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Should Day Z have trains on the track? Opintion wanted

Should Day Z have trains on the track?  

74 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Day Z have trains on the track?

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This post is too vague, working trains? Or broken down ones? If broken, WHY? Other than aesthetic, in which case the game could use more all over aesthetic, or random events to come across.

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No. And the reason? Have you ever seen the AI in Arma drive? even with very close constant waypointing it would not stay on the track.

Edited by S_poon

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A public, AI driven train would fix the "I want to play with my friends but I spawned in Kamenkha and they spawned in Solichny" problem, without the need for a stupid and almost gamebreaking "spawn with mah buddies" mechanic that Rocket is currently looking into.

It would also give snipers something to aim at, would reduce the difference in mobility between clans and newbies, would increase traffic in/to Berezino, provide a fun lil' happening, strengthen the illusion of a more alive world filled with risk and reward, give people something to fight over for control, etc.

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But none AI driven Train, but driven by players(of course they have to be repaired like any other vehicle).

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I would love to see the engine in cherno (i think) working/needing to be fixed.

depending on if devs want a sandbox game or not, this would be really cool and simply add another aspect to the game. and yeah, the train would attract attention, so you really need to weigh your options before using it!

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finally something that can carry all my loot :D.

Edited by Knollte

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Have a steam locomotive + 1 passenger car + 1 cargo car at Cherno. In order to repair it you need - 3 engine parts, 6 scrap metal and 10 wood - will be able to run from one part of the island and back (one big run around the coast - basically a loop). Then it will need to be repaired again (any locomotive requires a lot of maintenance). In order for it to run again (after the first time) - 3 metal and 20 wood.

In order to balance it - no storage (but you can take a car with you in the cargo car), needs 2 drivers (one drives it, while the other does the wood loading animation), nothing spawns on it (including other players - you spawn on the coast if you alt-f4).

I see it like this - the cargo car is open (no roof) and has a ramp, which allows you to drive a car onto it (not a bus). The passenger car should be a standard Russian Railroads passenger car - see below (they are the most popular type of car in the former USSR). The locomotive should leave you open to being killed (and, obviously, the drivers can't fire at anyone), however you could fire from the passenger car.


Edited by im123

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Yes , but a working train , maybe without fuel but in good shape , so we can drive him. It would be more faster to travel :)

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No its a zombie Apocalypse trains wouldn't be riding on the tracks. unless it was some sort of mobile vendor that there would finally be a currency so some npc rides around the tacks and stops at train stops at train stops and you are able to trade beans or something in a quantity to buy guns, ammo, vehicle parts. But this would also be a prime for snipers where they could kill all players that leave the vendor with new shit.

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There could be random train spawns on train tracks that have zombies all around them just like a crashed hele. It should be drivable and run on fuel just like any other vehicle would, with the normal maintenance that comes with a vehicle.

Or you could do kinda what im123 was saying except make the second player shovel coal into the engine instead of wood (this would also add some new items like a shovel that you can kill things with and coal).

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  • Trains will let people meet up with newly spawned friends. Yes, but Rocket is introducing a new system that you can start a party and you will all spawn togeather. (In the standalone ofcourse)
  • Anyone who gets on it will be killed by mingers, think about it. If theres a place where lots of people go, there will be snipers ontop of hills waiting for people to get in, or someone with a satchel charge ready to blow up the whole thing.
  • It would be a hell of a lot of work for the Devs, for something that would ruin the game.

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You guys are fucking idiots, I'm sorry this is a terrible idea.

Do you have any idea of the costs involved in maintaining a railway system!? As if the engine itself isn't expensive enough!

And what fucking use is a train in an apocalypse? Being on rails means you have to leave it behind to explore anywhere.

You need a functioning infrastructure for a railway system to be of any use whatsoever, I would have thought that was bloody obvious!

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I would love to see people using the train as some sort of Shop or hospital thing. would be an good idea for people like that.

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NO!! go play train simulator 2012 if you want to do this trains should have no part in dayz

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Voted no for working trains.

Broken down ones for asthetic/landmark reasons? Why not.

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I do not like the idea of player-driven trains, but an automated, indestructible train that went up and down the main coastal railroad and could get you from Kamenka to Berenzino in a half hour- 45 min would be nice. It'd make stops at the train stops for each town and people could get in and stuff.

Hell, maybe there could be an instanced wagon where players could meet up and chat/heal/exchange items. The one safe area in Chernarus, constantly moving up and down the coast.

Edited by LatinGeek
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I do not like the idea of player-driven trains, but an automated, indestructible train that went up and down the main coastal railroad and could get you from Kamenka to Berenzino in a half hour- 45 min would be nice.

Hell no. Next thing you know, there's Pandas as playable race...

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I think some kind of train would be awesome, and good for transport IF there was some sort of metro system that spreads out in-land. having the option to liver underground and having guard posts at each station would be a dream for me considering how large the map could be. If you have seen footage or played the game METRO 2033 they also have hand motorized train carts in which on or two people would operate the cart carrying equipment and people to the next checkpoint. IMAGINE THAT GUY'S D:

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