
domistyle 221 Posted August 12, 2012 Unser Server hat mehrer Admins, aber ich möchte nicht das z.b alle davon bannen können aufgrund der stregenen regeln bei dayz ^^Ist sowas machbar?and the other thing i would like to see a system were i can grant different admins differents rights on a serverDas ist leider nicht möglich per RCon.Die einzige Möglichkeit wäre den Admins einfach keinen RCon Zugriff zu geben.This is not possible with RCon.The only possibility is to not give RCon rights to every admin. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MarKeR (DayZ) 57 Posted August 12, 2012 Doesn't seem to to see my ban.txt file,Does it have to be in a precise folder for your prog to see it?Thanks and good work so far! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
domistyle 221 Posted August 12, 2012 The bans are taken directly from RCon. If there are no bans listed there are no bans issued. Did you place the bans.txt in the correct place? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MarKeR (DayZ) 57 Posted August 12, 2012 Yeah...My normal version of rcon loads them no problem. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites