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Siggy (DayZ)

(Rocket) Why are we logging in on the coast

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I have a feeling this bug has something to do with the ghillie suits again. Where any of you guys wearing ghillies before you got teleported on the beach?

I, too, have a ghillie.

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How the hell do they expect me to heal people? I can't be on every server at once. Frequent server changing is part of my job.

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You know what the best part of this is? I have to cycle through a few severs before finding one that isn't running like literal garbage. The greatest response I've seen on this forum from someone about abysmally slow load times and horrid ping was "it's an alpha, power through it", this mod is a god damn landmine marathon.

I like finding a low-ping server with few enough people that I'm fairly safe from hackers, spend 5-7 minutes loading, and then discovering that the server, despite it's 32 ms ping, lags about 2 seconds behind :P

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I have to log into different servers because there are so many and I can never find the same one. This "fix" is punishment even for people just trying to play the game normally.

Between the coast spawning and the graphical glitches, I'm at near loss of patience for this mod.

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I like finding a low-ping server with few enough people that I'm fairly safe from hackers, spend 5-7 minutes loading, and then discovering that the server, despite it's 32 ms ping, lags about 2 seconds behind :P

My absolute favorite part of the game. I also love how unstable the servers are, currently I'm about to be booted from a server for connection loss. Weird, this doesn't happen in any other game. wonky wonky wonky wonky wonk.

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Just switched servers to one that a friend is in only to be sniped while i was loading in on the coast, this needs to be fixed asap not everyone uses the same server.....

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This game is no longer playable imo. It's not just this specific bug (that everyone is having issues with) that bothers me, but the decision making made by the developer/s. Lost whatever interest I had in this game (unless I see a major change in the way this game is developed). Looking forward to other games of a similar nature.

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After the “Hack Attack” last Thursday on “LU 192” where we were all transported to the beach and attacked by those who did the Hack job, with hardly any blood left in me, I crawled into the woods, killed a pig and ate. Slowly I worked my way back up North (I am a survivor).


I`m looking for a server I can move on. I find it best to play on a server where it takes less than five minutes for that “Chernarus and location/days alive” information to click up and off.

So there I am, lying under a tree in the wilderness, waiting to spawn

And then…

Is it another “Hack Attack”?

I’m on the beach again.

Last night took be hours to get back up north. Now I have to do it again.

I get about half way up North. Decide to stop the game a while (it is quite a run).

Then when I log in… BEACH!!!

No F*****g way?


Finally I make it to the safety of the hills, and go exploring. I make a few very tentative game stops and wait in the lobby, testing to see if I will be logged in at the beach again.

Everything seems fine, all that’s needed is to make sure you have logged out and back in on the same server.

A good DayZ day.

Until I log back in (after an evening with the family) finally finding a server that didn’t hold me for more than Ten minutes in “LOADING”

F***ing Beach my ass!!!

All I have done for three days in DayZ is run from the Beach

From the infected? No

From Bandits? No

From Hackers yes

Worst of all is… I`m running because I wanted to play DayZ.

I`m logged of now. Somewhere on a beach.

I won’t be back. Not until I know I`m safe… from the…

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Spawning at the beach every 2 server connects now. It's pretty ridiculous. I can't even take off my ghillie to see if it has any effect since I have no civilian clothing.


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wait, so me and my friend trekked from the beach all the way near NWAF on a 50+ server , and made it there alive, got late at night and just logged for the night so that tomorrow we can repeat?

if this is a counter measure/feature to stop loot spot farming. you are DOING IT WRONG!




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If they want us to stay on one server why not set up a system like WOW has.

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I'm admiring the fact Rocket or any forum mod/admin has stepped up to address us yet of this issue.

Please respond

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This has NOTHING to do with ghillie suits. I have had this problem the past 2 days (I didn't get it this morning). I updated before logging in today thinking it may have fixed the problem, apparently it may not have. I do wear a ghillie suit but a friend of mine does not and he has also had this happen to him.

Those people who keep saying "I have a ghillie too" need to reread the thread. This isn't related to ghillies. Just to make it clear.

Just play safe, if you're in a far away place you'd rather not run to, don't risk it. It didn't happen to me this morning but I likely won't even try to log back in and risk the hour long run.

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Keep letting rocket and his team know how you feel guys, we need this changed or fixed right now, i don't even want to play, the game was pretty much unplayable before this started happening due to hackers, now it just is unplayable, im losing interest in it real quick.

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theres no WAY this is a feature..

why would you be punished for stopping playing ???

if this is currently " working as intended" im basicly done with this..

im NOT walking in from the beach every time i decide to play DayZ.. sorry but thats just stupid (assuming you havent just died of course)

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umad server hoppers?

Yeah because it's our fault when a server won't load or the ping goes thru the roof.

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Don't make such a broad statement like this game is unplayable, it's a mod for starters and this game is unplayable for YOU.

Never play again then and stop posting here, one less person that I don't have to see daily complaining.

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Havent seen this 'spawn back at beach' issue yet. Playing with 2 mates running latest versions and changing servers whenever we need to.

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Don't make such a broad statement like this game is unplayable, it's a mod for starters and this game is unplayable for YOU.

Never play again then and stop posting here, one less person that I don't have to see daily complaining.

That's a pretty stupid attitude. Yes, this is a mod. Yes, it is an alpha mod at that.

Yes, it is our job to find and report bugs. It is also our duty to help rocket & co determine what features are working and which ones need to be changed immediately. Maybe most people here are complaining, but they have a right to. Just because this isn't happening to YOU doesn't mean it doesn't matter. It's happening to someone, and that in itself is enough of a reason to have a thread about the issue so that we can get rocket's attention to this very dire issue. Even if it only effects 1% of the playerbase, this is a gamebreaking bug for that 1%. That's just unacceptable. Noone is expecting rocket to fix it this very instant, but he needs to get it done ASAP.

I don't even know if I am effected by this 'feature' since I can't play yet, but the fact that it's effecting these people is pretty serious.

Don't expect anyone to give a damn when you're unable to play due to some broken feature or random bug if you're going to be such an ass about it.

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